Chapter 7: Genjutsu Beast, Spar Finish and Rasengan Perfection

## Previously ##

His Sharingan activated, and Minato was in shock until Senshi shouted, "Genjutsu - Sharingan!", and Minato saw black.

## Now - Senshi's Genjutsu ##

Minato thought, "What is this? Did Senshi just trap me in a genjutsu?" Then he suddenly saw a strange shape looming over him. It looked like a monstrous beast with sharp teeth, claws like daggers, and blood-red Sharingan eyes that seemed to stare into your soul and know what you thought. Terrified, Minato began thinking of ways to break the illusion, but he couldn't find any as the monster was going to eat him.

## Real World ##

Senshi knew that his Sharingan had activated, but he didn't know why Minato-sensei had suddenly frozen in place. He then remembered that he had shouted "Genjutsu - Sharingan!" and realized that he had succeeded in placing Minato-sensei in an illusion. He congratulated himself, then decided to break Minato free. He activated the First Gate and punched Minato in the gut, sending him flying. Minato got up, dazed from the impact, and then said, "Senshi, that was a good genjutsu, please never put me in one again." Senshi said, "Okay. Now can we continue battling?" Minato said, "Sure." Senshi said, "Good.", before creating two shadow clones, one which began attacking Minato who parried with his kunai, while the other stayed back with the original. The original Senshi performed a few hand seals while shouting, "Horse -> Dragon -> Boar! Fire Style: Yūdaina Hono no Ryū (Majestic Flame Dragon)!", while the clone did the same while shouting, "Bird -> Monkey -> Hare! Wind Style: Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)!" The two jutsu merged and both the clone and the original simultaneously shouted, "Fire/Wind Combination Jutsu: Sodaina Burēkusurūfaiadoragon (Majestic Breakthrough Fire Dragon)!" The result was a giant fire dragon which began turning all the wood around it to ash. Minato ran but the dragon began catching up, so he threw a kunai in the air, above the trees and teleported to it, dodging the dragon. Abruptly, Senshi's voice rang out, "Boar -> Hare -> Ox! Lightning Style: Kaminari no Chītā (Lightning Cheetah)!", and lightning formed into the shape of a cheetah burst through the trees and began chasing Minato. Minato dodged the cheetah, but it continued to pursue and home in on him, so Minato weaved a few hand seals and said, "Dog -> Horse -> Bird! Wind Style: Toppa (Breakthrough)!", creating a gust of wind which caused the cheetah to disperse into a burst of crackling static electricity. Minato began looking around and using his sensing abilities to find Senshi, and he found him. Using the mark he had placed on Senshi when he had kicked the small of Senshi's back, he teleported to Senshi, put a kunai to his throat and said, "Yield." Senshi said, "I yield. Good match, Minato-sensei." Minato removed the kunai and said, "You did good today. You did the Shadow Clone jutsu on the first try, and did well against me." Senshi said, "Thanks Minato-sensei. Anyway, I'll be heading home now. Bye!" Minato saw Senshi leave and waved while softly saying, "Bye..." On the way out of the training ground, Senshi saw the crater that Minato's sphere attack had made, and noticed it was shallow, around the size of a half sphere, with swirl marks culminating in the center. Senshi deduced that either the sphere Minato had made was either only supposed to damage enemies, not destroy things, or it was still incomplete. Senshi pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he arrived home. Kenji asked his older brother, "Nii-san, how did your training go?" Senshi said in reply, "It went well, but I'm exhausted. Sorry, I won't be able to train you today." Kenji slumped and said, "Aww.. Okay, nii-san." Senshi chuckled at his brother's actions and said, "Besides, we can always train again some other time." Kenji said, "Okay, thanks nii-san!" He joined everyone at the table, and as they were eating, his father asked, "So, how is your training coming along?" Senshi replied, "It's been going very well. I actually got a man named Minato Namikaze to train me. So far, he's taught me the Shadow Clone jutsu." When Reiko heard this, he fell backwards, and once he got back up, he said, "This man taught you a B-Rank Kinjutsu!?", to which Senshi nodded, "Yes, Father, he did, and I mastered it." Reiko then said to his son, "Good job. Just remember: make sure you don't overexert your chakra by making clones, otherwise, you might run out of chakra and die. Understand?" Senshi said, "Yes, Father." After dinner, Senshi said good night to his family,, then flopped on the bed as usual.

