Should Encourage Her

In an attempt to stop him, her rapid breathing came out as another moan, "Ahh..." 

Hue Chi parted ways and nibbled his way to her earlobe and softly whispered. "This was your punishment for last night." 

With that he pushed himself off her and left the room.

She laid on the bed breathing heavily, trying to bring herself back from his punishment. The fact that she didn't reject him settled in. Frustrated, she covered her face and cursed at herself. Just then a maid knocked on the door and interrupted her.

"Miss Yu Sha, can I come in?" Cece asked from the double door. 

Yu Sha quickly pulled the robe tighter and answered for her to come in. His room took pretty much almost the entire floor. The maid hadn't seen the inside layout, and it took time to find Yu Sha. 

By then, Yu Sha had gotten herself out of bed and sat by the edge.