Night Raid

Leone and Bulat explained the mission details to Sinbad as they were walking. The mission detailed that a noble family had tortured several people from the countryside by coaxing them by offering them shelter and food for the night. Sinbad thought 'This world really is gruesome and dangerous.'

They were all sitting at a table and talked about where Sinbad was from and other stuff about himself. Leone during their talk kept flirting with Sinbad while Mine was getting a bit irritated on the side. Akame and Sheele were eating while Bulat was laughing and Lubbock was staring at the other women in the inn.

Bulat: What was that power from earlier? Is it a Teigu?

Sinbad: The power I used earlier was called a Djinn equip. I call upon the power of a Djinn to reside in my body so I can utilise its powers. My Djinns reside in what I call Metal Vessels.

Sheele: So you don't use a Teigu?

Sinbad: Yeah I don't.

Lubbock: So you have more than one!?

Sinbad: I have seven Djinns. They all have different abilities but are all equally as powerful as each other in their own ways.

Akame: So you held back earlier?

Sinbad: *laugh* I could say the same for you guys. You guys didn't use your Teigus but if I did fight you, I wouldn't give you a chance to use them.

Mine: Could other people use your Metal Vessels if they're stolen?

Sinbad: No they can't, because the Djinns inside are contracted to me.

Bulat: So they're similar to Teigu in a sense that the Teigu accept an owner rather than have a contract.

Sinbad: That's correct but with a Djinn, you have to go through a dungeon in order to gain the Djinn's approval.

Lubbock: Those dungeons sound like fun.

Sinbad: Yeah it's awesome but it's dangerous. You could never predict what kind of dungeon the Magi would create.

Bulat: Magi?

Sinbad: They're the ones who create the dungeons. They usually are powerful mages that guide those in search of power to the dungeons and when one succeeds there's a chance that they can become king.

Lubbock: They must be super strong.

Sinbad: They are.

The group chatted until it was late and called it a night. Sinbad and the boys went to their room which they shared and laid in their beds. Sinbad looked at the ceiling thinking about this world and wondering if this was really a dream. He tightened his fist to convince himself that he was actually here.

Bulat: What's wrong Sinbad?

Sinbad: Nothing much, I was just thinking.

Lubbock: So do you have any family Sinbad?

Sinbad: No my parents passed away. My father was forcefully sent to war and died on the battlefield. While my mother died due to illness because we were too poor. That was mainly why I went to conquer dungeons. I want to create a country where everyone lives in prosperity with no conflict. So no one else goes through what I went through or worse. But that day won't come unless I get stronger.

Bulat: That's right Sinbad. Your strength is what matters when you want to protect the people you care about.

Sinbad took Bulat's words to heart and closed his eyes. He waited for them to sleep before he sneakily left the room to train.

Sinbad walked out and closed the door. He thought 'Now that I have inherited Sinbad's memories and will, I must fulfill what he started, except for rewriting the world order. That was mainly due to David but he isn't present.' Sinbad got out of the inn and walked around the capital to find a quiet spot.

He found a quiet abandoned spot and began his training. He activated the gravity seal to 5x which was not enough so he bumped it up to 10x and then 15x where he felt a burden on his body. Due to his Instant Mastery ability he was able to acclimate to the gravity level fairly quickly and began to train. He did all sorts of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats along with some swordplay training. As time went on he continued to increase the gravity as his body was adapting at a quicker rate thanks to his Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline.

Sinbad trained until daybreak and saw the sun rising. Sinbad was drenched in sweat as his shirtless body was glistening under the sunlight. Sinbad was now able to reach 70x the gravity which was ridiculous. His swordplay got even faster resulting from the fact that he trained under 70x the gravity.

Sinbad grabbed his clothes and walked back to the inn shirtless. It was early in the morning so there weren't many people on the streets apart from those that had to set up in the market. When the middle aged women saw Sinbad walk by they got a little aroused and offered him some breakfast which he gladly accepted.

