Tell Me What Happened

Soon after, the door swung open and the kitchen boy rushed in with a panicked expression yelling, "Little Superglue!" He asked around and based on descriptions of the guards, the little boy headed over this way. By following the clue, he came to Mua Kong's quarter. 

Mua Kong and Yee Len were dumbfounded at the nickname. They couldn't help but chuckle.

When he heard his uncle called, the little boy sitting on Mua Kong's laps turned his head, looking for him. He grinned while trying to get down.

Mua Kong helped him down. The moment his tiny legs touched the ground, he ran towards his uncle with a big, bright grin on his face. "Pao Pao, Houa Houa didn't cry at all!" He pointed to his forehead and knees, excited. "See? See?! It hurt, but Houa Houa didn't cry! Is mommy coming back?"