Had More Success

Yu Sha didn't wait to think. She blurted out. "I'll tell them that I stabbed myself by accident. No need to be ashamed." 

"Whao.. I admired your bluntness." Yedi replied.

The medical team were efficient with their work and soon finished their procedure. They assisted her onto a wheelchair and wheeled her out to meet Atlas. 

In the lobby, Yedi went up to Atlas, "We'll take her back. She didn't follow ordered and her wound broke through the sutures. We had to redo everything." 

Atlas was shocked. She didn't even act like she was in a lot of pain and even dashed towards him through the field. 

Seeing the guilty expression on his face Yu Sha assured. "It wasn't your fault. I was reckless."

"But I should've taken you straight to get it check before you flew through the field on your legs. I was very much at fault." 

The team glared at her, "You what?!"

"I knew it!" Yedi reprimanded.