Chapter 32 <Awry>

With the descent of the mystical lightning cast by the very hands of Princess Violet, the Erden Hydra has progressed to yet another level of power and destruction. To me at least, it feels as though the hydra has given up on its initial reason of running amok here in Flurea, and begins to consider its own survival instead. Possibly, it has concluded with its primeval brain that in order to survive, it has to give more effort to the battle it currently is engaged in.

After bringing down the lightning might against the beast and following up with flames and lightning, Princess Violet temporarily retreats into the shadows to catch her breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her behind wall buffer that has yet to be destroyed. She seems to be silently looking at the destruction that she has taken part in and the reaction of the hydra currently.

On the other side, Zenador has a knight on his shoulder while he urgently ushers the others to one side. I spot a trickle of blood flow down his face as he continues to keep calm and guide those in fear and confusion to the path of retreat. The magic spell cast by Princess Violet was simply too overbearing in power, shown by a huge crater left on the earth. Moreover, the undefeated hydra continues to roll and squirm about in rage.

While I stood on top of its wound-ridden body, I see the hydra starting to change its mind-set.

One of the heads had savagely bitten off the one which I just cut up, by the root of the neck. Another which I had previously stabbed with my spear on its head was destroyed with an earthen projectile which appeared from a magic circle in front of an agape jaw of yet another hydra head.

From the bare flesh in which it itself had caused, regeneration restarted as if it is a matter of course. Two new heads regrow right in front of my eyes, one from the root, and one from the neck joint. I silently stood atop the body and observed the process unfold.

And when the rebirths of the heads are complete, all of them turned and looked at me with their mouths open. Magic circles configure in front of their gaping jaws, faintly shining yellowish brown.

Taking that as a cue, I immediately sprinted and leap off the body, diving for the ground without care.

A large explosion resounded, followed by a deafening roar. During my descent towards the ground, I feel hot blood of the beast splash on my back, while seeing flesh chunks of different sizes falling to the ground.

I rolled on the ground to reduce the impact of landing, but before I could even regain my balance, my head started blaring red alarms of danger. Snapping my head up, I catch sight of several yellowish brown hues behind amidst the sand and dust in the air. Without thinking, I rolled to the side with my spear, out of the spot where several earthen spears crashed into moments after.

There is no time to think. I got to my feet and ran about in an irregular manner to dodge the shot projectiles filled with killing intent.

Unlike my fight against Bethany, this isn't one which I could attempt to judge its range for. From just its size alone, I seriously doubt my ability to outrun it and measure its range at a relatively safe distance.

In fact, I can say that this is the first time I have come to seriously engage myself in a fight against a beast several times my size.

I vaguely recalled the times I escaped from humongous beasts without even a single ounce of resistance. And among those memories, the encounter with the serpentine divine beast which I had risked my life against to acquire the objective was the most haunting.


I halt my thoughts and desperately twisted my body to the opposite direction which I was running. My eyes managed to catch the huge earthen projectile drop against the ground and embed itself in a few meters before me. It happened at such a high speed, so much so that my unstable posture could not withstand the air pressure created from it and I am blown away.

My body flew in the air, somersaulting in the process, before crashing into the cracked ground and rolling from the momentum. My body which had been previously healed to perfection by Zenador is now scratched and cut all over. As I manoeuvred my limbs to stop myself, I cursed myself for being distracted by my own thoughts.

Back then was the past! The times where the battles I fought are not of my own.

The one I fight now is for myself. That is what is important!

I throw myself to the right as yet another projectile mercilessly pierced where I was just seconds ago. And then I picked myself up to run again.

I have more or less expected the battle to worsen since we are dealing with a beast that only acts by instincts, but what I, and probably the rest of the combatants here right now, had not expected is the Erden Hydra's hidden ability to wield magic. Of course, the element of the magic seems self-explanatory to anyone if one just thought about it, but the very fact that the battle isn't simply a physical one just shows how much the difficulty has raised by itself.

