Chapter 22 <Retrieval>

Compared to Bethany, Cheff is definitely a difficult mage opponent.

Bethany's earth magic that generates stakes are silent and swift. Cheff's fire magic that generates pure flames are silent, swift, formless, and most importantly, unending. The voiceless incantations gives Cheff the advantage of not having chant delays. However, what bothers me more is Cheff not appearing to run out of steam anytime soon.

Mages that are capable of voiceless incantations normally try to overwhelm their opponents, but they would always exhaust themselves if they're not careful, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

On the other hand, Cheff doesn't overwhelm me randomly; he strategically leaves openings to lure me or pauses his barrage to trick me, and while he isn't firing magic he tries to conserve and recover whatever mana he has.

Moreover, I have not seen the full extent of his capabilities. I can't tell if Cheff isn't wielding other magic types because he cannot or because he chooses not to, but right now just his chantless fire magic is plenty formidable. If there is more to Cheff's capability as an adventurer, things will definitely not work out.

From the way Cheff fights, I can tell that he definitely holds a mountain of experience as an adventurer, and does not commit mistakes simply because he has more firepower, just as a fresh adventurer would. The result is clear as day when he currently fights me to a standstill without a need for a melee support that typical mages require.

…No, it is correct to say that I'm the one at a disadvantage.

Even though I am not weaponless now, I still have my wounded left arm and abdomen. And even I am moving at high speeds, I am still unable to get close to Cheff even once.

Despite all these, Cheff isn't arrogant at all. He plays it safe by maintaining his distance and keeping me away while slowly driving me to a corner by using flames to scorch the ground.

Comparing this to the previous fight I got into with two vampires, I definitely took advantage of many factors such as their pride, turning one against another, and surprise in order to win. Now that my cards are laid bare, this fight is very difficult.

Behind me, Princess Violet is holding a barrier for herself and occasionally throwing out water with magic. Whether it is the reason that she isn't fully recovered, or she can't do so without creating a tidal wave, it isn't enough to extinguish all the flames for me to rush at Cheff. Regardless, I'm still thankful. I hadn't asked for support, but in a fight with one's life at stake there isn't such a thing called meaningless support.

Though I wonder if she is doing this to gain my favour somehow…

'Did I? I just wanted to prank you though.'

…Forget it.

However, it doesn't change that this battle isn't progressing at all. With each attack from Cheff, the heat wears down my stamina, and the flames burn my skin. Unfortunately, the battle of attrition works in Cheff's favour against me.

There are potential reinforcements that I don't plan to meet at all. And the fact that Cheff isn't rushing to defeat me at all displays his capability not to let pride cloud his judgement.

This isn't easy at all.

I dodge the flame above my head in a paranoid manner, only to see it land behind me. To my right, there is fire licking the ash-turned grass field. With my back and right paths covered in flames, I opted to rush forward, but what waited for me are – as expected – more flames.

Before another blotch of fire could land on my left and surround me, water sprayed to my right in a nonsensical manner but covering a wide area. I braced myself for the heat of the steam and plunged rightwards before fire crashed down on me from above.

I've been desperately enduring Cheff's attack for a while without being able to retaliate even once. If this continues, I will definitely have to face more opponents that possibly match Cheff's calibre.

…Without sacrifices, there won't be gain. With time against me, I think it's time for desperate measures. I still don't know any hidden cards Cheff has, but I plan to use the element of surprise to somehow tip the scales.

A blotch of flame is thrown to my right. I dashed in front, but Cheff aimed a fireball at me after a pause and shoots it. Water sprayed to my right and opened a path of escape. It is easier to extinguish a patch of flames on the ground than a chunk of fireball densely packed with flames, so at such a tight battle where I have literally no time to pause at all, what Princess Violet did is the correct and most optimal choice for support.

In more ways than one.

As the fireball approached me fast, I accelerated straight towards the fireball. I covered my eyes by pressing my left arm hard against them and plunged in at a higher speed than before. I feel my skin blister and tear, my wounds repeatedly cauterising and tearing open at the intense heat.

Yes, in this case, Princess Violet's water magic isn't a support that creates an escape route, but a distraction.


As opposed to what people may think, fireball magic isn't just merely a ball of fire. When shot out by magic, probably due to the will for it to move in a designated direction, it contains a directional driving force. It isn't just a ball of fire that burns in the air without taking up space. That's why more than just mere flames from magic, fireball magic definitely had more firepower, which is also the reason why it explodes when it hits something.

My suicidal rush into the incoming fireball should have resulted in me getting pushed back. However, since I had accelerated beforehand, I only slowed. Instead, the fireball exploded right where I am at an earlier time, scattering flames and bringing the temperature to unbearable levels.

