Getting punched!!!??

Everyone was standing, with Sara in lead and the women who came out with him also joined the crowed, leaving Dexter alone on the entrance of child care.

Seeing this, Dexter became puzzled and asked with a smile," What's going on girls? Are you thinking on getting away from me? But I am really sorry to inform you that you girls have now become a hostage."(Dexter said while transforming into an ugly devil and giving a typical villain laugh)

Seeing this many children became scared and Sara gave a sigh," Could you stop that act, you are scaring the children." She said in a strict tone.

Hearing the reprimand of Sara, Dexter gave a typical "Yes mama" response while undoing his transformation. Although he hasn't shown his real face but he has told Sara his age in passing.

"We are here to welcome you and to take an eternal oath of loyalty to you. But you went and ruined the entire atmosphere." Sara said in a fed up tone.

Hearing this he also became serious, as it was an oath which will bind them together throughout the eternity and maybe beyond. It was an oath to be taken by a girl of Nekoshou clan that would bind her to a man and this oath could only taken only once in their life time. with this oath they would be bounded with his life, that means they will live die if he die but he would live if they die. it was a cruel oath and a life changing decision for a Nekoshou.

Dexter looked at everyone seriously and asked while looking seriously at Sara," Are you sure about this? You know that I don't want to bind your lifes with me. Although I very much want to bind you girls with me but I don't want to bind us with such a cruel oath. But do the children even know what they are doing?"

Hearing this Sara gave a sweet smile and said," Yes, everyone here knows what they are doing and don't look at them like normal children. Their age is higher than yours, while living in underworld every one of us has developed a skill that could feel the innermost though of someone we come in contact with and it did save many of us from devils."

While Sara was saying this everyone else was giving a nod as if telling him that everything was true and they chose to do it willingly. Seeing this Dexter gave a nod," OK, If you girls have decided, then I, don't have any objection as I won't be dieing no matter what happens in the future. But there is one more person who is missing, if you want to take an oath. So I will go and get her first and since this is an important occasion, I want every one of you to dress nicely I will come back max in 24 hours. I will create a dressing room in each house for you." Saying this he disappeared from place leaving everyone puzzled.

"System I want you to install a panel in the dressing room of each house through which they can select any dress that they want to wear." Dexter said in his mind and created a dressing room in each house.

*Ding, Yes host, It will cost 100,000 points and you can create as many panels as you like in the future without restriction for the clothing section. But the cloths are only made of ordinary materials which are present in mortal world. Do you need anything else?*

'Yes, Buy me chef skill from skokugeki no soma. I want experience of each of the top chefs present in the series with the skills of leading character.'

*Alright host it will cost 20,000 sp and you will feel confused for a little.* and with that he was bombarded with new memories, which took only a few seconds to assimilate in his mind.

After a few moments he regained his calm and extended room in each house was fitted with a Giant mirror which acts as a panel for purchase.

'Oh, system nice work I forgot about the mirrors.'

*Ding, You are welcome host.*

Sara was standing in the same place with blank look. As she was unable to comprehend what was going on. But knowing him she just shook her head and ordered everyone to see what that idiot meant.

Everyone started to move towards their house and Sara also followed suit, only to be greeted by a room with mirror and a instruction manual hovering in its front. As soon as she read the manual her eyes went wide and a beautiful smile formed on her face. As she started to play with different outfits and style. Same thing was happening all over the houses after all it was in a nature of female to be at their best in front her loved one.

Sensing all this with his divine sense Dexter gave a happy nod and moved towards the garden, were he created a few shadow clones and ingredients for party. Food was to be made by his clones and he put a space barrier in that part of garden so that no one would be able to feel anything.

After taking care of everything he moved to the place where Valera was practicing with his master. she was in deep meditation at the moment. It was the best way to practice sage arts. Dexter had already kept an eye on her and her progress; he would come and see her from a distance everyday for at least half an hour. As it was instruction from his master to not disturb her in any way possible.

When he woke up there was a mental message left by his master that 1st phase of her training has finished which he was only able to read in the few moments he was alone in bathroom

Feeling that Dexter was watching them, his master appeared on his side," So Brat, finally you came. I never thought you would be able to keep away from her." he said with a satisfied smile," She has come a long way in this month, but did prepared for what I asked you to do?"

"Yes master, everything is ready. But she needs to complete her second training for that." Dexter said while giving a respectful bow to his master.

"So why are you here?" His master asked.

"Master Nekoshou wants to take their oaths and I want to take Valera with me to introduce them to each other and this will also help her in training." Dexter said.

"Yeah, her heart is too dependent on you and it would do her good if she is able to have her girl talk and make some friend." Master replied.

After having their talk, they both moved in front of Valera ,feeling someone familiar in her front, she opened her eyes and jumped in Dexter's embrace and started to beat on his chest while crying her eyes out.

"Idiot, Idiot…. Why didn't you come to meet me in secret? I almost died from loneliness and even master won't let me see you." She said while crying and beating his chest out.

Dexter felt really lucky to have a Saiyan body otherwise his body would surely have caved in with all the force she was putting in beating him," My honey lemon, you do know that it hurts right?"

Hearing him she finally remembered that she finished first part of training and was no longer mortal. She felt a little embarrassed," Sorry dear, But it was all your fault, since you suddenly appeared in my front, I forgot that I trained. I felt really lonely you know." she said while giving a puppy eye.

"All right, all right, don't give me that look." Then he looked toward his master and said," Master, I want to train her for the second part. As she will need a little mental support in that part, what do you think!?"

"All right then, I won't disturb you lovers. Do what you want. I will be supervising her either way." Master replied and vanished from the spot.

"All right, are you happy now!? He even gave me a death glare because of you." Dexter replied weakly.

"Hehe, who told you to ignore me for so long?" Valera said giving a sly smile and Dexter prayed in his heart that he would be able to survive his next training from his master.

He put this at back of his head and held her in his embrace and looking in her eyes for a long time, then gave a long deep kiss, which left both of them panting for air.

"All right time for you to meet your kin." Dexter said and he could even feel that she was little excited to meet them. So he moved towards the Nekoshou village and in to Sara's house. As it was the best place for introduction.


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