Pride and drama

She was there, that ice princess, the straw hat and veil her father gave her covering her face so people could not recognize her.

Qing Peng wanted to use the 'pretend she is sick' idea so he could keep her in the residence until her hair grew back, but since Qing Li and Madam Hong created such a great commotion so early in the morning, some officials and doctors that came to the residence overheard them screaming at Qing Guang and figured that she was not sick enough to miss the ceremony.

"Ugh… this hat is heavy," Qing Li complained from next to her. "To think Father forced me to wear something as ugly and annoying as this. I will never use that ointment ever again!"

Qing Guang could only roll her eyes when she heard her endless complaints.

The hat might be heavy and unappealing, but it did a superb job of hiding the wearer's face. No one would ever know what was behind the two girls' screen or the embarrassing things they were trying hard to hide. No one, that is, but Hu Zi.

"How interesting…" Hu Zi chuckled, her wind radar giving her perfect images of their appearance as the winds whipped through and under their screens. The two Qing misses clutched their hats to their heads and looked around in confusion, wondering why it was windy all of a sudden. "The Qing household sure has quite a lot of drama going on inside their residence lately."

"What are you talking about, Xiao Zi?" Shou, who was beside her, tilted his head.

Hu Zi never liked Qing Li. Before the soldiers were about to take off, she suddenly took something from her sleeve: the fan Shou gave her long ago when he accepted her as his disciple. She was not a wind master just yet, her wind flow range did not reach that far, so she needed the fan to help her. She smirked mischievously. "I feel like continuing the drama."

Hu Zi snapped open the fan, then closed it again in a swift move. Suddenly, Fei Ying, who was flying in circles in the sky, came down at a high speed and hit Qing Guang and Qing Li's straw hats.

"Ugh... I didn't think Fei Ying would hit the First Miss too." Hu Zi had a cold sweat on her face.

"..." Shou's eyes widened. "Xiao Zi, did you just move the wind to…"

Qing Li could not help scream when she saw the big eagle taking her cover. Her scream was so loud that everyone turned their attention away from the marching soldiers. "Someone, get this thing away from me!"

They were now the center of attention. Shou could not help gulp. Hu Zi also felt bad, she wanted to use wind but that would make Qing Li scream again. It was good that the Emperor went down the stage and ahead to the outer gate of the capital using a passage right after his speech.

Instantly, everyone became quiet. From the corner of Qing Guang's eyes, she could see Qing Peng's face go from red to black.

"This is bad." Qing Guang gulped.

Hu Ye, who was on the street below, also looked up. He did not know what the others were thinking about in that awkward moment, but he… he, who did not get to see it clearly last night, just thought: "Guang looks better with short hair."

The Qing family guards came and tried to chase after Fei Ying, but the eagle was faster and got away before the marching soldier got to him.

Suddenly, in the midst of confusion, Qing Guang saw something glinting in the middle of the crowd. Instantly, her eyes widened and she shouted, "Watch out!"

It was a device to send a flying needle, usually used by assassinations. There was a time when Qing Guang was chased around by assassins in the past so she knew a thing or two. She swiftly took the straw hat from the ground and threw it. Her movements were so swift that most of the people could not keep up with them.

The straw that was thrown hit the needle and saved Hu Quan Li's life.

"Huft…" Qing Guang was glad that she spotted that needle in time. She stopped moving when she realized that her father was glaring at her while Madam Hong was smirking. Although Qing Li was also in a tight situation, after being brainwashed by her for so long, Qing Peng thought a good, noble daughter shouldn't have been able to use martial arts. To move like that in front of so many people, he thought that Qing Guang must have wanted to shame him.

When Qing Guang was breaking into cold sweat, everyone other than her and her parents were too shocked to utter a sound until someone exclaimed "That… was it an assassination attempt?"

"You… you are right."

"Oh, no! Where is my son? We need to get out of this place."

In a matter of seconds, everyone was thrown into a state of panic, screaming and shouting. Some tried to escape and were fighting to get out. Any more and there would be chaos and people trampling over each other. This threw the palace guards, who was securing the place, into confusion because of the uncontrollable situation.

"Ugh…" Qing Bo, who had been holding his breath for the longest time in his life, could finally exhale. When he saw the commoners panicking, he immediately thought of a plan.