1 month training

One month later...

There was a man sitting down on a wooden stump eating sloppily with a goofy expression on his face. The lunch for today was 30 wild boars and now he was on his last one. His purple hair was a mess and now he even had a beard. He lost his pants and was only wearing boxers. He was shirtless and had cuts and bruises from his training session in the morning. This man was Sinbad.

When Sinbad left, he decided that he wanted to train on an island full of danger beasts. He wanted to train until he could reach Super Saiyan at most but at least have a base form that could rival Super Saiyan God like in the up and coming Broly film. Although Sinbad had died before he could watch it, he had seen the trailers where Broly wiped the floor with both Goku and Vegeta when they were even in Super Saiyan Blue.

So Sinbad had trained his body to the limit with his gravity seal. He had even forgotten what gravity multiplier he even had on because it was so high. He had kept it on when fighting Super-Class danger beasts in order to push his Saiyan body to the very limit. Everyday he would lap the island at least 1000 times then bench press a mountain until he tired out. Straight after he would move onto killing danger beasts.

Sinbad also made the time to create his own martial arts. In reference with his past life's and Sinbad's memories of martial arts, he had created his own martial arts called The Seven Seas in reference to his title. He had modelled the martial arts after his Djinn's fighting styles and his own then he had merged them all into one. So after body training he would practice his martial arts.

After lunch he would then practice magic which was the most enjoyable part for him. He would alternate between Djinn Equips everyday and train them. He would either hone his magic or create new magic. For creating magic he would either come up with them from the top of his head or base them off a jutsu he knew. Creating magic from the jutsu he knew was easy because all he had to do was circulate the Rukh the same way he does with chakra. Furthermore, with his Rukh manipulation he can shape the Rukh to anything. But imagining and putting it into practice was a bit more difficult however Sinbad had gotten more used to doing it so it wasn't that much of a problem anymore.

After one month, Sinbad was really sure that he could conquer this world but he didn't want the journey to end so easily so he didn't just finish the story just like that. Sinbad hadn't reached Super Saiyan but he had reached the same power level at bast base form like Broly in the film. He needed a catalyst to reach Super Saiyan but there no opponents on the planet that could stimulate his Saiyan blood.

As Sinbad was reminiscing about his arduous training. An Super-Class Danger Beast, which looked like a gargantuan version of the Tyrannosaurus Rex that had grey steel like skin and ravaging teeth that was capable of ripping anything to pieces. He smelt Sinbad's food and came over. Sinbad sensed the T-Rex trundle over to him and looked at the danger beast like he was an idiot.

Sinbad: Are you stupid or something?

The T-Rex obviously understood what Sinbad said and roared at him. Its spit went all over Sinbad's food and his body. Sinbad had a fat tick mark on his face as his eye was twitching as fast as butterfly's wings flutter.

Sinbad: Bararaq Kirin.

The clouds above rumbled as if heeding Sinbad's command. The clouds went dark and the T-Rex knew it had hit an iron board and ran away. However, running was futile when the heavens are involved. Thunder and lightning crackled and trembled as the sky shook ever so slightly. That was when a thunderous roar was heard through the heavens and a Kirin could be seen peering down on its prey. The T-Rex looked at up and stopped running as it closed its eyes . The Kirin locked onto the T-Rex and smited downwards in 1/1000th of a second and a world-shaking boom left the island quaking.

It was as if a nuclear bomb went off and a massive mushroom cloud covered the entire island. It then began raining and all the danger beasts knew that the T-Rex had offended that person. The reason that they knew was because there were ones before it that ended up in the exact same situation but their cause of deaths were extremely different each time. They all knew not to offend this tyrant and stayed away from him. They even gave him food so he could let them live. Of course, Sinbad being the foodie that he was he accepted all their gifts graciously and didn't bother them.

Sinbad sighed and thought 'Esdeath is sure to be mine now.' as he looked into the distance to where the capital was. Esdeath also was coincidentally looking in Sinbad's direction thinking about him. Ever since Sinbad's identity reveal it had been hard for Esdeath to focus because of her love for him. She now knew why first loves always hurt the most. However her loyalty for the Empire anchored her down and she now acknowledged Sinbad as an enemy. She sighed and got back to work as there was a new problem plaguing the Empire.

Sinbad was in a sour mood after the T-Rex had ruined his meal and decided that it was time to head back home. He missed his women after not even seeing them for a month. Also for some strange reason he missed Sheele just as much them because he had been taking care of her due to her clumsiness and was worried about her.

He went over to a nearby lake and cleaned himself up. He took at his sword and shaved his beard off. He cut his hair to its previous length and his whole persona changed. He looked clean and bared a confidence that would never waver. He knew that the others were training in Margeu Plateu and flew over.