By the time he made it back to the inn, he had a bag full of food for breakfast. He asked the innkeeper where the baths were and said they were at the back. Sinbad nodded and put his breakfast upstairs in his room. He went back down to the baths and stripped down and hopped in. He instantly released a sigh of relief, especially after that hard training session.

Sinbad still kept his jewelry on but he left his sword back up stairs. As Sinbad was relaxing a voluptuous figure was slowly creeping behind Sinbad. Sinbad was too distracted to realise this before his head was buried in a pair of soft marshmallow mounds.

Sinbad couldn't breath before he was able to push off the figure and saw Leone's hot body. He almost had a nose bleed but held it in. He wasn't able to keep his eyes off of Leone's huge rack as his rod began getting a little hard.

Sinbad: What are you doing here Leone? *blush*

Leone: You can actually be this cute. Well it doesn't seem like you don't want me here judging by your look.

Leone slowly stepped into the bath, one foot after the other. She just looked too seductive and Sinbad was gradually losing himself to lust but he had a firm will and didn't succumb to her womanly assets. After a few minutes he was able to control himself and acted as normal as Leone was sitting shoulder to shoulder with him.

Leone: So where did you go last night?

Sinbad: To train. Why were you keeping an eye on me?

Leone: Yep. Just making sure you weren't a spy from the Empire.

Sinbad: Fair point.

Leone: Why didn't you sleep? Are you not strong enough to stand on your own?

Sinbad: You can never be too strong. Plus I want to protect what's important to me. I don't want to be weak and watch the ones I care about perish right in front of my eyes.

Leone: That's awfully deep.

Sinbad: It is. So why do you fight?

Leone: I just don't like Nobles or people with power abuse it on those that can't defend themselves.

Sinbad: That's pretty cliche.

Leone: What did you say?! What you just said was cliche!

Sinbad: *laugh* I was joking. Well your reason to fight is pretty noble, it's ironic.

Leone: Words don't mean what they mean anymore. It's like a homeless man calling themselves rich.

Sinbad: You can say that again.

The two of looked at each other and laughed. They continued talking for 20 minutes and got out of the bath. When Sinbad stood up he realised that Leone was standing up. He turned around and saw her blatantly staring at his large rod.

Sinbad: Like what you see. *smile*

Leone: Yeah… *licks lips*

She subconsciously nodded her head before realising what she just said and blushed crazily. Sinbad laughed and walked out of the bath leaving the flustered Leone. Sinbad got changed and met up with the others. They all had breakfast while Leone just came to the table. Everyone saw that she was blushing and couldn't help but wonder what left her so flustered. Sinbad just smirked and looked at her while she just kept her head down.

Akame enjoyed the breakfast Sinbad brought over and continuously sent Sinbad numerous thumbs up to him to thank him. After breakfast they were free to do whatever they wanted. Sinbad went to train to which Akame and Bulat came along with him leaving the others to do shopping, seducing or being a pervert.

The three of them made it to an abandoned open space and began training. Akame practiced her sword play while Sinbad and Bulat did body training strengthening. During the workout Bulat saw Sinbad struggling and asked why.

Bulat: Are you okay Sinbad? You seem like you're struggling.

Sinbad: I'm fine. The reason why I'm struggling is because I am using a gravity seal which can increase the gravity subjected to my body.

Bulat: What!? That item is great! Can I use one?

Sinbad: Yeah give me your hand.

Bulat gave his hand out and Sinbad placed his right hand on his and imagined in his head imprinting the gravity seal on Bulat. Sinbad then moved his hand and was surprised to see the gravity seal there.

Sinbad: Here you go! *smile*

Bulat: Great! So how do I use it?

Sinbad then explained how to increase and decrease the gravity level while Akame asked for one also to which Sinbad agreed. The two of them tried it and immediately began training. Sinbad continued also and worked hard. While they were working out Bulat asked what multiplier Sinbad had his on.

Sinbad: 120x

Bulat: WHAT!? Are you crazy?

Sinbad: *laugh* Well my body is little bit special.

