Chapter 30 <Prelude to the counterattack>

I pushed off the wall, slowly advancing towards the main entrance of The Ivy Cottage. I am grateful to Jane's father and his friends as amazing architects. While I catch sight of a nearby building collapsed from the ongoing earthquake, this inn has continued to weather the strong reverberations. Other than the furniture, I couldn't see any visible damage it suffered at all.

While The Ivy Cottage stood strong, I continued to walk on the trembling ground that resolved to topple everything. While my left hand reached out for objects to maintain my balance, my right hand held onto Princess Violet's arm to guide her through this mess. As much as I am aware of how preposterous it is for a commoner to touch a member of the royalty, the situation does not make me bothered in any way.

I am determined to get out and discover the reason behind this sudden turn of events.

[Rey, what exactly is our plan now?] (Violet)

[Right now, we get out of the inn. At the very least, we need to know what's going on. As much as how I can't shake the feeling this is connected to the Earl somehow, not knowing any more than this will not get us anywhere.] (me)

[That is not untrue.] (Violet)

I finally felt my left hand touch the door knob. With a resolute heart, I twist and yanked it open, prepared for any shock that I may encounter.

Immediately, high-pitched screams echoed in my ears.

Confusion and fear is rampant everywhere. I held back the urge to retreat behind the door due to the massive chaos in front of my eyes. I had to push away a shouting young man as he blindly ran towards me. Everyone in Flurea pushed and shoved, in order to escape a horrifying presence they could feel. I looked up to meet the source of their fear.

What greeted me is a gigantic beast that towered over the town, casting a shadow over almost a third of the area. Long slender necks wriggle in the air in a primitive fashion as if in search of a target, and where the root of the necks is, lay a huge body that is half above the ground. It is as though the beast has surfaced itself from the ground. The lizard-like heads open and close their mouths every now and then, snapping their jaws menacingly. Just merely half of its appearance is sufficient to sink even experienced adventurers into the depths of terror.

[Erden Hydra.] (Violet)

While I do know of this creature by book, meeting it in reality forces me to realise how big a gap the difference is. The amount of pressure this mere beast could emit shows how much force of power it has.

The Erden Hydra, also known as the Underground Menace, is known for bringing about disaster wherever it goes. Due to its nature of living and breathing underground, its size alone will uproot vegetation by the masses and destroy multiple lands in a short amount of time. The worst ever record of destruction by an Erden Hydra, is the collapse of a mountain range due to massive erosion. As such, it is regarded as a living disaster by many.

Usually, an Erden Hydra is dormant and stays deep underground where nothing is capable of finding it. It is said that even its own hunger would not even rouse itself from its slumber. Since there is hardly any living organism underground, and the earth is its very home, it would rather starve and feed on sediments. Only very few occasions would an Erden Hydra be forced to the surface, and such occasions are near impossible to happen.

[…Should we run?] (me)

[I thought both you and I needed the Earl!] (Violet)

[Is Princess Violet capable of subduing it?] (me)

[…] (Violet)

We continued to linger for a while longer as we observed the living disaster. As time passes, I begin to notice that its aggression grew, to the point where the heads start to thrash about in madness.

[Something is wrong.] (me)

[I know. Erden Hydras have no aggression towards people. This particular one makes me feel that it isn't an Erden Hydra at all.] (Violet)

She's correct. In fact, the only reasons they're labelled disasters are due to their ridiculous size and their burrowing activities. Nobody actually knows for sure what abilities an Erden Hydra possess.

I clench my fists.

Even if we were to give up on the search of the Earl and run, we won't be able to get out in time. We would be crushed among the thousands of people and buried nameless without graves.

There is little we can do to make a difference without understanding the entire picture.

And despite that, I loathe the thought of dying without a struggle. I refuse to die with thoughts of submission to this world. I can't help but think back to Princess Violet this morning, and her words that pricked my heart.

Must we submit out fates to this world?

Must we blindly follow the path the world has laid for us, even if it meant certain destruction?

Must... I allow myself, to be led towards a definite end?

Before I knew the conclusion to my answer, I could already feel the trembling of my fist from tightly gripping it.

If not, then…

Is fighting the only option?

[Rey?] (Violet)

Sensing something amiss, Violet slightly tugged at my hand and asked about me. But somewhere in my mind, a subconscious decision has already carved itself deep within. I let go of her hand.

Drawing the shaft and my dagger, I kicked off the ground towards the mad, rampaging entity.


