
As soon as the system finished saying, his master appeared on his side and started to look at him with full concentration, any kind of defect couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

"So boy you finally reached the peak of ultimate class. Good good good." His master said while nodding, While Dexter only gave a nod to his praise.

"Looks like, you really have the potential to reach the top. Now, let's talk about cultivation.

Cultivation is the only journey to reach immortality. The denser the energy present in your body, the better it is for cultivation. This is the reason you didn't start to cultivate, it was due to your bloodline, which instinctively stopped you from cultivating.

There are three stage of any energy, first is loose or you could call it like air that is currently present in your body, second is when you concentrate/compact that energy to the extent that it becomes liquid, that is the energy, that takes you above the ultimate class or it could be called demi lord/ demi god class and finally when you compress this liquid energy further, so that it becomes solid, that is the stage when you reach god/ lord class. These are further divided into initial, intermediate, high and peak class. Are you following me?"

"Yes master" Dexter said while nodding.

"Now let's talk about the dream world and dream energy. It's a unique world that contains a unique energy. This energy can change according to the real environment.

Let's talk about the world we are at the present, this world contains three types of energy the Holy energy, the Devil energy and the magical energy. You had already reached the peak of magical energy in first form that is the gaseous stage, now when you will compact it to the next form it will make a qualitative change and could suppress the first form of energy easily. This is the reason why ultimate class are no match for demi lord/ demi god class and same is the reason why demi gods/lords can't match god class. But few exceptions are always present, so don't get full of yourself.

As to why you weren't told about this before because we wanted to make a solid foundation for your future. Only when your foundation is solid you can build a skyscraper on it."

"Do you get it?" Master asked looking into his eyes and Dexter gave a nod.

"Now, let's talk about your body you have a very unique body. You dantian is simply out of the world. Dantian is the place where you store your energy.

Let's consider your dantian like a circle with a center. Center is where, your current energy is being stored, after you take it to peak any stage or if you will it, center will move to your circumference and leave room for different type of energy. Now that you have reached the peak of gaseous stage, you should be able to freely move the energy in center to the circumference while creating space for new type of energy which you want to cultivate. You are able to hold holy and devil energy in your body at the same time which is impossible for anyone else in this word. Fallen angels use fallen holy power, if you are wondering what they cultivate" His master said while looking at Dexter who was nodding and paused while considering something then continued.

"Now let me talk about your bloodline. Your bloodline is unique as its first for anyone to combine both the legendary bloodline. When you turn 15 tonight you will lose your bloodline."

Hearing this Dexter became stunned and asked with puzzlement and depression," Why would I lose it, I haven't even enjoyed its perks as, I haven't even used it in a life and death battle." Dexter looked at his master with puppy eyes.

"Uggghhh, don't look at me like that, it's disgusting. Let me finish first, you will lose in the sense, system will take it out of your body and merge them, as it is difficult to do it inside your body and the merging occurs at the gene level. So system will do the merging inside itself for a prize of course, and you will be able to get back the bloodline when the merging has finished but both time you will feel inhuman pain so be ready for it. If they aren't extracted, they both will clash with each other and destroy your body in process." His master said completed his sentence.

"So master will I get a super OP power when everything is finished and when will Ddraig wake up it have been few years since I last saw him." Dexter asked with expectation.

"Yes you will become Op when it is finished but it will take time for the process and Ddraig should be up when your bloodline is removed as the bloodline influenced him for his mutation. You know that Ddraig is a gear which help you to compress the energy in your body don't you?" His master asked with questioning eyes.

"Ehhh, Ah… ah yes I knew that."Dexter said while scratching his head.

"Ok, either way let me explain it to you, when you boost you increases your energy but when it reaches a point it will take a qualitative change instead of quantitative. This is why it is called Longinus that could even slay a god. And before I forget, your sage mode uses magic energy instead of chakra as you thought, so pay attention to it. Alright I have explained to you everything. If you have any doubt you can ask system." His master said.

"Ok, master I will ask, If I have any doubts." Dexter replied.

During these three years Sara and Valera were first to breakthrough to peak and were taken over by his master to train them and he wasn't even allowed to meet them for almost two years and same thing happened with everyone else who reached the peak of ultimate class.

