The Beginning

In a small hut.

A young boy, around the age of 11 is sitting on the floor, cultivating with his eyes shut.

After a day passed, the boy finally opened his eyes and let out an impure breath.

"Ah. I should have reached the completion state of the spirit realm with this." he said while stretching. Then he paused. "Not bad. I've reached the first stage of the God Scripture."

There were nine stage to the God Scripture.

1) Angel

2) Archangel

3) Ruler

4) Authority

5) Virtue

6) Dominion

7) Throne

8) Cherubim

9) Seraphim

With each stage progression, one's qi would be increasingly tyrannical. To explain it in simple terms, a person's normal qi would have an ability power of 10. Through divine methods or treasures, normal qi can be refined and strengthened. At the first stage of the God Scripture, it would have an ability power of 50. An analogy to describe this would be comparing a plastic ball to one of rock! If you threw the rock, it would be obvious which one would be stronger.

As the boy got up, he had a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Lin Zexu... he bore the same name as my is first life. It seems that fate is playing with me, but fine. I shall be known as Lin Zexu from now." he said with a hidden coldness in his eyes.

Lin Zexu began to practice his techniques. At first it was so slow that even a child could dodge his moves. However, it became increasingly fast, until his pale blue robes began to flutter crazily and all you could see was a blur.

"Buddha's Trigram Manuever"

Suddenly, his limbs shot out with a myriad of colors.

Blue, water. Green, earth. Yellow, lightning. Red, fire. Gray, mountain. White, wind.

"I have mastered these movements already, however, I will need to retrain for my body to be able to withstand it." he said.

An hour passes by as Lin Zexu finally sits down with a bucket worth of sweat pouring down his body.

"Next up, I should practice the Supreme Demon's Canon and Forbidden Devil's Presence ." he sits down panting heavily.

Immediately Lin Zexu exudes a demonic feeling as an intense feeling of heat exudes out of him. His veins pop out and the hut begins to shake. An immense pressure releases itself out of Lin Zexu's body and the life around him begins to shrivel up. The grass outside the hut begins to turn into a wheat color.

Two hours pass by and end as Lin Zexu lets out a pitch-black breath.

"Phoo... thanks to the remaining qi I was able to stave off hunting. But unfortunately, I'm all out now. And this hut... it's about to crumble." he lamented as he looked at his dissipating soul energy.

Lin Zexu gave the simple room one last look. All there was a simple bed and a makeshift spear made out of wood. He exited the hut, which collapsed to dust, and began to give a good look to everything around him. He was in the mountains, which he estimated to be around seven thousand miles. While others may consider being stranded in a mountain range to be horrifying, Lin Zexu saw it as a resource waiting to be exploited.

As he looked around, he noticed a large rabbit looking at him from a distance. He smiled and took off, turning into a blur and leaving a deep footprint where he previously was. Immediately, he reached the rabbit and struck it before it could react.

Taking the dead rabbit by the ears, Lin Zexu gauged the meat.

"Hmm... beginning state of the spirit realm. Not bad, but I'll need 6 more of these if I want enough."

Lin Zexu grabbed some strands of grass and broke off a nearby tree branch. He tied the rabbit's feet to the branch and went off searching for animals.

10 minutes later.

Tied to the tree branch were 7 rabbits. Lin Zexu looked around and found a cave. Before going in, he opened his palm and the nearby grass began to fly towards his palm. After he had gotten enough, he went on in.

The inside of the cave was empty and barren. Lin Zexu sat down in the middle with the grass and rabbits. He grabbed the grass and it began to shrivel up and die. Putting down the dead grass, he flicked his wrist and a flame appeared on his index finger. Soon, a small fire could be seen in the dead grass. Fashioning a makeshift knife out of the tree branch, Lin Zexu cut up the rabbits and began cooking them. Half an hour later, the meat was ready and Lin Zexu ate.

After finishing the meat, Lin Zexu began to meditate while gathering his thoughts.

"My cultivation is ready for a breakthrough. I should upgrade my bones and dantian after reaching the Awakened Realm. Should I stay here or go out to progress in my cultivation?" he contemplated.

There were nine levels of bones and dantian with each level having their own nine grade. A cultivator with good bones would be able to go the body route, while a cultivator with a good dantian would be able to go the qi route. To have both good bones and dantian was a blessing and a curse. It would take more qi to progress to the next realm due to the heavy requirements of having both talents, however a cultivator with both would have a significant advantage over someone who only had one.

The nine levels are:

1) Normal bones / dantian

2) Human bones / dantian

3) Warrior bones / spiritual dantian

4) Tiger bones / Mystic dantian

5) False dragon bones / Psuedo-sacred dantian

6) True dragon bones / Sacred dantian

7) Immortal bones / Immortal dantian

8) Divine bones / God dantian

9) Ascended bones / dantian

Grade-1 could not compare to a grade-9 and each level had a significant difference. However, during the early stages of cultivation, superior bones and dantian had little advantage. But as one's cultivation increased, the true worth of their talents would be shown. It was like a small increase every level, but with every small increase adding on, it would eventually be noteworthy.

Lin Zexu, with just his current cultivation could compare to a middle stage earth realm practitioner. A difference of a realm was breached with his talents.

The realms of cultivation are:

1) Warrior

2) Qi-Refining

3) Spirit

4) Earth

5) Heaven

6) Awakened

7) Immortal

8) Divine

9) Ascended

10) Law

7 hours later.

Lin Zexu slowly stood up as he felt the qi density around him.

"It should be fine to stay here until I reach the completion stage of the Earth realm. But I will have to leave after that." he mused as he went out of the cave to be greeted by the sunlight.