Suddenly, behind me, icicles flew forward as though responding to the hydra's ranged attack in kind. They charged towards that huge body en masse, smashing and hitting onto various spots of the beast. Many smashed against the hydra's body and shook it; some hit the necks and forced them to bend back at an angle, resulting in the earthen projectiles to take aim at the sky and fly there instead. A few managed to reach the soft spots of the hydra through sheer numbers, piercing into its nostrils, eyes and ears.

Accompanied with the roar of pain, blood began to rain from above.

This is an opportunity by a certain princess that I could not afford to let go.

Shaking off my pain and fatigue, I roared with vigour as if in reply, and hurtled forward in a charge with my spear.

Behind me, a louder roar responded, and the ground trembled as the fighters charged together with physical and magical ranged attacks flying above their heads.

All so to take down the monster that destroyed their home.


What is a hydra's weak point?

In the warring eras between races now, it isn't hard to imagine that the study of each race's weakness would occur sooner or later. After all, it is always better to have an advantage over one's opponent.

Of course, different existences would have differ in their weakness they possess. Naturally, stronger beings would have less weaknesses, and beings with higher intelligence could better conceal the weak points they have.

For instance, the Ironhide Lizard is a beast that holds tremendous natural defence that even the sharpest steel blades could not make a dent on. However, it knows not how to protect the chinks in the armour and often an accurate stab or shot to the joints would quickly incapacitate it.

Humans, on the other hand, are prone to injury at almost all parts of their body. However, their knowledge and tenacity is what allows them to improve in various ways to cover for their own weakness.

For existences that possess both wisdom and natural abilities, it can be said that their weaknesses are near non-existent.

Based in my observation so far, I have judged the Erden Hydra to have a high natural defence and average intelligence.

With near divine regeneration, it is impossible through normal means to cut hydras down. Even slicing off its heads does nothing much since regenerating heads to it is a piece of cake.

With that being said, hydras are said to have several weaknesses.

Some say that among the many heads of the hydra, one of them is an immortal head that acts as the main control over others. Once cut down, the entire body collapses into a mere heap of unmoving meat. However, in reality some hydras could regenerate all their heads at once even if all their heads are cut completely at once.

Some say that since the heads aren't the solution, they should aim for the limbs. But there were records that dictate hydras regenerating more limbs than they originally have, of which some increased the destruction they wrought. The conclusion was the same when someone suggested aiming for the tail, which only devastated those who indeed tried it when they realised that they have to deal with more than one tail after their successful attempt.

Some would then come to a conclusion that one should aim for the vitals where the bodily organs are. If a spear through a heart could kill most beings in this world, it wouldn't be surprising that the Hydra could die from shock even if it could technically regenerate it's heart.

The harsh reality narrates that while this method is indeed viable, tougher hydras possess more than one heart, and cunning ones could move the heart around their body so long as it stays within the boundaries of their tough hide.

There was literally no way of causing their deaths except destroying them in one go, such as a huge object crushing it under or an explosion sufficient to destroy it entirely.

It wasn't until someone attempted to burn it with fire did the populace realise that by neutralising its regenerative ability at the cellular level was the first step to fighting back the menace.

Using high temperature on its gaping wounds prevents regeneration because its cells are denatured or destroyed completely. This also works when acid is used.

Of course, there are still existences out there destroying hydras with grand level magic or pure physical abilities that could erase them off the plane of existence.

Considering my options, the Erden Hydra probably doesn't have an immortal head since every head looks equal in intelligence with their anger and irritation.

Considering its natural characteristic of earthen elements, I guess that as long as it stays in contact with the ground the regeneration is beyond our abilities to deal with. Any attempts to slice off limbs or tails will only lead to certain failure.

Considering how this hydra in particular knows magic, I conclude that it either has multiple hearts to support both bodily functions and its magic circuits, or just possess intelligence that allows shifting about its heart.

Even though it shown a lot of primitive reactions that contradict the level of intelligence to use magic. Maybe using earthen magic is just it's second nature.

And finally, the method of acid and fire just isn't effective when it initiates its own injury by breaking and destroying it's sealed heads in order to regenerate itself back to full form.

Which only leaves me one method of defeating it.

