
After leaving Valera to train with his master, he started to move in the direction of nekoshou village and according to intel gathered by clone there weren't that many people living in the village. The clone counted around 100 may be a few more because not everyone was in the village.

On the way Dexter started to think, does he really need to make them his wives after all everyone don't have same preferences and came to a conclusion that, he didn't had that kind of charm to attract all the girls, may be a few will like him but not everyone and if he really forced them to be with him, he would be taking their freedom which he wanted to give them. So he made a firm decision to give each and every one of the girls associated with him freedom to choose but once they choose him they can never leave him.

While thinking of these things he finally reached the village. Although he had already seen the village in memory of clone, but looking at it now he really felt that he need to move them from this place. The village has nothing but broken huts were small children in the village could be seen helping adults or playing among themself.

When he moved inside the village he heard the talk of a few village elders that wanted to rescue some nekoshou child who got kidnapped by a devil.

After touring throughout the village, he felt that all of them were united in these circumstances and he really felt that he needed to change their destiny.

So after thinking and seeing everyone in the village that were present, he moved towards the village head house who was busy sorting some documents. This scene reminded him of naruto hokage who was always busy with the documents which made him laugh out loud.

"Who's there?" the village head stood from her chair while searching for the source of sound and asked.

She was a beauty in her mid 20's by looks and had a body to die for and had brown cat ears. Seeing an unknown man in her room she became really nervous because she understood either he was extreme powerful or belongs to a powerful clan.

Dexter really wanted to see her tail but it was under her dress so he gave up, But seeing her nervous face Dexter just gave an awkward smile and said, "Hello Village head, I want to help the nekoshou village and want to take you all away from here."

"Before you talk all big and mighty, at least introduce yourself first. Its basic knowledge you know." saying that she sat back in her chair while Dexter was there in an awkward position. Seeing her sit Dexter also took the chair in her front while muttering in a low voice," there goes my first impression. "

Hearing his mutter she gave an amusing smile, but changed her face to serious one and started to observe. Seeing that he was able to dissolve the situation he gave a smile and said, "You have a beautiful smile you know."

Hearing his compliments she wasn't impressed and just looked at him and finally she asked, "So which house do you belong to and why did they send you suddenly. I know I have loaned a lot of money from many but I will pay it back as soon as I can. Can you extend few days I don't want to sacrifice any more children."

Seeing that Dexter didn't reply she started to become anxious, then Dexter said slowly" I am not from any clan of devil. I am human with a few powers and could protect you guys from devil. I know that you have been treated as a commodity in this world, first by your own Yokai faction who sold you out to the devils for a peace agreement but after you guys came to underworld there were a lot of experiments done on you for your unique magic and I know, you still feel insecure by my sudden appearances, but feel relive that I don't have any thoughts about harming you."

Hearing his explanation she was really shocked then asked to confirm," are you really a human, how can you confirm about your self?" hearing her believe him a little he transformed into his natural sage mode. Feeling pure senjutsu energy around him she again became shocked. Dexter had already put the house in space seal so that no one could feel his energy. After he transformed back to normal Village head finally regain her composer and started to mutter, "So it was all true, but he didn't look like him. But his energy is so pure it must be him no one else in this world could have such pure sage energy except him." hearing her strange mutter Dexter became confused thinking who she was talking about, but was stunned after hearing the question," Is this your original face? "

"No, it's not. But how did you guessed? "Dexter asked a little intrigued.

After hearing his confirmation she got up from her seat and moved towards a corner then she made a few hand sign and magically a box appeared out of thin air which was held as if it was her most prized treasure. It was a small box sized 3/4 sq foot. And when she opened it, it contained a recording crystal which is normally used in underworld and parchment.

"Before we talk any further you need to drop your blood on this parchment." hearing her say that Dexter took out a dagger from air and slightly cut his finger and a drop of blood fell on the parchment which turned into smoke leaving a few letters behind, "HE IS THE ONE."

Seeing those letters the village heads eyes turned moist and almost broke down in tears she stood up from her seat and bowed, "Master we waited for you for a long time."

