Army Of Thunder Soldiers

"Brother,-Rotten Lake- is 20 min from here,Do we go ?"light said to ning .

"Sure,we are going, we spend 2 Hour killing this ogres to get that Golden Heart"ning said as he was thinking about what they will find in that Tomb.

"ahhhh,i am sure we will find at least Elite monster there, we can even find Boss Tier 1 Monster, after all we killed about there hundred Level 8 Monster "Light said with obvious excitement in his face .

20 min later , ning and light arrived at -Rotten Lake-,it was Level 5 Area Monster and there was a lot of player grinding there.

Ning walked to the direction of Thunder Tomb along with light,when the players leveling near the tomb saw ning and light then laugh at them.

"look at this two dumb players going to the tomb"

"ahhh,i never get tired watching this player get strike by thunder"

ning approached the tomb and he used [Golden Heart], suddenly the golden heart turned into blood in his hand and filled the whole Tomb with blood .

the gate of the tomb get opened,there wasn't any corpse in the tomb,it was just long hole that no end to it ,when every player was in dumbfounded, ning signaled light to jump and they jumped together into that hole.

after ning and light jumped to the tomb , the gate of tomb was closed again.the players who watched them jump approached that tomb and tried to do like ning by filling it with blood,some stupid players even cut thier arm.


5 min has passed since ning and light jumped from that hole , but they still didn't reach the end of it.

"Brother,how are we going to get back, we have jumped for about 5 min but we i didn't even see the end of that hole yet" light asked ning .

"don't ask me..." ning was really worried too, he even worried that tomb is trap and they have been stacked. Finally they Saw Purple Circle under them.when the two enter this Circle they have teleport.

System:You Are The First Party To Found Dungeon, You Have 3 hour To Finish That Dungeon.

ning loook around they was no Monster in this Huge Colosseum, nothing at all."how we suppose to finish something without any monster in it ?!!!" ning thought to himself.when he was thinking,he heard a system sound again .

System:Prepare yourselves, The First Wave Gonna Come in 1 min .

"Brother ning,it's Really Dungeon!!!"light said with excitement.

"Yes,The Goddess of luck is really watching upon us"ning was also excited,"Brother light,take this Shield and Sword, we don't know what we will face here" Ning added as he throw A Bronze Shield and Sword to light.

light was shocked by this two Bronze.Bronze Item are Valued around 2 Gold Coin which mean 200.000$ but he didn't ask ning to give him money for them because it will be insult to him as friend.

1 min ended in flash, 100 Soldier With Full Golden Armor and Spears in their hands Appeared, this Soldiers were looking like humans but they have Blue Skin.they were standing like Army Waiting For War.

[Thunder Soldier](Normal)Level 6 {200/200 HP}

"What 100 Level 6 Monster ?!,and we need to fight them in one go,Brother Do you have Any idea ?"Light was Shocked ,he can't Imagine if every monster of them just hit once , even if he have Ten lives he will still drop dead

"actually i have one but it will depend on you"ning said while looking in light with serious expression

"Brother,you think too highly of me,i probably can tank 4 to 6 Level 8 Normal but this 100 Monster we are talking about here"light said, death is the only thing waiting for him if he tank this monsters

"don't worry,i am not asking you to tank that, i just need you to activate your [War Roar] when i tell you"

([War Roar]:Provoke All Enemy in your 10 Yards Range Cooldown:3min)

"...Okey"light said with worry expressions, he really don't know what ning was up to but he still accept his friend request even if they die it will only cost him one level and one equipment .

ning used Spider Poison in his weapon then he order light to go to left corner of the Colosseum when he did go to the right corner.

ning activated [Ancient Demon Wings] and slashed towards the direction of the army which provoked them , 100 level 6 was coming into his direction with high speed but he keept slashing without stop with each slash one or two soldier dropped to the ground,when they were about to reach him their number was already reduced to 80, ning used [Void Jump] to back 4 yard then continued his slash without stop.60 Soldier reach ning this time after 3 Second and his [Ancient Demon wings] effect has ended.

"Brother Light , Now !!! "