The book and the Village

Inside the village both Noku and Foren promptly entered the largest and most intact house, this being a house made out of stone, this also being the only house made like this within the country side village with all the other houses being wood.

Within this home the second floor was also in tact with a small section being collapsed from the outside in.

Besides that however, the rest of the house was relatively untouched, that is if you discount the blood and gore.

"Let's clean up the house then." Noku said, his nose constantly twitching ever since entering the blood soaked village.

"Yup." Foren said, analyzing the house as well as the houses in the area to get a grasp of what exactly happened here.

Looking through the house it didn't take long for Noku to sniff out the cleaning supplies from a basement closet.

So the cleaning of the house then began, starting with the basement.

The basement itself was large, definitely larger then the foundation of the house by at least two times, with everything in the basement finished except for a few sections dirt walls it was relativity in good shape, so the cleaning wasn't too difficult with just a few blood stains hidden here and there, but with Noku they were quickly found and scrubbed.

"Done." Noku said in high spirits running up the stairs with a tired Foren following close behind.

Next came the middle floor which, objectively speaking, was a nice place with a full kitchen, the only bad thing in here would be the body in the sink, that's definitely not a good thing, but, objectively speaking its certainly a good kitchen.

A few hurls later Foren managed to get all the body parts out of the sink, taking note that the bones of the body were missing, after which he set the body parts in the backyard next to the well for further managing at a later point in time, with this they did the same they did in the basement and cleaned up the middle floor.

"Done, Now i need to get more water, I'll be right back." Foren said, heading to the backyard where the well is, albeit unhappily because he'd have to see the body parts.

"Wha..." To his shock however the body parts where gone, even the blood dripping off of them were was completely gone as though a severed body wasn't just sitting next to the well.

Looking around the entire yard he couldn't so much as find a blood trail, making him wonder if he had imagined that body, eventually throwing it to the back of his mind.

"Just ignore it." Throwing the blood water away into the tree line he got some new water and entered the house, deciding to mention it to Noku later.

The top floor was the easiest floor to clean since there was no blood stains and instead just had a lot of dust and a few bones here and there, lying about, thus it did not take more than twenty minutes to clean the entire thing, moving out boxes and tiding the whole place up, with the basement becoming the storage area for all the miscellaneous things.

The last thing to do was lock all the doors and windows which was finished in seconds.

"And finally done! Now on to the book!" Noku yelled excitedly, forcefully pushing down his own exhaustion.

"Indeed." Foren replied curtly however that was because he was truly excited already pulling out the book and placing it on the newly cleaned dinner table.

The books name is 'Beginner Spells vol.1' though it was written in a different language than anything they had ever seen for some reason as soon as they saw it it was like they had used this language their whole lives.

"Let's dig in then!" Saying so the book was opened and the knowledge was spread for all to see.

First up came the index showing where you find all the different types of spells and where you could find the different information's on beginner formations.

"Then let's go for protection formations first?" Noku asked looking at the warn out number '67' next to protection formations on the book.

"Alright, we should set one up before bed anyways." Forcing himself to not directly flip to offensive magics Foren moved to the protective formations first.

A breath later he arrived at the page, this one showed three protective formations for beginners.

"The Frost Mist Formation, able to freeze intruders for a brief moment while telling the formation master of the intruder, a good formation if only we had the ingredients but we can't afford it." Foren said.

"The Chaotic Phantom formation, able to mislead anyone who walks into it and redirect them right back outside, we could put up skeleton sentries and use them to kill confused intruders but its also not what we need besides we don't have the ingredients." This time Noku spoke.

"Finally the Blood Soldier formation, able to form blood soldiers out of the malice gathered from the surroundings, the strength of the formation depending on the amount of malice in the area the blood soldiers only able to be killed when either malice runs out or the core of the formation is broken, the ingredients is blood and malice or general evil intent to be present in sufficient quantity as well as bone as the catalyst for the core of the formation, this ought to work." Foren said happy at having found an affordable formation.

"Yup, and we happen to have plenty of blood lying around for this as well, but how do we check for malice?" Noku said, also happy that there was a formation which they could make.

"Let's see." He said, flipping back to the index and looking for information malice, a few seconds later the sounds of flipping pages came again and in front of them was information on malice and evil intent.

