The fish

They finally arrived at the camping location. Hu Zi and Shou went to the deeper side of the mountain. To reach the destination faster, they glided and ride the wind. They did not use their power before to save some energy for the training.

"Xiao Zi, your Second Sister and that Qing Young Master are together without that boy… Your fourth brother to mediate between them." Shou told Hu Zi while he glided between the thick and tall trees. "Don't you think that they will go ahead and create some kind of bloody disaster? Maybe we need to take at least one of them with us."

"The twins, especially Qing Bo, always beard hostility toward us since we were little." Hu Zi was riding the wind, she drifted through the thick forest. The two Master and apprentice's destination was the waterfall located at the heart of the forest, they need to get there before the sun reaches the top of the mountain, or they will have less time to practice. "But they never brought us that much harm."


"Don't worry, just let Qing Bo and Second Sister have some play time together." Hu Zi chuckled.

"Eh? Are you sure?" Shou was looking at the top of the waterfall.

Hu Zi sneered as she sensed the cold water of the waterfall causing the air around the lake below it heavily stir. "I am not worried about them.."

I'm more worried about this hellish training you will give me.


Hu Cheng Se, Hu Ye, Qing Bo, and Qing Guang were in the camping ground. While Hu Cheng Se and Qing Bo argued, Hu Ye and Qing Guang took their bows and went into the forest to train and hunt.

After arguing for long, both Hu Cheng Se and Qing Bo were tired, so they decided to stop.

"..." Qing Bo looked at the sky and clouds passing by, he didn't have anything to do, so he read some documents and books. Once in a while, he looked at the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, when he was looking at a rabbit-like cloud, a fishing hook appeared in from of him.

The hook was made from wood. One of the wood's end was sharpened by Hu Cheng Se with the knife she brought along with her.

"Hey, want to help me out?" Hu Cheng Se planned to have fish as meals today, she knew that her brother went hunting. But, Hu Cheng Se might not be able to prepare the things that they hunt.

"No." Qing Bo said monotonously with his poisonous mouth.

"..." The corner of Hu Cheng Se's eyes twitched, she didn't have time to argue and immediately dragged him to a river. Surprisingly, Qing Bo did not resist much when Hu Cheng Se dragged him. Maybe he was tired because he carried both his and Qing Guang's luggage all the way to the camping ground, or that he used too much energy to have enough left to argue with Hu Cheng Se.


When they arrived at the river, the coast was clear. Hu Cheng Se looked around for a good fishing spot. She let Qing Bo go and dropped the basket she was carrying around. Hu Cheng Se stood on the river bank with her

The river's water was clear, they could easily see the swimming fish there. Spring fishes were small, so they needed to collect at least twelve if they wanted to feed all of the six tired and hungry stomachs.

When Qing Bo saw Hu Cheng Se fishing, his eyes widened. "Stop!" Qing Bo hurriedly tugged Hu Cheng Se's sleeve and pulled her to the shore. "What are you doing?"

"Umm... fishing?" Hu Cheng Se thought it was obvious. There was a visible vein popping out of the corner of Qing Bo's eye.

"Have you ever hand-fished before?" Qing Bo was asking a rhetorical question. "Don't you know that in clear water, you can see the fishes, which means that they can also see you. Moreover, they will also run away because of the ripples you will cause. If you go near them, they will definitely swim away."

Hu Cheng Se was a brilliant girl, she did not like Qing Bo's haughty tone of voice. "Tsk... then why don't you do it?" Hu Cheng Se annoyedly said.

"No!" Said Qing Bo disdainfully. He turned his back and sat on a big rock. He raised one of his brows when he saw Hu Cheng Se's dissatisfied look. "What?"

"What?! What do you mean what? Why not?" Hu Cheng Se stomped her feet. Qing Bo was not just acting high and mighty, he also flat out ignored her. "Don't tell me, you are just all talking and no doing! I bet you can't even catch a single fish!"

"Huh? Of course I can catch a fish." Said Qing Bo. "Listen here ,girl, we gotta be clear on one thing. That is I definitely am not you friend. We are here together because our siblings have a win-win deal. So draw a clear line and don't ever ask me for anything."

The corner of Hu Cheng Se's mouth twitched. She was infuriated, her pride was burnt, she blurted out.

"Ahaha... of course, that is true... it is true that we are never and will never ever be together in this lifetime. Of course, that means that this friend also won't help you and... your pretty little sister, prepare food..."

Qing Bo jumped from the stone he was sitting on. He and his sister had never cooked in their entire lives. The reasons for that were many, but it was mainly because they didn't have the talent to and always ended up making inedible food. Hu Cheng Se who had seen their poor skill in the school's cooking class, knew that.

Qing Bo thought about many alternatives, like eating raw food, not having dinner tonight, and such. But his sister was hunting for the entire day, which means she would definitely be extremely hungry when she came back, her stomach wouldn't stand eating fruit and raw meat.

His sister was his one and only, Qing Bo wouldn't ever let her suffer.