Chapter 13 <Initial Meeting>

In this world, there are mainly two languages used by humans. The ones by the commoners and the ones by the royalty. Of course, there are no rules restricting either side to learn each other's tongue, but more often than not they just didn't find the reason to do so. This is best illustrated by the nobles of the human country that wield both languages in skill. They have to converse with the royal family, and they have to interact with the common people for duties such as accessing problems or collecting taxes.

As for me, I am capable of writing, reading and speaking both languages due to the need to do so in espionage tasks from the officials back in the orphanage. I am indebted to Cheff and the Ocean Swarm, so I have absolutely no intention of letting this place meet its demise due to a mere language barrier and the fickleness of a royal member. However, if I am correct, based on the conversation I heard so far, this is more than just the inability to converse between commoner and royalty…

I walk to the side of Cheff and spoke to him in a low voice.

"Cheff, grant me permission to serve her royal highness." (Me)

"Ray? I thought you couldn't…" (Cheff)

"Cheff, your permission please." (Me)

"…Alright, please do what you can." (Cheff)

"…Remember, whatever happens, absolutely stay where you are. Only when I call your name directly do you come. Otherwise, ask someone else." (Me)

I make my way to the table where our royal customer is seated, and using a simple hand signal prompted my colleagues into retreat. Then, without a dish or a beverage, I take a small bow to the slightly bewildered princess.

[Pardon my colleagues for their inability to meet your expectations, your highness.] (Me)


A ripple of tension can be seen spreading amongst the customers with the princess as the epicentre. Guards to the immediate side of the princess reach into their sleeves, but the princess raises her hand a little to stop them. As expected of a member of the royal family, she immediately hid her shock and gave a smile in return.

[I am amused. I did not expect someone from around here that is capable of conversing with us.] (Princess)

[It is an honour. Rather, it is great fortune that things are according to my predictions, so while I am inferior to conversing with your royal highness, please allow me to do so.] (Me)

[Bastard! For you to predict us, how dare you!]

One of her guards explodes into anger, pulling out what seems to be a needle from within his sleeve. He takes a stance and is about to assault me when the princess speaks out sternly.

[Stand down.] (Princess)

[!? But!] (Guard)

[We are here not to raise trouble.] (Princess)

The princess gives me an apologetic smile as she slowly stands from her seat. I lower my head in response.

[As my culture dictates practices from my social standing, I am sadly not allowed to greet you. Instead, please allow me to ask you a few questions.] (Princess)

[Your highness does not need to be polite to someone such as myself. Instead, I am elated just being able to talk to your highness.] (Me)

The princess chuckled, taking a seat in an elegant manner. With a wave of her hand, her followers and guards reluctantly back away.

[Firstly, you said 'predicted'. Amongst several things, such as our time of arrival, our choice of visit and inability to converse, am I right to say that you know of our identities as well?] (Princess)

[Given that it is your highness, I am sure your highness knows the answer to that question when I am already trying my best to converse in your highness' native language.] (Me)

The princess giggles softly.

[You really are amusing. Next, since it is within your 'predictions', why is it that you did not appear from the start?] (Princess)

[Your highness has too high expectations of someone as lowly as myself. As I had mentioned before, it is merely fortune that I am honoured to serve your highness.] (Me)

[…Truly?] (Princess)

[Your highness should know whether the words spun from this mouth of mine are wrong, am I correct?] (Me)

[…So you know about that as well.] (Princess)

A dangerous atmosphere arises from the princess herself. Even without raising my head, I can feel my skin sting from the escalating killing intent. Yet, I continue to stand my ground in front of her.

[I am simply well read in many aspects.] (Me)

[Too well read, I assume.] (Princess)

[Your highness' words are too much of an honour for me.] (Me)

[These words are more akin to the makings of a death sentence, than being complimentary.] (Princess)

[Yet, your highness should understand that someone such as myself can still possibly treat them as words of compliment.] (Me)

The tense atmosphere disappeared. I can hear a soft laughter from her.

