I shall make your wish come true

As soon as she arrived on the edge, in the valley was indeed a field of sunflowers. Her face lit up full of happiness but soon cringed at the thought that she didn't have her cell phone to take pictures of the place. Bright yellow took over the valley and brought a sense of warmth and laughter to whoever witness the scene. 

Yu Sha carefully walked down and threw herself into the sea of sunflowers. Ruby perched onto one stalk and nibbled a few seeds. 

Yu Sha walked herself from one maze after another reeling in the place's beauty. Maybe it was better she didn't have her phone. She wouldn't be able to just enjoy the sunflowers in the moment. She made a few laps in the sunflower patches and came back to the edge and laid down on the slope. The sky was bright and clear blue somehow the sun didn't feel hot. She wondered how the night skies would look like. Will the skies be filled with millions of stars and will it look close within reach?