Second World Announcement!!

Ning arrived in front of the Blacksmith's shop as he walked in,he heard the old man voice"Brat,you back pretty fast,did you die from that spiders in Roz mountain ?"

"shut up and take Nizyo's head"ning said as he pulled Nizyo's Head from his storage.

When the old man saw Nizyo's head,he was speechless but the tears that dropping from his eyes and that look in his eyes showed as sadness and joy in the same time, it was look that ning seeing for the first time.

after the old man calmed a little bit"i really don't know how to repay you, even giving you my life will not be enough" the old man said with grateful attitude,"i promise you to give you a Set of Clothes,but that Set will not show my gratitude"he added that ,then bring a paper and pen and wrote letter then he handed it to ning with the set of clothes.


System:[Blacksmith's Revenge] is Completed

System:You level up

System:You Obtain A Set Of Clothes And Recommendation Letter

"i didn't have anything with value here,that letter is all that i can give you ,if you reach Moonlight City,give that letter to the city lord " the old man said with sad look in his eyes,he felt that he didn't really show his gratitude to ning.

"thank you,what you give me is already enough"Ning said, he already got amazing benefits in this quest .

"if you find time, come visit that old man in the future"the blacksmith said,he really liked ning

"Sure!!"ning quickly spoke but in his heart, he know this probably last time he gonna see that old man because once you leave the Village of the beginners, you can never comeback.

Ning Opened his Storage to take look at that Set of Clothes.

[Wolf Fangs Set](Bronze){Pants,Chest,Head}

Stats:+3 Strength,+5 Agility,+5 Stamina

"it's Bronze Set,that old man really treat me well"but when he was equipping the set he saw Orb in his storage and remember the Dungeon Reward,he was under Satan illusion when he finished the dungeon so he didn't buy attention to the rewards.

[Lamark Orb]:Allow you to Teleport to Lamark City (1/1).

Requirement:Level 10

"emm, that's quite interesting,that Lamark City should be interesting one since it needed item just to go there but what pity i still need 3 more level"ning thought to himself.

when ning was about to log out to take some rest he heard System voice

World Announcement: Player Durga has successfully killed Guardian Of Darkness (Tier 1 Boss) Level:8 ,This achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame!

World Announcement: Player Durga has successfully killed Guardian Of Darkness (Tier 1 Boss) Level:8 , Obtaining 5 Gold From the System Rewards!

World Announcement: Player Durga has successfully killed Guardian Of Darkness(Tier 1 Boss) Level:8 , Obtaining 500 Merit Points!

"What the fuck a other Unnamed Player kill Tier 1 Boss"

"these players are mad,right ?!!!"

"F**k,this world Announcement , they kill bosses and i die against Level 5 Normal Ours."

ning got chill over his body then he mummerd" Bai , is that you ?", Bai was ning's childhood friend and his first love but after his father death, he wasn't able to contact . what make ning think that Durga is Bai , because they use to names each other with Durga and Shiva, and that's was one of the reason that make ning chose Shiva name.

20 min later,ning did log out from the game and he was siting in front of window holding girl photo, it was Bai photo, she was beautiful as fairy , her eyes was clear as crystal and her smile was shown power and kindness in the time.

in the next morning,ning did some training and he sit in chair in VR Luxury Room and was ready to start his grinding in , that world announcement yesterday make it his heart beat again after 3 Years of cold , so he wanted to reach level 10 to activate Friends Function, but suddenly his phone rang


Ning answered his phone without even seeing who's calling after all his phone number was known only by Chenyu.

"Ningggggg, where are you ?,i have been calling you for 2 Days but you didn't answer and i even went to your house but the owner tell me that you move it out!!" it was Chenyu voice and she was really angry.

"aiyyyy,Chenyu,i am really sorry , i was concentrated into the game in this last 2 days and didn't check my phone" ning said with guilty face.

"okey ,i forgive you since you answered me but you need to treat me to a lunch,By the way, i am also start playing ,my party even killed Level 5 Elite Monster yesterday,i even got Bronze Items,hehehe,what do you think about me now?" Chenyu said with proud tone and was ready to accept ning praise.

"For sure, i think that you are getting boosted by this party"Ning thought to himself, then answered her"Chenyu is amazing like always", he really didn't want to ruin her mood.

"when you get out from the village of the Beginners,Call me, this sister her will help you!"Chenyu said with proud face then she added "Okey , i will go now, the boss is calling me,don't forget to send me your new address".

Ning ended the call and text his new address to Chenyu and Log in to


"What High Area House?!!"Chenyu was shocked after reading the text that she didn't belive her eyes