At some point in time, I suddenly came back to my mind.

Throwing myself off the roof, I managed a roll on the ground just as the house I was standing on moments ago transformed into a pile of debris.

I proceed to run.

As I dodged flying rubble, I recalled my thoughtless actions. I charged at the Erden Hydra while wielding my spear, rushing in straight. It was a miracle that I didn't get crushed in the process. Unnoticed, I allowed the momentum to carry my body and drove the spear into the side where one of the roots of the necks is.

Thinking that my stab probably is insignificant due to its sheer size, I twisted the spear and swung it while the blade remained embedded in flesh. Just like that, I carved out a chunk of its body, which probably was small relative to its size overall, but nevertheless a significant portion.

Now that I think about it, to be able to pierce its skin and carve its flesh, my dagger is scarily sharp.

Thereon, the start of the battle was signified by the scream of the hydra.

After that, I could not remember much at all. The heat of battle was so intense for me; all I remembered was rolling, dodging, jumping and running while destruction was being carried out all around me. Once or twice I managed to stab it again, but it didn't allow itself to be carved of its flesh again. The best I could manage was dragging my spear across its body while the blade is embedded in its flesh, which probably felt like a paper cut to the Erden Hydra.

Sometimes I see projectiles of magical energy hitting the hydra, and that reminded me that Princess Violet still hadn't left. It probably directed all its hatred towards me for what I did, so even though Princess Violet probably dealt more damage to it, it never did take aim at her.

With that being said, neither of our attacks had any significance at all. Hydras, no matter the species, are notoriously known for their regeneration abilities. Even slicing off one of its neck would only enrage it after the hydra regrows what it had lost. Without proper measures, such as fire magic to burn the wound, poison magic to corrode the flesh or anything similar, damage done to it pose no significance.

Unless, the attack is done so in such an overwhelming manner that one shot would kill the hydra or wipe it off the plane of existence.

To prove my point, the burn marks, frozen skin, or the lacerations I worked so hard to give has disappeared. If there was anything left, it is probably its irritation and anger.


Feeling a sense of danger, I sprinted for the nearest house and jumped for the roof. In a split second later, I saw a head smashing into where I was.

This will not do. If this battle of attrition continues, it is obvious where the advantage will lean towards.

In this battle that I am forced into – no, that I have forced myself into, I have only two options.

Victory, or death.

I vaguely remembered what I did in my fight against Cheff.

That is right. Sometimes, there can't be gains without risks.

And right now, my eyes have deemed this sight to be an opportune moment to strike.

In this mere two to three seconds I had all my thought processes, I laid my decision and jumped; I held my spear in an iron grip and arced my back in order to store all the energy into one full moment. As I felt myself approaching the serpentine head that slowly rose from its senseless crash to the ground, I thought.

Maybe, this might be a bad idea.

The instance I felt my feet touch its head, I swung down the spear with full force, bringing the blade down into its skull. I ignored everything and single-mindedly drove it in, stabbing deep and hoping it reached the brain.

After that, I saw a scene of blur to the point of pure white.

I could feel my joints groan as they withstood the forceful motions. Due to my stubbornness in not letting go, I had somehow managed to stay on top of the head while it thrashed about in pain. I barely heard its roars of pain as I felt my head getting dizzier by the moment. In an attempt not to bite my tongue off, I desperately kept my mouth shut while holding onto the shaft of my spear.

Suddenly, a thought came into my mind.

How do I get off?

I immediately got my answer as I barely caught sight of another head rushing towards me in mid-air. In the slight pause the pierced head halted, I felt the brunt of the impact smashed into me and shot towards the ground.


I broke through the roof of another house and crashed into the door, rolling out to the streets all battered and bruised. Nausea struck me as I came to a halt, disorientating my senses to the extreme. My eyes could barely be opened and I vaguely noticed screaming. All I could think was that if I could not get out in time, the next attack would definitely send me to the afterlife in a form of a smashed pulp.

However, no matter how much I willed my body to move, it did not respond. Pain could be felt throughout my limbs. Even scarier, I could not feel anything from my body at all. My sights began to dye red as I continue to grasp my surroundings with my senses.

Slowly, my fingers twitched. But it only served to show that my recovery is far too slow.

I could only hate myself for not being stronger, or for not making better decisions in life as I watch a rapidly darkening shadow above my that signified the descent of my death.

Fuck, I'm going to die.


The realisation of that thought never came.

With that being said, neither did my acceptance to that reality.

