Five Days Free

Narrator: Previously on Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta's and Goku's time of waiting was up. After fusing into Gogeta, and using the flying Nimbus and the Nyoibo, Gogeta prooved to be more then Xicor expected. Elsewhere, the girls are still waiting for the others to return.

Gogeta begins kicking and punching a bit, while Xicor blocked and dodged. Then Xicor went on the offensive, while Gogeta went on the defensive. Then they both punch and their fists collide. They both move back. Sweat runs down both of their faces.

Gogeta: (thinking) Man, he's too good.

Xicor: I'll make you an offer, I'll just let you and your friends have a chance against me. I'll give you five days to train, and no longer. So tell your friends that I'll be back to finish you off. Xicor flies off heading towards his ship. Gogeta and Broly fly up to the others on the look-out.

Krillan: Is it over?

Videl: Where's he going?

Gogeta: No, we still have a long way to go. He's giving us five days to train.

Broly: Well, don't just stand there!

Broly flies off towards the mountains.

Gogeta: I guess we should head to the Capsule Corp so that the others don't get worried.

Everyone, except Dende, Piccolo and Mr. Popo fly off. They all reach the Capsule Corp and walk in the door.

Chibi Trunks: Mom!! We're back!

Bulma walks up from the basement.

Bulma: Welcome back! I was just going throught some of my dad's old expirements.What Happened to the other 2 people? And where's Yamcha and Tien?

Gogeta: Well, you see, those two were trying to take over the universe. We managed to kill one of them somehow. The other is going to be difficult. Yamcha and Tien were killed. Now he's giving us five days to train.

Bulma: Great, that's all we need, maniacs on the loose. Well, go sit down, everyone else is in the living room right now. I'll be right there.

Just as they walked into the living room, Gogeta defuses.

Chichi: Where have you been!?

Goku: Eheheh. It's a long story.

Chichi: Can't be any longer then the time I spent waiting for you!

Goku: It's starts off....And that's the whole story!

Bulma walks in the room.

Bulma: Okay, I'm back!

Chichi: I'm going to go home now. after a hundred years I'm sure my house needs cleaning, and the grass needs to be cut, and the dishes and laundry need to be done, and grocery shopping!

Everyone: Bye.

Gohan: Me, dad and Goten will stay here and train with the others okay?

Chichi: Okay, but don't be late for supper!

Chichi turns around and walks out the door.

Chichi: Why do I even bother saying that? Goku'd late for everything!

Krillan: So how do we train for this guy?

Narrator: Can five days be enough time for the Z Warriors to train? Will Goku and his two sons make it home in time for once? And where is Xicor off too? So many questions to be answered on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF.