
Izo almost pushes her hood back with relief at the coolness of the dungeon, but the memory of the insects falling onto her causes her to halt. The air smells of moss and stone as she carefully takes a step, before placing her full weight onto that foot. Though the dungeon certainly had been well explored, there are always traps left for the unsuspecting.

A stone under her right foot slightly pushes down as she swiftly retracts her foot. With baited breath, Izo waits in hope that the trap hadn't sprung. She didn't hear nor sense anything unusual, but after the snake incident, she wasn't trusting her senses.

Izo knew she was a bit too out of shape for her own good. Had she been in top shape, she would have easily beaten the snake without the use of the World Tree Scythe. She was going to have to get in shape the old fashion way by EXERCISING!

Time slowly passes by as Izo slowly makes her way through the dungeon floors. If it wasn't for her skill, nocturnal eyes, she would have had to conjure a mage light. Mage lights are infamous for attracting monsters and the like. That was the entire reason she had spent months in an underground cave to gain the hard sought out skill. But Izo had to admit, though the dungeon was densely booby-trapped, there weren't droves of monsters attacking her. It made sense as it must a low-level dungeon for newbies. Which was fine by her, she merely came to test out her current abilities and gain newbie equipment.

Time is a difficult thing to tell inside a dungeon as time can pass more slowly or faster than the outside world. Izo felt that she had been walking for hours, but she had yet to stumble across a single monster. It was almost as if a massively large creature had eaten the monsters contained inside the dungeon and when that food supply was exhausted it had left in search of more food. However, it was more likely that newbies had cleared the dungeon and the monsters had yet to respawn.

The air grows colder as Izo reaches the center of the dungeon and emerges into a massive open room. A large egg sits on the floor as no signs or traces of anything else being on the floor. Her mouth waters at the idea of making an omelet. Monster meat is terrible to eat, but the single exception was monster eggs. Almost impossible to steal, but they made for an excellent meal. Even now, Izo can still remember the distinct taste unlike anything ever eaten.

Hungry and against her better judgment, Izo sucks in her breath and tiptoes her way to the egg. With an evil glint in her eyes, Izo grabs the egg and hefts it into her back. Seeing as there are no monsters for her to fight, she will just cheat for today. Izo takes a deep breath as she visualizes mana gathering around her feet. With ease, Izo bounds at full speed through the dungeon as the mana at her feet ensures, she glides a hair length over the stone floor. The exit soon appears in the distance as she exits the dungeon.

Izo's eyes sting in the light as she realizes the sun is rising over the horizon. She glances at the watch on her hand and realizes it's been three days since she went inside. Izo sighs at the pointless endeavor but chokes mid-way as she stiffens in the realization that recent mana traces can still be felt in the air. Izo quickly searches for the source and locates it as the teleportation ring. Izo shrugs with relief and concludes newbies must have arrived and found that the dungeon was devoid of monsters. The newbies must have swiftly realized the situation and unlike her, wisely retreated home.

Well, waste not. With that in mind, Izo carefully places the giant egg onto the ground before gathering some firewood to cook the egg. Without any cookery, Izo resorts to cooking the egg over an open fire. Once the fire is roaring high, Izo places the large egg into the roaring fire and waits. Monster egg shells are nefariously tough that more than one has given up on cracking a monster egg open. But boiling the egg or heating it up, works surprisingly well on them. It was like eating the world's most delicious boiled egg.