Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, Gotenks and Piccolo began fighting off Xicor. Gotenks was knocked out durring the battle and began to dream about his mother. Now he's back up and ready for more.
Gotenks joins in on the fight. Then Goku get back up to help out aswell. Xicor swats Goku, Piccolo, Gotenks and future Trunks to the ground with his tail. Xicor is just about to step on Goku when gohan begins to power up.
Gohan: Damn you!
A blinding light surrounds the are. One the light fades, Gohan is a Super Saiyan 5.
Gohan: Now you'll pay.
Xicor: HAHA! Try me.
Gohan punches Xior and he falls over. Gohan sneeks behind Xicor and cuts off his tail. Xicor shrinks back to normal.
Xicor: Now you're really starting to get on my nurves.
Xicor stands back up and begins punching and kicking at Gohan. Gohan blocks and dodges the attack. Goahn goes on the offensive, but can't seem to hit Xicor. Xicor kicks Gohan in the gut gohan glides back a bit. Xicor then launches at blast at Gohan.
The Masenko Ha hit Xicor's blast. Xicor zilches behind Gohan and kicks Gohan in the back of the head. Back at Ginger town, Bulma, Videl, and Android 18 walk into a jewelery store. Videl holds up a fusion earing to the store clerk.
Videl: Do you have one of these here?
Clerk #1: Hm. Nope, sorry. It seems pretty old try the antique store next door.
Videl: Opps! I must have had the scouter up side down.
Back at the fighting area, Xicor is punching Gohan in the face. Gohan backflips kicking Xicor in the face. Gohan flies to the sky. Xicor recovers and charges at Gohan.
Gohan: This is for you, Tien. SOLAR FLARE!
A blinding light covers the sky and Xicor gets blinded by it. The light fades.
Xicor: RRR!! I can't see! Is this how you fight?!
Gohan flies off and hides behind a rock.
Gohan: (Thinking) I'll hide here until I can regan my energy.
Back in Ginger Town, The girls walk into the antique store.
Bulma: Do you have on of these earings?
Clerk #2: Yes, if you're thinking of purchasing it, it will cost 3000 zeni.
Bulma: 2000
Clerk #2
They walk out of the store with another fusion earing. Back at the battle field, Xicor recovers from the Solar Flare. Xicor begins to look around.
Xicor: Where are you?
Gohan: (Thinking) What's going on? My power's fading and I'm not even fighting.
Xicor: Fine, if you won't come out and fight me, I'll just destroy the entire planet. WARP KAMEHAMEHA!!
Xicor launches the blast straight at the planet. Gohan flies in the way of the blast and launches a Ki blast at Xicor's blast. Xicor stops his attack and charges down at Gohan. Xicor kicks Gohan in the gut and Gohan falls to the ground. Gohan get back up and begins to charge at Xicor.
Narrator: Gohan has achieved enough power to stop Xicor. But why is Gohan's energy fading away? Can Gohan regain his lost energy and stop Xicor? Or will he meet the same fate as Tien and Yamcha? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!