Trials of the Seven Djinn Part III

As Tatsumi passed his trial, Seryu and Koro had easily wiped out Orge and Dr. Stylish. But Zepar continued sending out more and more clones of them. Seryu and Koro with their perfect teamwork made quick work of them which surprised Zepar so he decided to spice it up a little.

Zepar: Koro attack Seryu. *chuckle*

That was when Koro immediately attacked Seryu. This surprised Seryu because no one apart from her could command Seryu.

Seryu: Koro! It's me Seryu!

But Koro was not responding but continued its assault on Seryu. Seryu knew Zepar was really controlling Koro. Seryu knew that she had to fight Koro because she had no choice. Zepar was in control of the space and he was a Djinn so dealing with him was out of the question. Seryu rushed towards Koro and sent out a clean body shot on Koro. Koro got hurt and roared. It tried to retaliate but it ended up missing Seryu as she dodged with ease.

Seryu noticed that Zepar's command of Koro was much weaker than hers. She guessed that Koro was trying to resist Zepar's control as it didn't want to harm her. Seryu took advantage of this her began her beating on Koro. She was hitting Koro with fierce kicks and ruthless punches. Koro wasn't able to resist under Seryu's beating when he finally got caught with a vicious kick to the temple which was able to knock Koro out of Zepar's control.

Koro shrunk back to its normal size and jumped into Seryu's arms rubbing its head against Seryu's chest to say sorry. Seryu was also crying, apologising to Koro for hurting it. Zepar got tired of the sappy scene and arrived before them.

Zepar: *humph* Well, both of you pass. I congratulate you for passing the trial. Here's my power and goodbye.

Zepar waved his hand and a flash of light entered Seryu's arm as she exited Zepar's dimension. At the same time, Lubbock was now in a stand off with the final Valefor which was the real one. All he had to do was capture him and he would pass. However, Valefor all this time was able to escape from his grasp with ease while even licking his paws in contempt.

Lubbock: Valefor, it's the end of the line for you.

Valefor: What are you talking about? You haven't even trapped me let alone touch me. *chuckle*

Lubbock: Are you sure about that? *smirk*

Valefor: Huh?

That was when the wires he had set up in the area long ago on the ground shook off the snow and became visible. That was when Valefor realised that Lubbock had been luring him here to this location under the guise of trying to capture him. He tutted and knew he was trapped but he still tried to escape. Lubbock waved his arms and all the wires on the ground converged on Valefor's position. The wires went at him before he could react to their speed and was wrapped in a cocoon. He couldn't move a single bit and used all his strength but had underestimated the wire's strength. He saw Lubbock's smug face and was dissatisfied with himself.

Lubbock: So do I pass now? *smirk*

Valefor: *sigh* Yes you do. Congratulations for passing the trial. Now, I bestow you my power, so get rid of that smug face!

Lubbock: Get me out of here then. *smirk*

Valefor's third eye glowed as a flash of light entered Lubbock's Teigu: Cross Tail. Lubbock vanished from the icy tundra while Sheele was still wondering in the never-ending darkness. Her sense of sound was now pushed to the extreme. She was acutely sensitive to any sound around her. She heard the ringing of the bell which was attached to Furfur as well as his childish snickers. Sheele grabbed Extase off of her back and became more vigilant. He was right behind her teasing her.

But the bell rang again and he was to her left side. Sheele didn't strike right away because when she did he would always vanish into the darkness again. Sheele decided to predict where Furfur would be going this time after figuring out that he was basically a child. She came to the conclusion that his thought process was simple yet erratic and wanted to take advantage of that. She attacked in the direction she predicted Furfur to be in and was correct. Furfur teleported there to mess with Sheele but didn't think that she would predict that he would pop up there.

He immediately vanished again but this time Sheele was right there with Extase ready to clamp down on him. As soon as she heard that he was in range she clamped down mercilessly and caught Furfur. He laughed at his own stupidity and now admired Sheele for being so smart in his eyes.

Furfur: Wow! You're so smart to have caught me like that!

Sheele: No it was nothing. You made it very easy for me to find you... *blush*

Furfur: But hiding is boring and no fun, but congratulations on passing the trial. I shall grant you my power. Wield it in the name of our King. I think that's what Baal nii-chan wanted me to say... Nevertheless congrats and bye bye, let's play again next time. *smile*

Sheele's Teigu Extase shone brightly and engulfed taking her away from the Furfur's dimension. Mine however, was looking at Vepar in frustration. All this time Mine had been struggling trying to snipe Vepar. The forest and insects moved at her will. Whenever Mine had an opportunity to shoot the branches of tress would just swat her shot away like swatting a fly.

Mine decided that long range was no longer an option and ran towards Vepar. Vepar waved her arms as the trees were at her beckoning and attacked Mine. Mine saw the incoming attacks and slithered and slid past the tree's attacks as she pushed onward. Vepar waved her arms once again sending a swarm of butterflies to cloud her vision.