He knew he could obviously make it there by just teleporting as he could cover the entire planet with his ki. He flew around taking in the beautiful landscapes of the world after shedding blood, sweat and tears on his time on the island. Also given the fact that on the danger-beast island at every turn there was a monster lurking so it wasn't ideally an area where you would have the time to admire the scenery. In addition, Sinbad had been training non-stop without sleep and the reason he could so was because Instant Mastery.

After a few hours Margue Plateau and saw a wooden house. Sinbad presumed that it was probably the Night Raid hideout. He sensed that only one person was inside and guessed that everyone else was training hard. He walked inside and went to the baths behind the house. In there, he saw a familiar figure and he couldn't help but chuckle as he reminisced.

The person lounging in the bath without a care in the world, was unaware of the creeping figure like a shadow walk leisurely towards her.

Sinbad: It's been a long time.

That was when the person screamed in surprise that someone had actually snuck up on her to this extent. But the thing that shocked her the most was that familiar voice she had been on her mind. She slowly turned her head believing it to be him and surely it was the man who she thought it was. She immediately jumped onto his lap ignoring the fact that his large rod was there and hugged him tight.

Leone: You're back...

Sinbad: *chuckle* How are you? *smile*

Leone answered with a sloppy passionate kiss. Sinbad clearly received her answer and kissed her back sloppily also. Their lips moved in tandem as their tongues fought with each other. Eventually Sinbad took control and explored Leone's mouth with his slithering tongue. Sinbad felt himself getting hard but restrained himself because he owed her a date first and didn't want to do the deed before that.

Leone knew he was holding back for that very reason and couldn't help but feel warm inside her heart. Sinbad really cared for those sorts of details and Leone was truly touched by his sentiments. She knew she had to pay him back ten fold for when they do the deed in the future.

Eventually the two lovers stopped and looked at each other. Sinbad examined her every feature. She had luscious wet blond-hair that fell like a waterfall and sparkling golden eyes that spoke a thousand words. They gave off so many emotions but all of them could be described in one word. Sinbad saw the pure affection that she had for him and knew he could never disappoint such a woman in his life, ever.

He turned her around and let her rest her body against his. Leone complied and happily rested against his body. Although he was extremely ripped, she thought that it was quite strange that it was oddly soft and comfortable to lay against him because she believed it would be like lying against concrete. She closed her eyes in relaxation and so did Sinbad after a long month of training with no relaxing. After a while, Sinbad opened his eyes and stroked her hair.

Sinbad: How is everyone?

Leone: They've been training hard, not wishing to become a burden to their King. *chuckle*

Sinbad: *sigh* Hopefully they've been resting. We can't be having them overwork themselves and harming their bodies.

Leone: Don't worry, Najenda has been keeping them in check.

Sinbad: Good.

Leone: What have you been doing?

Sinbad: I've been training on an island full of Super-Class Danger Beasts and have been cooking them up for meals.

Leone: You certainly are a foodie. *smile*

Sinbad: I mean have you seen my appetite? *laugh*

Leone: That's true. *giggle*

Sinbad: We should head back inside.

Leone nodded, and the both of them walked back into the house hand in hand. Sinbad got some new clothes that Leone had packed for him. She and the other girls realised that he had not brought any clothes with him so they packed some clothes for him for when he came back. Sinbad thanked her and hit himself in the head for being so forgetful.

Sinbad went downstairs and heard everyone talking over dinner. Sinbad 'It looks like Leone hasn't told them I'm here.' He walked down unnoticed and walked into the dining room. No one noticed him so he sat down on a chair quietly. Sheele was walking over to where Sinbad was sitting and just sat on his lap.

That was when Sheele screamed which alerted everyone. They turned to Sheele and noticed the familiar figure behind her.

Everyone: Sinbad!

Sinbad: *laugh* How you doing guys?

That was when they jumped on him in excitement. Sinbad laughed while they were happy to finally see their friend back. Sheele hugged him tight pulling his head into her chest. Sinbad of course didn't mind made himself comfortable. Sheele felt his hot warm breath on her chest and couldn't help but blush. She let go of him and saw his bright smile. She struck into a daze before she heard someone teasing her.

Leone: Sheele, are you still going to keep sitting on Sinbad's lap? *smirk*

Sheele: Oh! *blush*

She got up but realised there were no available chairs before Sinbad pulled her onto his lap. She squeaked in shock and looked at Sinbad. Sinbad acted like it was nothing and just smile. Sheele saw that he wasn't going to say anything and shyly kept her head down.

Najenda: So Sinbad, what have you been doing this past month?

Najenda decided to help Sheele out a little to save her from her embarrassment. Sinbad explained what he did for month, detailing his training and how he spent his days. Everyone looked at him as if he was a monster. He had been training with Super-Class Danger Beasts like it was nothing then became the King of the island. Although they had been training harder than ever before, they had never realised that their King was doing 100x of they've been doing. Sinbad saw their faces and saw that they were a bit discouraged after having been told his training schedule so he decided to enlighten them as their King.

Sinbad: Guy, don't feel discouraged. I know that you've been working hard so don't feel like it has been for nothing. Didn't you guys say that you will follow me to the apex? Also don't feel rushed to catch up to me. Just take your time and surely your strength shall follow. Strength requires time and effort to refine and hone. Furthermore, I'm not really human anyway. *chuckle*

Lubbock: You're not human!?

Chelsea: Then what are you?

Sinbad: I'm a Saiyan. An alien race, who are naturally aggressive warriors who strive to be the strongest in the universe.

Everyone: You're an alien!?

Sinbad: *laugh* Don't worry, I won't eat you guys.

Leone: How come you haven't told us this?

Sinbad: I just thought that it wasn't important. In the future, after all we're bound to meet other aliens and different beings.

Mine: So we get to meet other aliens too!?

Sinbad: Of course, we are going to meet angels, devils and even gods. So train harder but don't compare yourself to me. Just work to improve yourselves and then we can show to everyone that Night Raid is no joke.

Bulat: *laugh* I can't wait then!

Akame: Gods...

Tatsumi: We might even fight gods! Then we must get stronger so we can support our King.

Everyone: Yeah!

Sinbad: Good! Then let's eat, I'm starving.

They all laughed and enjoyed themselves at dinner. The prospect of fighting higher beings, made them want to train even more. They all wanted to follow Sinbad to apex so they all had to have sufficient strength to stand beside him. Obviously, Najenda told them to rest properly too which they agreed with, because their training sessions were going to get even harder. After dinner, everyone either went straight to bed or rested. Some of them asked Sinbad some questions about magic to which he answered.

Sinbad was catching up with his girls talking about various things. The weird thing was that Sheele was still sitting on his lap but Sinbad didn't mind. Everyone then went to bed while Sinbad carried Sheele back to her room in a princess carry. Sheele was so embarrassed and was confused why Sinbad was doing so.

Sheele: Sinbad why are you doing this? *blush*

Sinbad: Well, I've been worried about you this past month.

Sheele: Why? *blush* Don't you have Boss, Leone and Akame?

Sinbad: I don't have to worry about them that much because they can take care of themselves. Not that you can't take care of yourself, it's just me not looking after you for a month made me worry. I know you're strong, in fact very strong given the magic Furfur had bestowed you with. However for some reason I just worry about you.

Sheele: Sinbad...

Sheele looked at the somewhat flustered Sinbad who was struggling to convey how he felt. She had never seen Sinbad like this. Even Sinbad didn't know why he was worried about Sheele. Throughout training he would worry about what Sheele would be doing because back at the base he would take care of her due to her clumsiness. Although he would spend time with his women, he would spend the same amount of time with Sheele. It had become a weird habit for him so naturally he became worried during training.

Sheele giggled which made Sinbad a bit embarrassed. She placed her soft delicate hand on his cheek and looked at him. Sinbad was startled and closed his eyes rubbing his cheek against her soft delicate hand.

Sheele: Sinbad, you don't have to worry about me. While you were gone the others took care of me and I actually do the dishes now.

Sinbad: Really!?

Sheele: Yeah, Boss encouraged me to do the dishes. However, it didn't quite work out in the beginning but Boss was patient with me and then eventually I only break one plate now.

Sinbad: That's great! But how many did break at the start?

Sheele: I can't remember but it was quite a lot.

Sinbad laughed as Sheele joined in also. Sinbad made it to her room and opened the door. He gently placed her down on her bed and was stunned by her beauty. He didn't know exactly what it was but the moonlight just immaculately captured her beauty in that moment. Her long alluring purple hair and bewitching purple eyes that would draw in any man. And that included Sinbad.

Sinbad leaned downwards to Sheele closing the distance between them to just an inch. Sheele also was captivated by Sinbad's divine looks. He just seemed other-worldly. She had always found Sinbad to be different from anyone. It was like he could see the flow of the world. She felt his warm breath against her face and eventually a pair velvety lips.

This was her first kiss and it was everything she thought it would be. She read romance novels which were given to her by Mine. She always found the romantic interactions between lovers fascinating as she had always wanted to experience it for herself and now she knew it was more than what was written. It was a magical moment and it made it seem like the world stopped just for them.

Sheele felt something move its way inside her mouth and wanted to resist but couldn't. She felt his tongue caress hers as her tongue fell victim to the electrifying sensation from the action. Their tongues continued to intertwine for a while before they stopped.

Sinbad smiled and kissed her on the head. Sheele was still reeling from the experience subconsciously touching her lips shakily. This made Sinbad chuckle and he held her hand.

Sinbad: Sheele, did you like it? *smirk*

Sheele: *blush* Yes...

Sinbad: Well, it's getting late. Sweet Dreams.

He kissed her one more time but Sheele got a bit more aggressive wrapping her arms around his neck, this time exploring his mouth. They stopped after running out of breath and Sinbad left the room with a smile.