
Late that night, Yu Sha curled up on the bed, unable to sleep. She felt more restless now, more so than before she solved the plague that ate her mind and heart. Slowly, she pulled up the hand that held the Eternal Blade into Azuric. Her lips curve downward the more she looked at her hand, while the same image repeated in her mind. 'Hue Chi, are you him? The man from my distant past?' Because of the influence from her grandparents, the acceptance of past lives weren't hard for her to accept. The only problem she had would be how to act in front of him if that were the case. 

Thought of him then led her to the wildly explicit dream she had and the story Hue Chi told her, a couple madly in love, did it for 3 days in the cave until she can't walk. At the time, she cursed at what kind of beast would allow such thing! Could that beast be her?