Mine just shot at them but unbelievably they formed a shield and blocked her shot. Mine switched to machine gun mode and fired off at one spot to break the shield. Ultimately, she shattered the shield opening a path to Vepar. Mine dashed through the opening and was greeted by numerous golden swords levitating pointing at her.

Mine was cornered but knew this was when Pumpkin showed its true prowess. Her emotions were at their peak and she began to shoot like crazy. The swords rushed at her like a pack of piranhas as they began slashing at her.

Mine continued to shoot and dodge as she got nicked and cut profusely but she didn't give in. Her blood boiled as her adrenaline continued to rise while Pumpkin responded to her feelings. Pumpkin began to release even more power as one of the swords cracked from just one shot. Mine saw this and got even more aggressive.

She danced with the swords as they waltzed in the radiant purple forest as the leaves fell. Vepar was inwardly impressed as Mine entered a state of rhythm blasting apart each sword with impeccable accuracy. Mine saw Vepar's expression relax and knew this was her only opportunity. She shot down one sword and promptly pointed Pumpkin at her and shouted.

Mine: Cut-Down Shot!

A giant blade of spirit energy ripped its way through to Vepar. This caught Vepar off guard after her little lapse in concentration and couldn't help but commend Mine for her constant observation of her. Vepar raised her hand and a swarm of butterflies came to try and block the attack but it completely annihilated all that was in its path and hit Vepar.

Mine didn't know if it hit her but as indication, the swords stopped attacking her and broke down into Rukh and flew away. She saw Vepar walk over with a rarely-seen smile on her face.

Vepar: Well done for passing. I truly admired your concentration in battle despite being cornered like that. You are truly worthy to follow our King. I now bestow you my power and I wish you wield it wisely.

A glimmer of light entered Pumpkin and Mine departed from Vepar's dimension. Leone though, was still traversing the desert drench in sweat as the sun beat down on her. She was currently leading a group of people who were lost in the desert after running away from their village which was under control by bandits. There were around 10 people, three of them being young children. Leone was guiding the way even though she didn't know the way out but was willing to help them.

Leone was carrying a little girl called Lily on her back who was too tired and Leone offered to carry her, to the thanks of her parents. As they were walking they finally found a sandstone path and knew this was their way out of the desert.

The group rejoiced and started to pick up the pace. On the end of the path they saw a city and cheered at their luck and perseverance. But as if luck wasn't on their side and arrow went flying towards one of the elderly in the group.

Leone didn't sense the arrow coming earlier because she was so tired. She saw it head for the elderly man and ran in front of him to the best of her ability. The arrow hit her square in the chest and Leone grunted in pain. A bit of blood was seen as it dripped from her mouth. The person that shot the arrow came out along side another three people. They all had malicious expressions as they looked at the group. Leone saw their lustful gazes eyeing her and the other women in the group but especially her.

Leone growled in rage and transformed into a lioness. She placed the little girl down and ran towards the bandits. The bandits saw her running towards them and laughed. Leone grabbed the lodged arrow from her chest and threw it at the bandit with the bow.

The arrow blasted the bandit's head into pieces. This made the others rage so they whipped out their swords and charged to Leone. Leone was feeling pretty weak as she had been walking for what seemed like hours in the desert. She was hot and annoyed that they had come of all times to bother her.

Leone got in front of the bandits and punched a hole in his stomach. But the other bandit stabbed her in the shoulder. Leone had a strong physique but it was still painful. She grabbed the bandit's arm and ripped it right off. She then used his arm and swung his arm like a baseball bat thus exploding the bandit's head to pieces.

The last bandit was afraid and decided to go for one of the people in the group that arrived with Leone. The bandit went for Lily the one that Leone was carrying. He grabbed Lily and glared at Leone while trembling.

Bandit: You let me go or I'll kill the girl! *trembling*

The young girl was scared but didn't cry. She saw Leone fighting with her life on the line for them and was grateful. But now she was a burden for Leone as she was used as a hostage. Leone didn't want to let him go however for the sake of the group she nodded her head.

The bandit walked towards her still holding the girl in his arms as he skirted around Leone. He suddenly dropped the girl and swung his sword at Leone. Leone knew this would happen and threw a full powered punch. The punch decimated the bandit's torso completely dying the ground in blood.

Leone: Idiot. Are you okay Lily?

Lily: Yes Nee-san.

Leone: Good then let's get to the city.

Leone carried Lily and the group went to the city. Leone wanted to faint from exhaustion but held it in before she made it to the city. They made it through the city gates and to her surprise there was no one there. She felt that Lily wasn't on her back anymore before she heard a familiar laugh.

Crocell: Well done young lady! You've truly shown what it means to be a leader. You protected your pride with all your heart and didn't allow single one of them to get hurt at the cost of your well-being. You are truly worthy to wield my power. I wish that you wield my power with pride in the name of the King. Farewell Lioness. *smile*

Leone fainted as a spark of light entered her Teigu: Lionel. Everyone had now finished their trials and were beginning to wake up. They all opened their eyes and saw Sinbad and Najenda along side two others smiling at them.

Sinbad: Well done guys. *smile*