Come Here

Early morning, Yu Sha met Su Na outside the construction site. The foundation frame was done and now the crew moved to install solid floors and walls. Yu Sha and Su Na stayed in the canopy that was in the middle of the two halves.

"Yu Ping is here?" Su Na asked as she sipped the coffee cup.

"Mm.. He's staying near Harvest Shelter until he completed his project there."

"Yu Sha, I finished the final draft of my empire. I'll send it to you. Review when you have time."

Excited, she reconfirmed. "You did?"

"Mm.. without you bothering me for the last week, I was able to get it done."

"Tsch… How rude!" Yu Sha accused and then she remembered she has to go back home. "Oh, I'm going back home soon. Mom and grammy will be back briefly."

"Oh… Okay. Say hi to them for me."

"Mm… You want to visit Floating Cloud before I visit home?"

"Hm… I would like to depending on workload in the next few days."