During this time his master will trained any Nekoshou when they reached the ultimate class. The children also became adults with power levels of peak High class to mid ultimate class.

He took so long to reach the ultimate class because he was training them and would need to rest without training for months on his master instruction so that he could lay a steady and solid foundation as he increasing his strength too rapidly in the past.

During this time his clone met up with Kiba and Gasper and started to train them and everything was going smoothly according to plan. His clone left Kiba and Gasper after training them for a few months and then he left them half dead after putting a show of failing to take their sacred gear near Gremory territory forest where Reas picked them up and converted them to Knight and Mutated Bishop.

During this time Kuroka left Reas servant to find someone, she was able to remove the chess peace due to sage art without damaging it hearing this Koneko was angry with her sister for not taking her too. After Kuroka left koneko, she was kidnapped by a clone of Dexter and was finally saved by Reas which resulted in making their bond solid.

Kuroka was able to join Valis team, so that she would be more efficient with the search and Vali was happy to help her search as he wanted to fight this mysterious saviour.

After taking care of everything his clones were left to do what they liked and they both went around the world to tour and were able to find Alchemy and Blacksmith saints inheritance and they started to work on both of them and were now as Saint Duo and were famous in all the factions.


Finally few hours passed and the process of extraction of his bloodline began which was very painful and after this process finished, he was left on his bed with sweet all over and with 500x gravity active which almost crushed him. He lowered the gravity to 100x with a though, while his master looked at him laughing and said," This was due to your negligence and use your brain sometimes."

As soon as this was finished he heard a voice in his head," it's been a while partner." And a Red Gauntlet materialized on his hand.

"Oh Ddraig you finally woke up. How was your sleep?" Dexter asked excitedly as he was one of his favorite characters in the anime.

"Oh it was good partner and I completed my Mutation and assimilated some space and time property in myself." Ddraig said and the gauntlet which was red started to change. From pure red it became crimson and then started to get strips. The strips didn't show any type of color but would reflect different type of color each time when someone tried to guess the color.

Seeing this Dexter was again stunned and excited. So he asked," So what type of powers you got?"

"Partner, now I am able to travel in void with my host without any problem and my flames contain a time character in it. It could either accelerate time or reverse time on the object that it is put on. I am not too sure how long I can accelerate or reverse time on an object." DDraig said after thinking for a while."I am also able to mark an object or place and move between them with no problem at all."

Hearing this Dexter took a deep breath as this was one of the questions he wanted to ask, as without his bloodline he won't be able to move freely between dimensions.

"All right partner, looks like now I will need to depend on you for the travel." Dexter said while heaving a breath of relief.

" System show me my status."

Name – Dexter Hyoudou

Age – 15 Years

Power – 900,000,000 (peak ultimate class)

Accui points – 2000 cleared (every accui point cleared will increase the power level by one.)

Meridian cleared – 12

Basic foundation mastered.

Elements affinity and Elemental attribute– Space, Time, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lighting, Light, Dark and Yang.

All elements with affinity mastered to peak.

Item Slot - 17/100

SP – 350,000

Weapon mastery – All weapons

Weapon – ultimate Mimic blade which can change according to user will.

bloodline - super saiyan 1(150x), super saiyan 2(300x), super saiyan 3( 500x)( Sealed)

Sacred Gear - Activated and mutated dragon soul

"System it took 10 slots for bloodline" Dexter asked puzzled.

*Ding, yes host as your bloodline is of highest calibre. So it took a lot to merge them."

"System is there a way to update you, so that I could get missions."

*Ding, Yes there is host and it will take 50 slots. Are you sure you want an update?"

"Ohhh god, it's a lot expensive than I thought, what will get if I Upgrade you?" Dexter asked.

*You will know when you do upgrade me* his system said in almost a human tone.

Hearing that Dexter became stunned, after thinking a while he asked, " do you have a soul? Ugh, leave it I know you won't answer my question. Then start the upgrade. After all you never trolled me as of yet."

*Ding, preparing for upgrade you will be unconscious for 3 days.*

"Ugh, system why didn't you….." and he fell unconscious.


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