## Next Day ##

Senshi woke up, his body still fatigued from the training the previous day. He knew he had to go to the Academy, but he wanted to train more with Minato-sensei instead, but he realized that he could just make a shadow clone to go to the Academy, and so he did that. Senshi heard his clone say hello to his family, eat breakfast, and head out the door. He then put on his armor, an ANBU chestplate with gauntlets, gloves and a belt where he put his sword, under his regular clothes. He then snuck out the house, and proceeded to find Minato-sensei. He found him, and Minato asked, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the Academy?" Senshi replied, "I sent a shadow clone there." Minato said, "Oh. Okay then, let's train some more then." They arrived at the training ground and Senshi abruptly asked, "Minato-sensei, can you teach me that sphere jutsu you used?" Minato asked in reply, "Why? You do know that jutsu is incomplete, right?" Senshi said, "I know, I know. Just teach me it, please, Minato-sensei?" Minato said, "Okay, okay.", then created a sphere of chakra in his hand, and explained, "I'm trying to imitate a Bijuu-dama (Tailed Beast Ball), by spiraling and compressing chakra into a sphere which can break through, hopefully, stone." Senshi activated his Sharingan and analyzed the sphere in Minato's hand. He noticed the chakra inside the sphere was swirling in an infinite amount of directions, and that it was all compressed inside a dense shell of chakra. Using this as a guide, he focused his chakra into a sphere, swirled it with clockwise rotations, and compressed an immense amount of chakra into the shell. The result was a powerful, barely contained sphere of chakra. Minato did a very good impression of a fish out of water as he saw Senshi actually perfect the jutsu he had been working on for months, in just a few minutes no less. Senshi then slammed the sphere into the ground, and the shockwave propelled Senshi upward, and propelled Minato sideways. When both of them got back up, they saw a crater that was 1 foot and 3 inches with a radius of 3 feet. Shocked, Minato and Senshi turned to look at each other, then Minato said, "Teach me how to do that. You perfected my jutsu. Please show me how to as well.", to which Senshi replied with a deadpan, "Minato-sensei, you just need to compress more chakra into the sphere, and thicken the shell to accommodate the power." Minato said, "Oh. Okay, I'll try it." Minato then did the same as Senshi, and after a few tries, he was able to do the same as Senshi. He then asked Senshi, "What should I name this jutsu?", to which Senshi proposed, "How about... um.. How about 'Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)?', to which Minato said, "Perfect! Thanks Senshi! Ummm... Senshi, what are you doing?" The reason he said that was Senshi was stabbing the front of the Rasengan he made, like how the Hyuuga stab when they are using their Juuken (Gentle Fist) style. Suddenly, a beam of energy burst from the Rasengan, specifically, from the place that Senshi had been stabbing, blasting through some tree trunks and propelling Senshi backward toward a tree, then Minato caught him. Minato asked, "What're you doing, Senshi?" Senshi replied, "Minato-sensei, I had an idea that, if I break the Rasengan's shell in a certain spot, it would make a beam that could drill through stone and also negate the Rasengan's range limit. Turns out I didn't anticipate that the force would send me back. Well, whoops." Minato snorted and shook his head at his apprentice's antics. His apprentice could perfect his master's jutsu, yet he still sometimes acted like a kid. Senshi got back up and said, "Well, Minato-sensei, I gotta go, 'cuz my clone's starting to run out of chakra, and the clone's heading out of the Academy with Kakashi, Rin, and Obito. Bye!" Minato said, "Bye." Senshi then used the Body Flicker to arrive outside the Academy. He saw Obito, Rin and Kakashi conversing with the clone. They all looked forward, saw Senshi, and got confused, and in that moment, with perfect timing, the clone ran out of chakra and burst into smoke, startling the trio and making Obito jump a foot into the air. Senshi then doubled over with laughter at their funny reaction, and the info from the clone entered his mind. Rin then ran over and hit Senshi in the head, making him step back and Rin shouted, "That's not funny!" Senshi nursed his head and said, still chuckling, "That was pretty funny, admit it.", and he sifted through the clone info and remembered that the conversation between the trio and Senshi's clone was about how chakra worked, which Senshi knew too well. Obito then asked, "If you're the real Senshi, then how come, during the taijutsu spars, the clone got punched and didn't vaporize?" Senshi said, "It was a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone), not a normal bunshin. Oh, and also, looks like I beat you again, Kakashi." Kakashi slumped and said, "I hoped that your clone wouldn't give you it's memories." Senshi said, "I also mastered a new jutsu. Come on.", as he beckoned them to follow him. They followed him to a training ground, and he showed them his Rasengan. Obito asked, "What's so impressive about that? It's just a sphere.", to which Senshi said, "It's not the looks that make it strong, it's the power.", then Senshi accidentally leaked a bit of Wind Style chakra into the Rasengan, and he threw it. He thought, "Um.. what!?", then the Rasengan collided with a tree, splitting into two with an explosion. He then thought, "HOLY S***! Did I ACCIDENTALLY infuse a Rasengan with a nature, and make a Misairu Rasengan (Missile Rasengan)!? OMG!" His friends, meanwhile, had their jaws on the floor. Kakashi asked, "Did you learn that from Minato Namikaze?" Senshi said, "I actually perfected his own jutsu, which was this, and the fact that I threw it, that was an accident, so some Wind chakra may have accidentally leaked into it." Obito said, "Wait. So you ACCIDENTALLY threw it!?" Senshi said, "Yeah. Anyway, it's getting late, let's go home." The trio headed home, talking about Senshi's new jutsu. When Senshi was home, he realized he was fatigued from his clone's spars at the Academy. He, once again, couldn't train with his brother. So he ate dinner, went to his bedroom, and flopped asleep, tired but happy that he was able to master a new jutsu, especially one as powerful as the Rasengan.