Chapter 17 <Unforseen Skirmish 1>

Faint light shone behind me, casting a shadow from my crouching figure. Immediately, I jumped to the side without hesitation. A stake of considerable size missed my shoulder by hair's breath, impaling itself into the ground. Taking a step forward, I then – backtracked. I pulled away from them, but in no way fast.

I can hear a panicked and hurried chant from a distance.

I am not sensitive to magic. Neither can I use it. Faced with a user of magic, I'm definitely at a disadvantage. However, I can do certain actions that allows me to gain more information about the caster. For instance, the range of the caster.

As I continue to consistently draw back, I see magic circles appearing in front of me. Unlike just now where I was unmoving, moving backwards right now makes taking aim from my behind hard to do.

After two more stakes fired at me, the firing ceased for a little. I immediately try to recall how far I travelled, estimating the range of my aggressor. And when the next magic circle appeared, I dig my right foot into the ground and rushed forward.

While dodging stakes, I advance back to where I was. And when I came to the clearing, I see the person responsible for firing stakes retreating backwards on the other side of the river.

I continue to move forward, towards where the caster is – and change my direction midway, charging at the dramatic sore-loser. Two stakes missed me by a small margin, but I ignored them and raised my left hand.


The noble upstart who had little surprise at my movements, smiled deviously before driving his claws from his right hand right into my face. Instead, my left arm is pierced through, to the point where I could see his claws poking from just beneath my skin. He flashed me a grin of victory.

So I smiled in response.

Pushing my left arm forward, I twist it and firmly grabbed his arm. Before he could realise what is going on, I yanked backwards. Just like that, I changed places with him.

And smoothly, the stake which was aiming at my side, rammed its thick length straight through his chest.

A soundless scream escaped from his lips. Before my eyes, his face gave a look of disbelief, probably unable to comprehend how a mere human had an upper hand over a proud noble vampire such as himself.

With his claws still wedged in my left arm, I pulled downwards, dragging him and the stake downwards. I lift my right leg and stomped, lodging it into the riverbed.

[And just like that, you're now enjoying the same position as her highness. Aren't you honoured?] (Me)

I ignored any response from him and stepped to my left, letting the stake pass by me. I removed the right hand of this dramatic sore-loser from my left arm and faced the other vampire. Using his face as a springboard, I launched myself forward…

…and threw the pebble which I picked from the riverbed.

The vampire who did not expect a ranged attack could only watch as the pebble went straight for his forehead. The pebble stunned him, reaping him of his sight for a moment, which is more than enough for me to close the distance. Since I was already in motion, I reached him almost instantly.

[Fuu…] (Me)

I exhaled, stepping in to swing my fist, connecting it with his lower jaw. Somehow, I did not expect it but he was slightly lifted off the ground. Well, if my aim is correct, I can normally knock out a normal human, but vampires are fundamentally stronger than humans. For my own safety, I cannot afford to be careless and leave my safety to chances.

Without wasting a breath, I reach out with my other hand and grabbed his leg while he's in the air. Pulling him towards me, I quickly stretch out my free hand to grab his forehead in a vice grip. Normally grabbing the face would be easier but I did otherwise to avoid the fangs.

Without further ado, I swing my arm with all my might, crashing the vampire's head onto the ground.


After waiting vigilantly for a while, I make my way towards the princess. For some reason, she has eyes of wonder while looking at my approach. Without hesitation, I brought two fingers before her face and directed them at her eyes.

[...May I ask, what are you doing?] (Princess)

[…I apologise, but your highness has to admit that from the start till the end, this situation is most baffling for a mere human such as myself. To me, there exist a possibility that your highness may be a potential threat to myself the moment I realised that your highness is still alive.] (Me)

[I see. Indeed, I see and comprehend your viewpoint. However, it is equally baffling that you would have a measure to identify the truth from my words.] (Princess)

[As your highness says, unlike you, I have no means. Instead, I would like to propose a fair trade. If there is something that your highness has to offer, I will release your highness. As your highness can see, this is no longer trust in each other, but trust in the deal itself. Simple, is it not?] (Me)

[I see. I now understand the reason behind the human's prosperity.] (Princess)

[I won't refute that. I hate to remind your highness, but I believe that you have a time limit for yourself. If I am correct, it won't be long before Solus rises.] (Me)

[…Is that a threat?] (Princess)

[As I have said, it is a reminder. I have no control over the rise of Solus.] (Me)

[I have… nothing to offer except my ruined clothing… and myself…] (Princess)

Now that I think of it, her carriage is probably far away. Damn, I injured myself and got nothing in return. I should just leave her here to burn away.

Well leaving her here after exposing myself is not an option anymore. In the case she survives, I'll only have more trouble coming my way. I can't salvage living things, and disposing of her is just unreasonable when she can be saved.

Sigh. For now, I'll just release her.

[Fine, I accept.] (Me)

[!?] (Princess)

I walked behind her. To release her, I need to start from removing the stakes from her legs first. The wet hems of her dress probably fell over her legs and the stakes when the impact struck her. I really don't want to bend down after such a tiring activity, and my left arm kind of still hurt. Sighing, I lift the dress hem.

[Hold on! What do you think you're doing!?] (Princess)

[I accepted the deal, what else do you think I am doing?] (Me)

[No… this can't be real…] (Princess)

What the heck is this girl yapping about?

Ignoring the headache from the princess' insensible screams, I grabbed the stake on her left calf and notified her.

[Please clench your teeth.] (Me)

[Nooooo!] (Princess)

This girl… I don't care anymore. I injected strength in my arms and pulled out the stake in one stroke.

[!?] (Princess)

Since this stake is relatively smaller, I can do it easily. As expected of a vampire, the hole in her calf begin to close, albeit at a slower rate than expected. It's likely due to her loss of blood. I should start thinking where to find her a blood supply.

When her wound on her left calf closed, I grabbed the right stake and yanked it out in a similar fashion. That one also started to close. Surprisingly, she did not scream at all when I yanked them out. Is it not painful at all?

I walked back to the front to face the princess. There is an indescribable expression on her face.

[How should I remove this huge one? Does your highness have any preferences or suggestions?] (Me)

[Eh? Um, just, remove it from the back?] (Princess)

You know, that stake is huge and long, so it is probably very heavy. For your information, my race is human. I doubt I can just grab and remove this stake.

…I'll just have to grab whatever I can lift then.

[Pardon me.] (Me)

Ignoring her and any potential resistance, I grabbed the princess by her shoulder and her hip. Since the stake has considerable length, I can't simply lift her off it. Instead, I braced my feet and jumped at an angle, as parallel to the stake as I can be.

I hope I don't tear any of her internal contents. Well, she's a vampire so she'll be fine.