Seeing this development it was Dexter's turn to be stunned, "You were waiting for me, how could you wait for me?"

Then she showed him the recording crystal and it contained his original face and natural sage transformation. Seeing this he became even more confused.

Seeing his confused face village head started to explain," Master let me first introduce myself, I am Sara, Village head and most powerful nekoshou in the village. Your arrival was told to us by first village head at end of her life. So after demise every new village head, high level elders and all the adult nekoshou were made aware of it and was told to wait for your arrival. Master please punish me as I was not able to save everyone from the devils." while saying this her eyes were filled with anger and resignation towards her fate after sobbing for a few min she continued," every 20 year the most powerful nekoshou will cleanse body of her villagers by technique passed down by first village head, it will cleanse all of the devil aura from the body so that the remaining villagers can practice sage art but it will always leave the performer for forbidden art on death bed. It has been five years since last time the art was performed so the devil energy isn't that concentrated and if you want to take anyone as your maid or concubine it should be ok for now as it won't affect you. "

Hearing all this Dexter became depressed but decided in his heart that he will never let them suffer again," I was here to save each and every one of you from this place because I want to protect you and make you guys my family but since you are already willing to follow me, I won't complicate things but I will take everyone's responsibility and about becoming maid and concubine you don't need to worry I won't make anyone my concubine I will marry every girl who will love me. Now, I want you to summon everyone back to village except for the one contacted by devil I will save them personally and make me the list of children kidnapped or the members who joined the devils unwillingly and location you think they are in."

Hearing his command she got to work and within 3 hours everyone was back in village but with a lot of confusion.

Seeing that everyone has returned and were standing in village compound Dexter put a barrier in that area. There weren't a lot of them 70 adults with 50 children a total of 120 and in 3 hours Dexter clarified a lot of his doubts as he didn't see any male in the village and this was because when nekoshou give birth they will always birth girl and only few can give birth as most of them can't find worthy men and decide to live life single. So after a lot of hardship test tube baby technology was invented and used to birth nekoshou. But that also came to end when they were unable to maintain the running cost and it also required human sperm, as only the human sperm is clear of all the negative energy to birth a nekoshou. It was costly to travel dimension and at this moment they were unable to protect them self so how would they be able to protect their new born.

After seeing that everyone was present, Sara began to tell them about the words first village head left before she died. Although all adult nekoshou knew about it but children were shocked to hear this. Finally she told them that their time here is finished and they will be following their new master but it requires a ceremony and vow from both side. She took the crystal out of the box and said," Master we are ready to follow you but are you willing to except each and every one of us if you are then drop your blood on crystal."

Seeing the seriousness of issue Dexter dropped his blood on the crystal which was followed by Sara's drop of blood when both of drop combined on crystal a weird energy entered Dexter's body and he felt being connected to each of the nekoshou he can feel there insecurity, fear and uncertainty towards the future so he transmitted his felling of protection and love towards them and each of the nekoshou fell on their feet and vowed to follow him until eternity.

Seeing this scene Dexter also said in solemn tone, " I promise you that from today no one will ever bully you or experiment on you. I will protect you to my last breath. And now that you have become my family you will never live in fear as I will personally train you to be on top of this universe. I want you to collect all your possessions we will be moving from this place in an hour." After he finished his speech all the nekoshou stood up and looked with star in their eyes towards Dexter and moved to collect their possessions.

When only Sara and Dexter remain in the compound Sara became red in the face and said," there was an error in the vow you just made, now you will have to take responsibility for everyone including me."

Saying this she kissed him on his cheek and ran to her cabin and closed the door, but Dexter was still able to see her red face.

Seeing that everything he thought previously was for naughty he gave a long deep sigh, but immediately became cheerful because he was prepared for it from the day he was born but wasn't sure if he will be accepted and now that it has came to this, he can't just leave these beautiful girls to faith. He made a shameless decision to love each and every girl who was willing to be with him.(and laughed in his mind shamelessly).