"Malice is the lower level of evil intent given of when a being holds hatred in their hearts for a long time or when one dies with hatred in their hearts, evil intent being the stronger version is what is produced from a being which has accumulated a large amount of malice and has many lives under its belt, causing a natural evil intent to surround its body, malice can be measured by burning sage, if the sage changes to a black colored smoke then there is abundant malice if it is grey then it is thin malice and if it is white then no malice is present." Foren said, finishing the paragraph all in one breath.

"And to see for Evil intent you burn incense, and should it be blood red there is abundant evil intent, if it is light red then it is thin evil intent and finally if it burn's normal color of incense no evil intent is present in the area." Finishing the paragraph Noku too took a breath.

"Then I'll go find the incense and sage and you go get the blood from the surroundings?" Noku said.

"Yeah, lets do that." And so came the long haul of getting the materials together, dragging their exhausted bodies all around the village the two of them gathered the things slowly.

Nearly an hour later the sun was almost completely down, reaching the horizon.

By then though everything had been gathered and the two walked through the broken village back to their home, stepping through debris and boneless bodies they arrived back at the stone home, their home.

"Then let's set this up and hit the sack, I feel like i'm about to pass out." Noku said, the excitement from the book and everything draining fast.

"Were both tired so help me with this and then we can sleep." Foren said, just the thought of sleeping in an actual bed leaving him wanting to finish this faster.

Foren grabbed the match stick box inside of one of cupboards and lit it, along with that he pulled out the sage and set it a light, chanting a few words in a low voice just like the book instructed, and in the next second the sage exploded with a smoke black as the abyss.

"Malice, Check."

Smothering the sage and chanting a few words he then lit up the incense and again chanted a few words, this time there wasn't any sort of explosion of lights, but rather a small reaction with a white smoke.

"Evil Intent, check."

Saying a few words the incense was then smothered as well, however unbeknownst to either of the two, a wisp of light red tinge had come from the smoke, albeit too small to be noticed by either of the two, seeing as both of them were rushing.

"Now to create the core."

Taking out one of the bones they had lying around the house Foren grabbed out a knife and began chipping symbols and formations into the bone, eventually finishing after several tries.

"Blood Soldiers, Rise." Saying so the bone began floating in the air and moving around the house, strands of black mist seemingly appearing out of every nook and cranny of the house converged into the bone slowly turning it black, bits and pieces of red mist also appeared coloring the symbols in red light with black covering the empty spaces of the bone.

Seeing this both Foren and Noku were put completely on guard.

Only a creature with a great many lives under its belt can form evil intent so one of them is near here right now? Noku thought, forcing his body to start charging up a storm of fire balls.

Evil intent is formed from evil creatures so one of them's nearby! Foren too chanted in a low voice summoning his soul blades.

The bone however was completely unperturbed by all of this and simply kept floating around and collecting up malice and Evil intent, slowly but surely the bone began giving off its own mist a mix of black and red swirling around the bone forming dancing symbols all around it.

A few minutes later the bone left their home and went outside, the moment it did the entire area seemed to stir, as the bones suction suddenly increased ten fold and the malice and intent all over the village was sucked into the bone.


Precisely at this moment the bone issued a loud sound like a gong, heard for miles around, all the humans and beasts alike looking towards the place of the sounds.


Again the bone let out a gong like sound, but louder this time.


Finally the bone let out its third gong like sound, nearly making both Noku and Foren deaf, but it was also at the time of the third explosion of sound that the condensed mist around the bone suddenly expanded in a radius all around the small village, the symbols covering the sky above the village, the bone suddenly spinning at a blinding speed.

Once the barrier of symbols was fully put down all around the village, the bone began to slow down, till finally coming to a slow rotation, the blood all over the village converging in front of Noku and Foren who were now outside of their house.

Within moments the blood all over the village had arrived in front of them, and in the next breath it began to writh and squirm, becoming several human figures in but a breaths time.

"So. Freaking. Cool!" Noku yelled, running around the blood soldiers inspecting every inch of them excitedly.

"Formation complete! Hell yeah first try!" Even Foren couldn't keep his stale faced facade under such a fantastical show of lights and power, and even more so knowing that it was because of him that it happened.

So now, in front of nearly a hundred blood soldiers, were two kids running and jumping and yelling in excitement.

"Excuse me, but I'd like to talk to you two please." However in the next moment the two of them became completely serious.

How had someone gotten so close without us noticing?