
Izo ferociously chews on a wad of gum, while typing away. She finally pauses to lean back in her chair and raises her eyes to the painted ceiling in deep thought. Other than exercising twice a day, the rest of the time was spent studying and researching ways to make money. Izo had a bad feeling having been made an apostle to an unknown God. And given her track record with Gods, she would rather err on the side of caution.

After checking prices for items, she had been left speechless. A single D class item sold for $1,000! A single item! There was a high demand for any item of use. She wasn't about to spend more than half of her trust fund for sub-par items. Besides, with her trust fund depleted, she would have to make cuts. That meant that she couldn't afford to pay for Dolores salary and needs.

However, that didn't leave Izo with a lot of options to make money. Teaching magic? She surprisingly knew of several spells that did not exist yet on this Earth such as an invisibility spell which was still non-existent. (On that note, invisibility items sell for millions of dollars for the rarity and high demand. Which was something she would keep in mind for the future?) But once again, the issue of her newfound magic cropped up and a lack of further education. Even if someone believed she was capable of teaching, theoretically, no institution would hire her without a degree or proper work references.

Alchemy was the same problem. Having the title and skills of a hermit had enabled Izo to be a decent alchemist. But once more the problem lay in that she lacked ingredients to create potions and even if she could, she wouldn't be able to sell them. Alchemists are required to pass a national exam before being allowed to sell their potions. She could do so, but that would require months of studying and she wanted to make money now. Her only other option at this point is to sell potions on the black market, but she lacked the proper connections to set-up shop for supply and demand for such clientele.

In the end, as usual, Izo could only rely on herself. Therefore, she would open her own shop to sell items on a large scale as an auction house. But there is a small problem as Auction Houses are required to have legal selling licenses. Auction House Licenses are literally worth their weight in gold. Ignoring the cost, three guild council members must approve the new Auction House before a request can even be formally submitted. Then a final government board must make the final approval before the license is officially issued. Not only did she not have the necessary backing to do any of those things, but she lacked the money to purchase such a license.

An hour later, having wracked her brain an idea popped into Izo's mind. Technically, she did know two people who possessed such connections and the means to finance such a proposal, the original parents of this Earth's Izo. After careful consideration, Izo grabs the phone and dials the number.

A woman's voice answers, "Izo? What's wrong sweetheart?!"

Izo innocently says, "Mother, you asked, what I wanted for my birthday. Could I possibly be given a very large loan?"

Mrs. Lee incredulously asks, "A loan? Have you spent your entire trust fund?"

"No. It's still there, but I want to make a sizeable investment. I promise to pay the amount back with a sizable interest rate."

"No, no. That's fine. How much are we talking about?"

"I mean it, mother, I don't want any handouts. As for the exact amount, I'm not sure yet. I'll text you the exact amount, once I have the finer details ready."

Mrs. Lee is silent for a moment, before wearily replying, "Alright Izo. We'll do it your way."

"Thank you, Mom," Izo sincerely said, before hanging up the phone. With some relief, she hurries online to research auction houses for sale. Hopefully, there would be an amount that she could afford with the loan she was going request.


Mrs. Lee glances at her phone strangely as her husband, Mr. Lee glances tenderly up at her. "Who was that love?" Mr. Lee curiously asked.

Mrs. Lee rather dazed replies, "Izo, she wants a loan for her birthday."

"Good. It's another sign that Izo is getting better. Did she tell you the amount?" Mr. Lee excitedly asked.

"No. She said, she would send the details over once everything was arranged on her end," Mrs. Lee still rather stunned replied.

Mr. Lee smiles as he helps his wife to her feet and they stroll into the exquisite restaurant overseeing the partisan landscape. The sunsets were particularly stunning to see over the Seine river.


A week later, Dolores impatiently waits in the kitchen. It had been several days, but the Miss only left her room to exercise. At first, Dolores thought it was the Miss protesting or being rebellious. But the Miss had murmured through the door, that she was busy researching an important project.

Dolores taps her feet as she crossly eyes the cooling food on the table. The door suddenly swings open as Dolores gapes at the figure striding towards her in fitting dark trousers, a fitted waistcoat and a properly buttoned up shirt. Her anger is forgotten as tears glimmer in Dolores' eyes, through the clothing was different from the old Miss, that confident stride was the same. It was as if the old Miss was starting to return.

Izo halts in the kitchen and asks, "Well, what do you think?"

Dolores hastily wipes the moisture from her eyes and says, "You look wonderful Miss. Have a seat, poppet, I'm sure you're starving."

Izo shakes her head and says, "I'll just grab a toast, I have an urgent appointment and I need to arrive promptly."

Dolores hastily moves to comply as she joyfully grabs some toast and makes a quick BLT sandwich with the eggs and bacon. She carefully wraps the sandwich and hands it to Izo.

Izo affectionately leans over and places a grateful kiss on Dolores' cheek. "You're an angel, Dolores. I'll see you when I get home," Izo says over her shoulder as Dolores grins like a little girl.

It had been a long time since Dolores had seen the Miss excited. She would be sure to let Mr. and Mrs. Lee know of the good news. With glee, she hurriedly takes out her phone and dials to let them know of the good news.


Izo hails a taxi and gives the driver the directions. The taxi driver scurries off as she contemplates her decision. Given her lack of education, lack of affability, this would be one of her better options. And if all else fails, she will just have to become an adventurer full time.

The taxi stops at a government registration office as Izo quickly climbs out and tells the taxi driver to wait. The office is still largely empty as she presents some documents to signed and sealed. The official at the desk reviews the application and stamps it. "You'll receive the official document in the mail within 3 to 5 business days," the official said, before motioning for the next person to come forward.

Izo carefully folds the papers and marches out. The waiting taxi driver glances up in relief as the taxi driver dives into the moving traffic like a shark. For faster, than they should have, the taxi driver pulled in front of a large run-down adventurer's auction house. Before the taxi driver asks for the fare, Izo hands him a hundred-dollar bill. "Keep the change," she said and steps out of the car. The taxi driver gratefully nods after his passenger as the door closes. The taxi driver cheerfully sets off as Izo takes out her phone and confirms this is the appointed address as she reads the sign over the auction house, Frisky Business.

Now, why hadn't this auction house been snatched up then? Because an auction house is only as reliable as its resources. Adventurers did not regularly sell their items to this auction house. The high-end items sold at this auction house were a few C-class items and the rest of the stock was D or F-class items. Raising her chin up and shoulders back, Izo confidently walks towards the front door.