[As I thought, more than being different than your colleagues, you're simply different from your species.] (Princess)

I froze. This is not because of the implication that she isn't a human just like us. I had already guessed that long ago. It is a deeper meaning hidden within her words that I somehow caught, words that set off a danger alarm within my head. Immediately, I intentionally blank my mind.


...I spot a guard become agitated by the silence.

...I see an escort fidget uncomfortably from the silence.

...I gaze upon the floor with my lowered head, waiting for the princess' words with an unmoving expression.

[…Thankfully, there is someone like you in this place. It is truly convenient that I could enjoy a luxury of ease on this reckless trip of mine.] (Princess)

[Your highness is jesting; I am merely doing my best.] (Me)

[Is that so?] (Princess)

[That, I am sure. Please allow me to serve your highness and explain the dishes that we offer in this meagre eatery of ours. Also, would it be wrong of me to assume that your highness would like smaller portions for each dish?] (Me)

The ominous laughter from her finally changes into that of a pure and innocent one. I inwardly sighed.

[You know us well. Yes please.] (Princess)

[Red wine for you, as well as the gentlemen and ladies behind your highness?] (Me)

[We shall take you up for your hospitality then.] (Princess)

[As your highness says.] (Me)

Keeping my head low, I walk a few steps backward slowly. I gesture simply for another waiting member to my side, and whisper to him.

[I need your help. Convey two instructions to everyone. First, prepare a smaller portion for each dish to her highness, say half or lesser.] (Me)

[Okay Ray. What else?] (Andy)

[Second, get the red wine from the cellar. We are serving only her highness food, but we will serve all of them red wine. Prepare about three or four glasses worth for everyone there.] (Me)

[That's!?] (Andy)

[Just inform Cheff, I'm sure he will understand. Be hasty, I don't know if her highness would approve of us being slow. Try to get everyone to help you.] (Me)

Andy nodded with a grim face and retreats. Since I am still facing the princess, I am unable to see anyone's faces, but knowing Cheff, his past adventuring experiences would probably allow him to guess the identity of our esteemed customers. I just pray that Cheff will keep his calm.

I walk back to the table, and begin by explaining the first dish that was served to the princess some time ago while apologising for the oversized portion for her. Thereafter, we lightly conversed, while maintaining my respectful attitude of course, until the next dish is ready.


[And for the finale, I present to your highness the desert. This is commonly known as a custard pudding, and enjoyed by people of varying ages. But differing from what your highness may come to know, we have specially prepared this particular dish just for this occasion.] (Me)

[Oh? If this dish was made just because of me, I might be upset from the special treatment. I did visit this place partially to experience food from a differing social standing.] (Princess)

[Please be at ease your highness. We have done so in consideration to your highness, but not so in regards to social standing.] (Me)

[May I take it that you have spread our identities to do so then?] (Princess)

[Not at all, your highness. I have given instructions to the head chef personally for the customisation without revealing anything. I have done so in consideration to the possible concerns your highness may have.] (Me)

[Is that so? Much appreciated then.] (Princess)

[Please enjoy the dessert.] (Me)

Stepping back, I waved the waitress Elaina over.

"Elly, the gentleman at table 14 and the lady at table 9 need refill to their glasses."

Elaina silently nodded and professionally went over to refill their drinks.

Meanwhile, the princess had sparkling eyes while carving a second spoon of the dessert.

[As your highness might have guessed, there is a fragrance of red wine infused into the caramel on top. Traditionally, the caramel is sweeter and non-alcoholic, while the pudding itself is sweeter as well. In consideration to your highness, we have decided to modify the caramel slightly. The pudding is lessened in its sweetness as well to compliment the aroma of the red wine. Does you highness find this satisfactory?] (Me)

[If I may say so in your manner, I think you already know the answer to your question when I'm trying my best to hide my facial expression.] (Princess)

Her face slightly warped into a smug look while she gazed at me.

[That… I am honoured.] (Me)

Slightly taken aback by her retortive comment, I bow to the princess in a respectful manner as a response to hide any possible ill-mannered action I may take due to my slight loss in composure. When I straightened my posture, I turned my face slightly and called.