Bulat: I'm only on 10x yet I'm struggling just as hard as you are. *laugh* I need to work harder.

Sinbad finished up his body training and decided to spar with Akane. Sinbad kept his gravity seal on and Akame kept hers on as well. Sinbad and Akame both unsheathed their swords and took this spar seriously.

Sinbad and Akame dashed at each other at the same time. Their two swords clashed with each other releasing some sparks into the air. Straight after, they then began unleashing flurries of slashes at an unrelenting pace. Akame was shocked because she knew Sinbad had a ridiculous gravity multiplier on and began to think what would happen if he turned it off. But she shrugged it off because she knew she couldn't get distracted.

Akame threw a whip like kick towards Sinbad's temple. Sinbad easily blocked it with his forearm but he didn't expect Akame to slash her sword in that position. Sinbad saw the incoming sword and body flickered away. Akame was stunned as she lost sight of Sinbad as she caught sight of him 10 metres away. She knew he had some special movement skill and upped her speed.

Sinbad saw this and smiled. The spar became a battle of speed because all you could see were blurs and sparks flying around everywhere. Until Sinbad, got use to Akame's sword style and began imitating her. This didn't go unnoticed as Akame started getting frustrated but continued to send ravaging strikes at Sinbad.

Sinbad knew it was time to end this because even he was getting tired especially under his gravity level. Sinbad activated his sharingan and his perception became noticeably better. Akame saw his eyes change and knew that Sinbad was going to end it soon.

Akame vertically slashed downwards at a blinding speed but Sinbad saw through this and sidestepped it. Sinbad unexpectedly closed line her which caught her off guard. Sinbad sent her flying but Sinbad didn't want to let this chance go so he body flickered above her when she landed and placed his sword on her neck.

Akame: I lose…

Sinbad: Nice fight Akame!

Sinbad helped Akame up and they both rested on the side while Bulat was still training. They both sat silently as they rested until Sinbad heard a rumbling sound beside him. He looked at the embarrassed Akame who had her head down and laughed.

Sinbad: Should we have some lunch? *smile*

Akame: Yes.

Sinbad: *laugh* Okay.

Sinbad asked Bulat if he wanted to come along for lunch but he insisted to continue training so Sinbad and Akame left. They arrived at a restaurant and sat down. Sinbad ordered at least 20 plates for himself while Akame ordered 15 which left the waiter stunned but he didn't dare question it.

Being the saiyan that he was, Sinbad's saiyan appetite had begun creeping up on him. He knew it was going to happen sooner or later so he fully embraced it with open arms because who didn't like food. Their food arrived and it was like a massive buffet, but between two people. Sinbad and Akame began devouring the food on the table like beasts. During their meal they shared food with each other as fellow foodies. People in the restaurant couldn't believe their eyes as they saw the entire table of food disappear in matter of minutes. What the crazy thing was, was that they continued to order more. This almost made the waiter faint but the manager told him that it was for business so he took their orders.

A hundred or so plates later, Sinbad and Akame were finished. Their bellies were bulging like nobody's business. Sinbad had a toothpick in his mouth while Akame was in bliss after her fulfilling meal. Sheele and Mine walked past the restaurant they were in and saw the aftermath left by Sinbad and Akame. Mine dragged Sheele not wanting to be associated with such people.

Sinbad and Akame paid for the astronomical bill and somehow made it back to the inn in their condition. Sinbad recovered pretty quickly but Akame struggled and Sheele like a senior scolded her for not thinking about the mission later and only cared about food. Akame took the scolding like a champ and made a face saying 'It was worth it.'

Everyone made it back to the inn after their free time and waited for night time to come. A few hours later and it dark outside. The crew got into their battle gear and prepared their weapons. It was time to roll out.

Night Raid set off into the dead of night and went to the mission location. Sinbad's job on the mission was to stick with Mine and Lubbock considering this was his first mission. They made it to the mansion silently.

They were standing on Lubbock's wires looming over the mansion. Sinbad thought 'This is it. The real beginning of the story.' as he smiled in excitement.