First, a shockwave hit me, but I had miraculously not bounced off like a ragdoll.

Then, I felt myself dangling in the air as something held me at my abdomen.

[…Reckless idiot.] (Violet)

I can hear her breathing hard beside me as my body swung side to side.

[…Thank, you.] (me)

That was all I could muster.

I did not have a heart to say anything else.

I could not ask why she saved me.

I could not ask why she stayed behind.

I could not ask why she did not escape.

That is because I had selfishly chosen to accept this battle and somehow dragged her into this mess. Of all the choices she could have made, Princess Violet chose to be here.

Just like how I chose to fight.

For all that, I can only feel gratitude and guilt.

[…I don't have to ask to know how you feel right now. But I feel that the only right answer I should give to you is this.] (Violet)

I felt myself set to the ground.

[You are definitely not someone insignificant in my life.] (Violet)


As my senses slowly returned, I feel a stronger desire to move my broken body.

I coughed and hacked, feeling a wet and thick sensation on my tongue.

[You may be reckless, Rey. But your actions had brought about a spell over people. So for now, don't move.] (Violet)

Before I could comprehend her words, I hear another voice near me, which almost made me jump out of my skin.

[Don't move boy. Not that you can, anyway.]

Is that, spirit language?

I could barely contain my shock as I struggled to the best of my ability to understand yet another foreign tongue.

[Broken bones, shattered joints, and even more injuries. If you aren't human, what are you? No, I sense traces of your bloodline. You're human, but what in the world are you?]

I hear the confusion and shock emitted from his deep voice, and following that immediately felt something familiarly warm enveloping my body. But I could not immediately shake off the wariness I have for someone unknown to me.

I try to reply in his language with my dislocated jaw.

[Who, are, you?] (me)

[Hooou? I see that you are someone who not only excels in courage, but in the field of knowledge as well. Though, your strength may be lacking.]

Oi. What's with praising someone then criticizing them? You're just bringing up hopes and crashing them down!

[You can call me Zenador. Just treat me like an adventurer that coincidentally specialises in healing magic who happens to pass by.] (Zenador)

If that's the case, that's a planned conspiracy!

But besides the screaming retort in my heart, and my gratitude, I have come to realise something. I could hear screams even now, but this time, they are filled with courage, desperation, command, and not fear.

[Yes, your fight has resonated with the people well. We have realised the fault in our decision to run away in fear. Because of you, we have decided that running would have similarly led to our demise, and we should unite and fight just as you did.] (Zenador)

Wait wait wait, running isn't wrong.

But if the people have gathered to fight off the living disaster together, then there is hope to our survival. By no means, is it an unwelcome outcome.

But there will be undeniable casualties in this battle. In the end, sacrifices still have to be made. I grit my teeth.

I can still hear crashes and screams as the battle begin to wage towards another direction.

[Zenador sir, you should not, be here. Your assistance, is required on, the battlefield.] (me)

[I would beg to differ. Many have come to agree that your recovery is of utmost priority. Your presence would prove to be a boost to both morale and strength.] (Zenador)

I tried to refute, but my jaw has grown exhausted from speaking. I tried to shake my head, but my neck muscles barely responded.

I can hear a deep chuckle from the healing magic user.

[Well then, I shall now increase the tier of healing magic. I require concentration, so please do not speak to me. Additionally, this version I am about to use is a lot stronger compared to normal ones, so you may have to endure some pain in the process.] (Zenador)

Effectively cutting me off with a reason, Zenador fell into silence and increased the aura around him. I feel a gradual increase in energy and my body begin to burn. I can even notice my previously burnt skin from Cheff heal, and my eyes begin to regain the sense of sight.

In front of me, a man of a muscular build knelt beside me, his burly arms hovering over my restoring body. His entire figure seems to glow a faint light as he focused on healing me. I caught a glance of my broken ribs through my skin mending and continued to resist the pain of the forceful regeneration. Similarly, my dangling right arm has slowly fixed itself as if rewinding time.

I noticed his features and came to realise his origins.

However, even after my body has visibly been restored, Zenador does not stop. In fact, he begins to pour out sweat at an incredible rate, drenching his attire in a short notice. In tandem with him, my pain begins to grow at an explosive rate. Unable to bear this mind-scorching pain, I let loose a scream.

My mind was dyed white as I begin to enter a world of flashbacks.

Before I fell into my delusions, I hear the voice of Zenador that rung out strongly.

[Let the counterattack begin!] (Zenador)