"Mr Jefferson, please say some words to your highness." (Me)

Cheff walks over to us, before lowering his head to the princess. Unlike me, he did not take a bow.

[Your highness, I hope you find the Ocean Swarm satisfactory.] (Cheff)

[Your highness, the owner of the eatery greets your highness. He hopes that your highness enjoys the time spent on our small place.] (Me)

[This may be a small place, but it is a nice place to be at. I believe I know why it lives up to its reputation. Please convey my words to him.] (Princess)

"Her highness enjoyed her stay, and she says she understands why the Ocean Swarm lives up to its reputation." (Me)

"It, it is our honour." (Cheff)

[We are honoured to be graced by your highness' words.] (Me)

As the princess finishes the last bite of her pudding, her escorts and followers all stands up with emptied glasses on the table. I thought I saw devastation on her face as she stands and prepares to leave. If that is so, our little farewell gift will definitely please her.

The princess waves a retainer forward, and speaks in an extremely formal tone.

[Please give an appropriate payment, for both my meal and your wines.] (Princess)

Bowing before the princess, the retainer waves his hand over the table. In a blink of an eye, three gold bars appear nicely stacked. I thought I heard Cheff swallow his saliva, but I paid him no heed and immediately spoke out.

[Your highness, this may be too much for a small…] (Me)

[Cease your refuting. I have done so in consideration to the quality of the wine. In spite of myself, I take pride in my ability to assess good wine. Or are you questioning my judgement in both wine and the quality of the dishes you offer?] (Princess)

[No… I would never. I apologise for my incompetence.] (Me)

[If you understand.] (Princess)

The princess leaked a puerile smile that she probably isn't aware of, before turning to leave. I hastily moved in order to escort her, leaving a stunned Cheff behind.

[Allow me.] (Me)

I quietly take the lead and open the doors in a swift and refined manner. As the princess and the rest exit one by one, I stand by the entrance and wait for an opportunity to speak.

[I see that there are still some words you would like to convey.] (Princess)

The guard from before frowned, as though he found my behaviour annoying.

[I beg your highness' pardon. It is just a mere concern of mine for your highness. It is in regards to your highness' accommodation.] (Me)

[Ah… It is regarding that matter, is it not? How insightful of you. Your worries are needless, our preparations are flawless.] (Princess)

[Yes. That, I am aware.] (Me)

Immediately realising the meaning behind my words, her expression warps. Discerning the strange atmosphere given out by the princess, the guard was about to step forth and seemingly cut me down. But faster than he could make a move, the princess release a killing intent similar to the one she did before inside the Ocean Swarm.

[You have some nerve doing that without my knowledge.] (Princess)

I kept my calm. I know for a fact that the princess is not aiming her killing intent at me. For now, I shall stand by the side and quietly wait.

[Show yourself! If you do not do so within the time I am able to resist my anger, I will slaughter everyone here without exceptions to ensure your punishment! And I shall have this human guide me instead!] (Princess)

Faces pale, but there are no signs of decline to the killing intent released by the princess herself. There are a few confused faces, of which one of them belongs to the guard.

[Your highness, please cease your anger! There is no need to let a lowly human guide yourself for anything! Please calm…] (Guard)

[Silence! I don't think that this human is lower than the coward who hides before me by the instructions of father! If there was an individual capable of human speech, I don't see the need to hide under the apparent cause of protecting me. For all I know, the rest have been experiencing nothing but trouble!] (Princess)

The guard held his breath in shock.

[…I will begin my punishment.] (Princess)

Before my expressionless face, the princess faces the guard and is about to raise her hand before a voice sound out to interrupt her.

[Your highness! Please cease your hand! It is I who is responsible, please spare the rest!]

The princess already had her eyes locked onto the speaker, and they shine a deep hue of crimson that incites fear upon those without a strong heart.

[…Very well. For your honest confession, I shall spare your family. You shall use your abilities to continue to guide us until the journey is over.] (Princess)

[! …I thank your highness' magnanimous and benevolent heart.]