I need an extremely powerful attack to kill it in one shot.

There's just one problem.

I have none of those in my arsenal.


I rushed up to the Erden Hydra writhing in pain from the numerous ballistic icicles while wielding my spear. Jumping up its trunk of a leg, I crawled up tenaciously to the body where the root of the necks lie.

From there on, I begin to slice and stab.


Roars of pain echoes in my eardrums and deafened me, but that did little to cease my attacks that neared the edge of lunacy. I noticed myself entirely drenched in blood of the Hydra as I continuously swung my spear.

All so, in a mad attempt to merely buy time.

I know myself well enough that I possess no attack that could hit like a battering ram, much less those that could hit like a meteor. I only have a stronger than average body, birthed from the craze of the orphanage, that did little against giant beasts.

In fact, I'm painfully aware of my role in this particular fight. But in order to survive, in order to fight for my own life, I have to put trust into someone else, which was something I couldn't do easily.

Yet, I am resolved.

In the midst of my spear-swinging frenzy among many men mimicking me, I hear a familiar voice call out to me.

[Young warrior, do you have a plan!?] (Zenador)

[I am trying my best!] (me)

[Rey! I need more time than usual! I just used crimson lightning so my ability to draw mana is slower!] (Violet)

[Can you destroy this thing!?] (me)

[With enough time, yes!] (Violet)

[Please tell me you are doing something with that young miss over there!] (Zenador)

[Don't worry, we are!] (me)

Damn it! Talking to people smoothly in two different languages is fucking tough!

It's tougher when both languages aren't my mother tongue!

It's god damn worse when I have to do that while dodging attacks at a scale of a carriage crashing into a human!

Multiple times even!

I jumped with all my might and landed on the head which charged to bite at me. I stabbed it in its eye and lodged in deep into the eye socket, causing a shriek of pain.

Thinking I got myself balanced on top, I am forced to quickly changed my mind as another pair of jaws approach me at the speed of a warhorse. I yanked out my spear desperately, before jumping again and watched as the Hydra bit itself in the head.

I then swung my spear as wide as possible trying to slice into its nape.

My battle has unknowing progressed into mid-air as I jumped and leaped about, half due to training and skill, and half propelled by desperation.

In an attempt not to repeat its mistake of shooting itself, the Hydra has opted to physically take me down. However, that does not mean it could not use magic against those on the ground. In fact, some of them are having difficulty blocking the projectiles. I consider myself fortunate to have one less thing to deal with.

Due to my current position, I got myself a moment worth of an eagle eye view which allowed me to grasp the current situation.

Zenador has joined the fight as a combatant at some point in time and is wielding two thin blades elegantly. They seem to be imbued with some sort of aura which I cannot identify. He magnificently dodged an earthen projectile within a hair's breath, but hasn't stopped at slicing the flesh before him. What is admirable is the fact that he continues to emit the aura of healing and invigoration around himself, inspiring those about him to fight with vigour.

Princess Violet has retreated far back and has her eyes closed while she chants an aria of magic. With her hands outstretched towards the battle here, a delicate magical formation begins to intricately formulate itself. It has reached the point where its size is half of the Erden Hydra's, but it doesn't look to be complete anytime soon and continues to slowly expand outwards.

Finally, I also noticed something alarming.

Another magic circle is also expanding along with the one by Princess Violet. Unfortunately, this one in particular is shockingly by the Erden Hydra. Worse, it is expanding at a faster rate than the one by Princess Violet, and looks to soon overtake hers.

This magic circle emits a faint hue of yellowish brown, and due to the natural colour of earth the magic circle has obtained a partial camouflage. Normally, magic circles of the earthen attribute can be seen by all, but in the drive and morale to take down the hydra, nobody except me noticed such a blatantly large magic formation.

I swung my spear and rolled in the air, narrowly missing a charging hydra head.

This is bad.

I had realised in an instant when I saw it. Likely, the hydra has sensed an impending doom upon it from the emerging magic from Princess Violet. It probably can't escape either from the nature of whatever magic Princess Violet plans to use, or from the mere fact that the resistance force is doing a good job stalling it in position.