Desperately pressing my left arm to my eyes, I dig my right foot into the ground to resist the explosive force and push forward. As if my skin isn't giving me enough pain, the stress at which I'm forcing my body to go through in order to charge through the fireball only multiplied the pain. I end up tilting my body at an angle to avoid the full brunt of the explosion; pushed slightly to the side, I only press forward and accelerate once more to regain both balance and momentum.

Following immediately after, there is a rush of cool air, tickling – no, stinging my blistered skin. Heeding this signal, I immediately pull away my left arm to regain my protected sense of sight and prepare for melee.

Only to find Cheff taking a stance resembling martial artists, ready to receive my rush.


That is the only word that I can find to describe what my eyes see right now. I could barely handle long ranged assaults from Cheff, and just when I think I can level the playing ground, I see him display a familiarity in close ranged combat. Of course, it may be a bluff from an experienced adventurer, but in the case that it isn't, it won't be as simple as a bruise or a flesh wound.


There isn't time to think and consider whether Cheff is bluffing. Since I'm already in motion, I can only follow through. An element of surprise backfires with hesitation. Lowering my stance, I increase my speed even more.

Facing me, Cheff throws a fist from below, delivering an uppercut to my chin.

In that case I'll go even lower and aim for his waist. I'll risk a knee to my ribs, but if I grab him I can cut his leg or…

What the!?

I desperately stomped my left foot, steering myself forcefully towards the right. By a hair's breadth, flames that suddenly appeared and covered his fist licked my face, nearly robbing me of my left eye. At the speed at which I moved, I couldn't slow down at all; I end up diving to the right.

Since I was at an impossibly low stance I can only tumble on the ground, smashing through my cabin door and into the cabin itself.

I quickly got up, only to see Cheff shutting the door and setting it aflame.

"Stay where you are and you might risk going to prison instead of being burnt alive!" (Cheff)

Crafty bastard…

If Cheff hadn't used fire magic on his fists, the range area of his uppercut wouldn't be so huge, to the point of caution. Even though I did not see Cheff as an easy opponent, I still ended up underestimating him. I did not expect his skill to be at a level where he could cover himself in flames without hurting himself.

…Let's just say that, I trust in your personal defensive skills, Princess Violet.

Of course, putting aside how Cheff has locked me in, I achieved one of my goals: to get into my cabin and acquire my belongings. He probably thought I had aimed to take him down, so I shall use this misconception of his.

In that case there isn't a need for the little fox to help anymore. Speaking of which, where did it go?

…I'll worry about it later.

Without wasting time, I grab my bag and begin to throw in whatever I needed.

Suddenly, something pushed against my foot.

"Oh… good job." (Me)

I turn around and pat the little fox on its head amicably. Since I hid the rod, the little fox saved the time I need to find it. I look through my bag one last time, placed the little fox in my bag, grab the pole and head towards the main door where the flames rage.

I hug the bag tight where something is squirming inside, muttered a small apology and kick the door down. Since the door is the only portion with a hinge mechanism, in addition it is probably weakened by flames, it is the easiest path to break out from.



I duck a left swing from Cheff in an unrefined manner, rushed under his arm and put my foot on his thigh. Pushing off, I use Cheff as a springboard and propel myself away from the cabin.

I was about to think that, 'besides Cheff wouldn't expect me to escape from the most dangerous route', but it looks like I was predicted and seen through.

I leave my back exposed to Cheff's magic, but since my original objective was not to fight, it doesn't matter to me. I held the bag and the rod within my arms in the front away from any magic Cheff is shooting and sprint as fast as I can the moment I touch the ground.

…I must say, I am surprised that you are alive, Princess Bereqor. Against Cheff it's as if I'm just flailing around like a fish above water.

No, maybe it's just that they are on different levels in combat, way above myself.

[Princess Bereqor, please destroy the house! We're retreating!] (Me)

[Violet.] (Violet)

In front of me, I see the lips of Princess Violet moving to form a chant for a magic. Without looking behind, a roar of destruction followed.

As expected, both Cheff and Princess Violet are a league above me. Even after she got injured she is still capable of such devastation…


After casting her spell, Princess Violet buckled her knees and lurched forward.

I just praised you in my mind! Why do you have to spoil my image of you and collapse nooooow!?

Reaching her, I push the luggage to her limp arms. Without waiting for her response, I lifted her in my arms before diving deep into the forest once again. Just as I moved to a tree for cover, I felt the tree shake with impact, followed by a burst of heat.

…I have nothing to do with this anymore, so I shan't think about the cause.

There were shouts that signified the arrival of reinforcements, but never did I look back once.