Piccolo's Feelings

Last time on Dragon Ball AF, Xicor brought back a dragon ball to his mother, who was helping with the gardening. And now he's off to find the remaining six.

The episode starts with Xicor flying in the air. Then the radar finds another dragon ball.

Xicor: Perfect! this one's not far, too. Should be somewhere on that mountain.

Xicor flies towards the mountain. Back on the look-out tower, Princess Lila is holding the dragon ball.

Princess Lila: (whispering to herself) Amazing something so small can be so powerful. Soon I will have my wish, and all will fall.

Piccolo hears this and wakes up from his meditation.

Krillan: Piccolo, what's wrong?

Piccolo walks up to Krillan.

Piccolo: Nothing.

Piccolo turns to Vegeta.

Piccolo: Vegeta! Can you go to Korin's tower for me?

Vegeta crosses his arms.

Vegeta: Why don't you?

Piccolo: I have to stay here and make sure our "guests" don't do anything wrong.

Vegeta: I will not be your delivery boy, while you get to watch ladies! Get some one else.

Yamcha and Tien walk up to Piccolo.

Yamcha: We'll go for you!

Tien: Ya!

Piccolo: Alright, go to Korin's tower and pick up a few bags of senzu beans.

Tien: Sure thing.

Tien and Yamcha fly off. Back at the Capsule Corp, Bulma, Chichi, Maron, 18, Pan, Bra, and Videl sit down at the table and eat supper.

Maron: MMMM. This is delicious!

Pan: Yeah! Great!

Bulma: Yes, well me, Chichi, and Bra are great cooks, right?

Chichi and Bra agree.

Android 18 and Videl: YUP!!

Back on the look-out tower, Piccolo walks up to Gohan and signals to everyone (except Lila) to go to him. They do so.

Gohan: What's wrong Piccolo? You seem distracted.

Piccolo: These past hours i've been observing Lila. Her action's seem quite ilogical for a god.

Krillan: What do you mean?

Piccolo: Well, gods are immortal, why make one so powerful? Unless you wanted to control or even destroy the entire universe.

Princess Lila faces Piccolo and throws a blast at him. Piccolo's arm was destroyed.

Princess Lila: So you've figured out my little plan.

Krillan get's into a fighting pose.

Krillan: I've had enough of this!

Krillan charges towards Lila and punches her in the face. Piccolo regenerates his arm and joins in on the attack.

Vegeta: Stand back!

Vegeta begins to power up his Final Flash.


Vegeta launches the attack which makes a direct hit on Lila, bolwing her up into pieces. Back on the ground, Xicor finds the last dragon ball, when he sences his mother's pain. He begins to fly to the look-out tower. Back up on the tower, Lila regenerates herself.

Vegeta: Damn her!

Future Trunks pulls out his sword and begins slicing at Lila. The cuts keep healing.

Future Trunks: RRR!! This is impossible!

Suddenly, Xicor flies up the side of the look-out, towards his mother. He punches future Trunks, Krillan, and Piccolo to the ground, as he lands beside his mother. Xicor takes the six dragon balls out of his pocket and put them onto the ground beside the other one. As Xicor places the balls on the ground, Vegeta powers up and launches three Big Bang attacks at Princess Lila. Lila screams as one of the blasts hit her, knocking her to the ground. Before the other two hit her, Xicor jumps in the way and blocks the attacks. He then turns to his mother.

Xicor: Are you okay?

Princess Lila: I give my life to you.

Xicor: NO!!!

Princess Lila begins to glow and she disappears. Xicor drops to his knees.

Xicor: NOOOO!!

Narrator: Now that the plan is revealed, and princess Lila is gone, will Xicor attack? And if he does, how will our heroes fair? And is it really possible for Princess Lila to die? More to come on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!!