And just from this realisation alone, primeval thoughts has been influenced by its dignity as a huge beast.

That it cannot go down like this.

That it cannot die without struggling to the fullest.

That it should drag everyone to the hell it has confirmed itself to go.

At this point in time, whatever aim the non-aggressive Erden Hydra has appeared and rampaged in Flurea for is completely wiped from its mind.

Within that mind, only destruction exists.

As a gift for the destruction of its life, it has resolutely decided to grant its murderers equal destruction.

In our solution to take it down, we have exposed ourselves to an inescapable danger. This had gone out of my expectations.

And when I finally processed these thoughts, all the hair on my skin stood as if called at attention.

Around us, a dangerous aura lingers in the air.

The next second, the land of Flurea begins to roll as though the mountains move. Several buildings smashed against one another while many toppled over from the fearsome shaking of the ground.

The resistance force looks to have finally noticed something as they started to panic over both the earthquake and their new discovery of the gigantic magic circle beneath them.

Unfortunately, some of them have considered to run away out of fear, only to lose a moment's concentration and die from the Erden Hydra's physical charge or earthen projectiles.

The rest who continues to fight only have the difficulty increased as they have to now deal with the trembling ground.

In just this short while, the ground has descended into yet another set of chaos.

I descended, allowing gravity to take its course. This time, I somehow managed to stab the snout of the hydra and held on.

I could see Zenador yelling for the fighters to stay calm and raise their morale. Unfortunately, those who did only saw the scale of destruction and it's reach, eventually allowing fear and despair to grip hold of their hearts.

I also noticed Princess Violet desperately keeping her cool while chanting. She tries not to allow herself to be distracted since the amount of mana she has to manage for that powerful attack would run rampant without control and come as a backlash to bite back at her. Not just that; she would then have to stay unfocused and immobile for awhile, with her mana dissipating without usage, before she has to redo everything from the start. But even so, her speed still lost to the that of the Erden Hydra, likely because it is burning its own life force for the magic circle.

Seeing some of the members of the resistance force shed tears or piss themselves out of fear, I subconsciously took in the various mixed emotions and tried to pressure myself into squeezing out a solution.

I have to.

I have to.


There was no solution that came to my mind.

In this fight with a gigantic beast, we have failed to successfully escape, much less defeat it.

In our failure, the monster was allowed to run rampant with its life and destroy a huge portion of a town. And now in order to burn out its life in a manner that pays respect to its own dignity, it has decided to utilise the remnants of its life energy to wield destruction to the extreme.

The magic circle has long outgrown Princess Violet's and is about to cover the entire perimeter of Flurea.

At that moment in time, I felt like I could see the life of the hydra depicted by the last strands of a thick rope, burning away by a flame of yellowish brown. Along this peculiar sight, a barren land covered the entire background like a scenery, but it was one littered in the remnants of destruction. Pieces of glass, broken tiles, cracked cement were all around. Not a single building was left complete or standing, and not a single living being was in sight.

This only looked like an ancient civilization eroded by nature for centuries, but in the back of my mind lingered an undeniable thought that clearly told me the truth.

This is Flurea, depicted in the very near future.

I thought, what a contradictory view compared to its glorious past and beauty.

In reality, the land near the boundaries of Flurea starts to tremble, and I can see the earth shoot up as though alive. The screams and wails of despair that have been echoing for the longest time only continued to increase.

My mind has long delved into similar chaos and I find it increasing hard to focus and think about my own survivability.

All in my mind right now is the thought of how, the lives of many within Flurea will be crushed mercilessly.

The aesthetical heritage and culture of Flurea, all destroyed without a single shred of restraint.

The life of Princess Violet ending without even completing her objective.

My own life, concluding its miserable course without being able to cling onto the first happiness of a dream which I sought after.

All, done by the very destruction of the Erden Hydra itself.

All these thoughts flashed in and out in my mind like a light show with blinking lights sufficient to drive anyone insane. But in the sea of all these raging thoughts, I thought to myself.

I wish for this destruction to stop.

And then, the world stopped.