
Yuuto was originally crouched up on his chair in front of his desk, intently watching some anime. In the midst of his watching, it was pouring outside. Thunder and lightning smiting the ground from above, lighting up the gloomy day.

One lightning bolt happened to strike right beside Yuuto which startled him. He jumped up in panic accidentally spilling his water all over his computer equipment. Coincidentally, he had a loose phone charger plugged into the wall, the water accidentally spilt on the loose phone charger wire. Yuuto was stepping in that water and was instantly electrocuted. He was fried up from top to bottom. He was cooked and thoroughly dead.

The last thought running through his mind was 'Do I get to reincarnate?' His mind was in complete elation at the thought of this. Being the full fledged Otaku that he was, he didn't even think about his family, friends, girlfriend because he had none of those. He had always been neglected by society and his family but he didn't mind because he had anime, manga and light novels!

He had always dreamt about reincarnating into a new world where he could be useful but most importantly super OP! He wanted to have those wishes where he could completely control the story and his own fate. Let alone stealing every girl in the story and being the main MC.

While he was lost in his thoughts, there was an old man looking at Yuuto's unfortunate soul and decided to give him what he wished.

God: Yuuto.

Yuuto was immediately brought out from his own thoughts and heard a deep calming voice.

Yuuto: Is this God talking!?

God: Yes.

Yuuto: Are you going to reincarnate me with some wishes!?

God: Yes. I will reincarnate you into any world you want. I will also fulfil 5 wishes of yours.

Yuuto: AWESOME! This is what I always wanted! Well, I want to reincarnate into the world of Akame Ga Kill. I want to reincarnate in the capital just when the story begins. My first wish would be to reincarnate into the body of a 17 year old Sinbad with all his Djinns. My second and third wish would be to have the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline but I want to have perfect control so I don't go berserk and the Uchiha bloodline. Also make it so I don't have to kill anyone or take anyone's eyes to upgrade my Sharingan. For my fourth one I want the ability of Instant Mastery and for my last one I want a gravity seal for training. In addition I can give gravity seals to other people.

God: Wonderful! I will also give you the ability to travel to other worlds with the use of an earring.

Yuuto: Really!? Thank you so much!

God: *laugh* Well have fun young Yuuto and live your dream of being the MC.

Yuuto: I sure will!