<Rise of Gods> Announced

18 December, Year 2239 . 2 Year has passed since Wang Ning read his father letter. in this 2 year, ning was working hard to save Money , he worked from 6 Am to 10 Pm getting every job he can get and his free time , he was getting Training in VR Combat.

In Restaurant, At Silver City

"Ning,Ning did you see that New Wallpaper Front the restaurant?" youth girl was calling ning when he was washing dishes .

"ahh,it's you Chenyu, no and what's about?don't tell me new phone like allawys" ning answer her with smile . Chenyu was one of the friend he made after that accident , she was beautiful and has her unique charm even that she didn't put any Makeup at all, she has eyes of a Fairy .

"Noo,what are you talking about, that Wallpaper is everywhere in the city,it's about New VRMMORPG game but i really can't remember it's name,Forget about it you will see it after the work anyway,how about you treat me in lunch ?" Chenyu said that with innocent look.

upon hearing New VRMMORPG , Ning Put the dishes Away and hurried to the Door of the restaurant.

"Ning,Ningggg, where are you going? don't ignore me...."Chenyu was shouting at him but he didn't stop to take look.

when Ning saw the Wallpaper he got exited that he kissed Chenyu in the Cheek and he said to her

"tell the boss that i am leaving the Job" and he left very fast,it was . Chenyu Cheeks was red from that kiss and she was dumbfounded from what he say.

Ning Walked into his Room, He was renting very small room that can't compare to his old Villa Toilet

then he open his Computer to look for Official Website, in one hour since the release of the Website it have over 100 Million Visitor, Really this major powers wasn't Joking with The Publicity of the game, that Shocked many people especially in the VRMMORPG domain .

First Ning looked to the price of the game in the First page, it was 150.000$ which leave him speechless , his past self can pay that money without even caring but now he had worked 2 years without stop but what he saved is only 15.000$, Fortunately his father left that Platinum Ticket to him or he can't even afford the game Price.

after taking look about the price, ning looked at the release date , it was 1st January,2040 , that mean only 2 Weeks , the game Helmet are Already in the Shops or it can be purchased Online, he even found about that The Company Hide 50 Golden Tickets and 3 Platinum Tickets in their products and that Tickets can be Exchanged for Helmet Game.

"that really make it easy for me, i was thinking how i will explain having that tickets without anyone noticing my identity and where that ticket come from"Ning sighed after reading that.

he surfed that Website for 1 hour and read everything about the game,"Tomorrow they will release the Classes and Their Skills, i will go to shop and get that Game Hemlet"

In Helmet VR Shop,At Silver City

Wang Ning Walked in the Shop who is full of people waiting in line to get Helmet , he didn't need to line up since he got Platinum Ticket so he got the shop owner and before he even speak , the shop owner shout at him "you,little Boy didn't use a line there why you coming over

here ?!!!"

Ning just sighed and said to him " i have Platinum Tickets and The Paper Rules say that who Golden or Platinum Tickets didn't need to line u" when he said that he show the Tickets to that Old foul .

"F**k what a luckly bastard , he got Platinum ticket in the First day" a young man in the line Cursed

"Brother, Are you willing to sell ur Ticket for 1.000.000$" a fat rich boy said to him with smile

"Yo, Big Brother , i am willing to be your girlfriend if you give me that ticket"a hot girl said to him with seduce look

Ning Ignored all of them when he taking his Helmet from the shop owner who have Shameful look

in his face and didn't even dare to Speak.in his way to home he bought 50 noodles box and 100 Energetic Drink Since he will not leave home when the game Release.