The retainer, apparently a close aide of the king, probably noticed the meaning behind the princess' words. 'Guide me till our journey is over, and then your death shall serve as a rebellious intent against my father's selfishness.' For a noble of their species, sparing their family equals sparing the continuation of pure bloodline, and I am sure of it myself that the retainer is not unsatisfied at all.

[Your punishment for now, is to demonstrate your ability in front of me to confirm my beliefs to your skill.] (Princess)

Of course, the retainer probably hates the idea of speaking to a human, but knowing her family is at stake, she steeled herself and faced me.

"…I am a follower of her highness the princess. I… thank you for your kind hospitality to her highness." (Retainer)

"I am grateful for your kind words." (Me)

I give a bow.

[Did she speak courteously in your language?] (Princess)

[I am certain of it, your highness.] (Me)

[Is that so? I apologise for showing an unsightly behaviour.] (Princess)

[There is no such thing. Your highness holds a beauty that puts masses in awe.] (Me)

[…Nonsense, I did not see you captivated at all.] (Princess)

[Your highness is mistaken. I am a lowly being that holds no permission to gaze upon such beauty.] (Me)

[I shall grant you that permission then. Look upon me.] (Princess)

Faced with unexpected reply from the princess, I was on the verge of going rigid, but I forced myself into action. I slowly bowed, then hesitantly lifted my head.

For the first time, I am able to take a proper look at the princess' face. Indeed, just as my words have surmised, the princess holds a beauty that not many are capable of surpassing, even amongst the various species. She possesses a silent beauty that easily compliments her display of raging killing intent, a show of a hidden tyrant that even the strong-hearted may come to fear. As I am slightly caught in a daze looking at her, she showed me a small but unreserved smile.

[You have beautiful silver eyes.] (Princess)

"!" (Me)

I lowered my face immediately. There is a reason to hide my eyes and I hope the princess is not one of them. Realising my carelessness in exposing myself and therefore resulting in my impolite actions, I speak in a fluster.

[I sincerely apologise! Due to the loss of my parents, I have always been overly concerned over characteristics of myself. I sincerely meant no disrespect to your highness!] (Me)

Shit, I screwed up badly this time. Her killing intent from before has already shown me what she is capable of, and if I'm unlucky I'm dead before I can live my dream. Kneeling in front of her, I keep a prostrated figure to beg for her forgiveness. Unexpectedly, I heard her pure and innocent laughter.

[I am not bothered. Please rise.] (Princess)

[I am grateful… Please allow me to apologise once again.] (Me)

[Then, without further ado, I shall take my leave.] (Princess)

[Ah! Please spare a moment for us, your highness.] (Me)

Arching her eyebrow slightly in question, she faces me once again and awaits my words.

[As a farewell gift from the Ocean Swarm, we would like to present to your highness this gift, if your highness would accept it.] (Me)

I respectfully held out a paper. Frowning, she waves her guard over to receive the paper in her stead. It is probably a common practice among those with a higher social standing in society, as an act of caution against ambush and assaults.

The guard takes the paper from my hands and carefully scrutinises it. After a while, he turns around and hands the slip of paper to the princess while muttering a few words to her, probably words of caution. The princess receives the paper gingerly and looks through it, before asking me in a confused tone.

[I do not understand the words written upon this paper. I sense no danger from it, but I would like you to explain the significance of this paper which you claim as a gift for me.] (Princess)

[As your highness says, the words are likely foreign to your highness. I would like to apologise in regards to that aspect as it is written in the language of the humans. With that being said, the contents of the paper illustrate the recipe of the dessert we have served your highness before. If your highness would pardon my ill-manner, I would propose for your highness' excellent retainer to translate the contents.] (Me)

[...Is that so. Thank you.] (Princess)

With such a brief reply, the princess boards her carriage. In a few moments later, the royal group of customers are seen in a distance from the Ocean Swarm. I continue to stand outside the Ocean Swarm, watching their shrinking figures while perspiring in fear. Honestly, facing a member of royalty was not the most frightening tonight. Nor is it the large group following her.

[Good job tonight. For now, come on in.] (Cheff)

I silently received the friendly pat on my back. It is not until Cheff pushed me back into the eatery am I able to release my gaze directed at a far distance.