Crimson Snake

When Ning Found that Marie's Brother nowhere to be seen, he deiced to Kill some Wolf to test his Skills in game since he use Manuel Mode, he need to get use to it. have 2 Modes which are Manuel Mode And Automatic Mode, Automatic Mode can only Unleash 70% of the Skill Damage and with Manuel Mode it can even unleash even 200% of Skill Damage.

Ning Come Behind Wolf Using Stealth

[Ferocious Wolf](Normal) Lvl:3 {120/120 HP}

Ning Used [BackStap] a Sound from the System Heard

System: Backstap 63% Skill Completion caused 6 Damage

"63%, i don't even know if that Consider good or bad"Ning thought and continued attack the wolf from behind with a other slash from his dagger, the wolf turned to Ning with ferocious look and he tried to slash him using his claws but see that claw coming dodging it and with quick movement he return behind wolf and attacked him with two slash causing 10 Damage.

the wolf get angry and turned to him again but this time he attack with his teeth aiming for ning shoulder,Ning dodge it but he found that the wolf claws coming to him caused him 20 HP.

Ning get serious and get back behind the wolf he slash him with his dagger then used [BackStap].

System:89% Skill Completion Caused 8 Damage Trigger it Hidden Effect of Skill 1 Second Stun.

"my second try went to 89% and it even triggered hidden effect"he thought to himself when he give three slash to the back of that wolf. the stun effect finished and the wolf tried to attack ning again but ning didn't give him the chance , he was slashing his back while moving to stay behind him.

they didn't give the Title of "God of Rockies" without nothing in "Twilight".

The Wolf HP dropped to 0 and he fell to the Ground , the wolf dropped 2 bronze coin which was consider really good and Some Exp points,Ning didn't stop there , he charged into the next Wolf Using Stealth.

3 Hour Later later,Ning already killed more then 50 Wolf , he got 60 Bronze Coin and 20 Wolf Fangs and level up to Level 1 and Half way to level 2, his Skill Completion using [BackStap] reach it 101%. some experts only reach it 70 % Skill Completion , only this Monster and the ranking Players can Compare to Ning's Skill Completion .

When he was killing a other Wolf , Ning Heard Man Voice shouting "honored brother, Please Help me!!" ,he looked into the direction of sound it was youth running from huge snake , the snake's color was red look like bloody snake and it was very huge 3 meter long .

[Crimson Snake](Elite) Lvl:5 {350/350 HP}

"F**k, it actually lvl 5 elite monste" ning cursed and when he was thinking about about flee,he heard the system voice


[Rescue Marie's Brother](Difficulty Level:Hard)

Quest Description: Rescue Marie's Brother from The Crimson Snake.


"he's actually that silly girl's brother i am looking for" ning thought then he use [Stealth] and after moments appeared behind that Snake using [BackStap] with 100% Skill Compilation Causing 12 Damage and 1 Second Stun , he wasn't confidence to kill that snake but the Hard Difficulty Level Quest's reward worth to give it try.

He Continued with 3 Slash from His Dagger Causing 30 Damage to the Snake, the Snake turned her head very Quick after the effect of Stun end and tried to bite Ning's neck but he blocked with his Dagger . the snake pull it her head then attack ning with her tail but he jump over her huge tail and come behind her and give her 2 slash. the Snake get angry and Turn it back to Ning Shooting a Red Poison from her Mouth to the direction of ning.

System: you get hit by Crimson Snake's Red Poison Causing 250 Damage over 25 Second.

"120 Damage, i only have 110 HP, i really underestimated that snake,if i die here i will lost my chance to complete that Quest and even drop one level"ning tough to himself , he is really in hard situation

then he remembered the [Apple] in His Storage ,[Apple]:Regenerate 40 Hp in 5 Second, he took one Apple and eat it then dodge the snake's tail who was coming to his direction. with quick movement he come behind the snake and use [BackStap] with 104% Skill Compilation causing 13 Damage and 2 Second Stun!,he used that time to slash the snake causing her HP to reach 227/350 HP. he Continued Dodging the snake attack and eat one Apple every 5 Second when also Slashing that Snake when he can. 25 Second end in flash the snake HP was reach 70/350 HP when he still have 60 HP .

he already feel confidence about killing that snake now,unfortunately,The Snake turned to him again using her Red Poison. "F**k, that suck skill and She can used two times" Ning Cursed , he only had 6 Second left to kill that snake , he jump it over the snake and used [BackStap] While in Air Stunning her then Slashed her Multiple times until she Dropped to the Ground.

"Now,that i bring you to death with me, i lose 1 Level without Regret"Ning Feel Proud about killing that Snake.when he was ready to go to the graveyard, he Heard the System Voice Multiple Time

System: [Rescue Marie's Brother] Succeed

System: You Have Leveled Up

"What?!! By Killing that Snake i Level up, i was just Half Way to the level 2"Ning was Shocked but the joy can be seen in his eye , he flee from the death hand.after he calmed down he looked for the snake Drop,it actually Drop 3 Items

[Red Poison](Skill Book):Cast Time 3 Second , Throw the Red Poison in 5 yard Area Range and Deal [(80%Base Attack)*(Skill Compilation %)+10].


Skill Books are very rare and it's Actually Amazing AoE Skill , "what amazing Skill" Ning thought to Himself and he put the skill book in his Storage.he is planing to sell it later.

[Dagger of Crimson Snake](Bronze):+7 Base Attack,+10% to your poison Damage

Requirement:Assassin , Level:3

"this Game Joking with me Right ?dagger like that even Drop!"Ning was excited , Assassin with only one Dagger can't show his might, now he got his Second Dagger and it's even Bronze Dagger,have 7 Known Items Quality,Common->Bronze->Silver->Gold->Epic->Legendary->Divine.

[Drop of The Goddess Medusa Blood](Epic): Drinking this Drop of Blood will Increase your intelligence By 5 Stats permanently and It have 1% Chance to Gain Medusa Bloodline For Female Players.

"Bloodline? I Heard Players talking in Forum about Possibility To gain Gods Bloodline in , i never though it's real , what pity it's only for Female player and i don't need that 5 intelligence as Assassin"Ning was surprised and he Remember that his stats show that his Bloodline is 100% Human.