
Esdeath's heart was racing as she laid her eyes upon the man that had been plaguing her heart. She was on the edge, as both Sinbad and the Empire had a place in her heart for different reasons. The Empire made her who she was. The Ice Queen, the epitome of terror that as soon as her name was mentioned deterred any sort resistance against the Empire. However, the man before her was her true desire. The sight of him made her palms sweaty, eyes gleam with life, her bountiful chest heave up and down. This was all because of him. Yet, he was the enemy. "Esdeath", she heard his tranquil voice as it entered her ears like honey.

She would gush over her name being called every day if she had the chance to. But, she couldn't let herself fall into his trap and her eyes glared with resolve. Sinbad noticed the resolution in her eyes trying to shut him out from entering her heart. Like they say "The eyes are the doors to people's hearts". On the other hand, her body was saying other things. Her hands were clenched into fists as she quivered ever so slightly as his gaze loomed over her body.

Esdeath felt like she was completely seen through. Her body was laid bare before him while he examined every inch of her body with those fathomless eyes. Sinbad's stares were too much for Esdeath because it was as if his hands were roaming over each part of her body. She heated up as result of this and Sinbad could feel the temperature around Esdeath rising.

"It's been a while." He said with a peaceful smile on his face.

"W-What are y-you doing here?" She asked shakily while trying to keep composure.

"Would it be a lie, if I said I waited for you?" Sinbad said looking her dead in the eyes.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Esdeath retorted not believing his stupid reason.

"I just left it to fate and now fate holds true." He answered mysteriously as he stepped closer to Esdeath. He was getting every step closer to her as she beat in sync with his step. His steps deeply contrasted with the beating of her heart as the beating was getting heavier and heavier making her struggle to breathe while his steps were almost fairy-like in nature as if the soles of his boots didn't touch the ground. She didn't know how to react and before she realised it. He was centimetres away from her.

Sinbad looked at the flustered woman lost in love. He heard her ragged breathing and the sound of heart-pumping violently. Sinbad raised his callous hand and placed it on her fair white cheek. "Calm down" his soothing voice invaded her ears and her defences went down. Her body was suddenly in relief as she felt his cold cooling hand. She closed her eyes to feel him.

Valefor's powers subconsciously leaked from Sinbad's palm calling to the Demon's Extract hidden within Esdeath. A weight was removed from Esdeath's mind and she completely let go. Her body fell into Sinbad's body. He wrapped his arms around her slender body letting her rest against him. He lowered his head to her ear and whispered softly "I miss you."

Esdeath was in bliss like it was a dream. Something as simple as "I miss you" was like Cupid's arrow shooting straight through her heart. She felt the tenderness in his voice and it felt she jumped into a massive marshmallow. She bashfully answered back "Me too."

Sinbad this time felt Cupid's arrow pierce through his heart as he drowned in her cuteness. He thought 'Man she is so cute!' he abruptly lifted her from her legs as she screamed in bewilderment. Sinbad got her into the infamous princess carry and flew into the sky. Under the moonlight, it was like a beautiful scene from a Disney film.

Esdeath was in amazement that Sinbad could fly but recognised that she was in his strong arms. Her face blossomed into a rose-like red while her body curled up into a more comfortable position like a vulnerable kitten hiding away. Sinbad rose higher and higher into the chilling clouds. Esdeath couldn't make out anything before she was in complete wonder.

The divine moon in its full splendour was displayed before the two lovebirds. Sinbad chuckled seeing Esdeath's child-like eyes in astonishment.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"It's beautiful..." She answered absentmindedly.

"Well, if I were to say..." He paused which gained Esdeath's attention. She looked at him in curiosity and in anticipation. "I think you're the most beautiful in my eyes." He said with a smile on face.

Esdeath was dumbfounded by his words as her small mouth was twitching trying to find words to say before they were covered by a pair of silky lips. The moment was picturesque as her eyes widened before they closed as she relished the feeling. Sinbad knew she was inexperienced and his tongue dove straight in. Esdeath felt the slithery existence and almost clamped her mouth shut. But she felt Sinbad squeeze her side which made her limp. She felt her tongue intertwine with this existence feeling tingly from the sensation. She eventually gave in her tongue danced along with his.

Soon after, their lips parted leaving a strand of saliva hanging between the two. Sinbad saw her flush alluring face and couldn't resist going for round two. Esdeath was surprised but went for another bout as the two engaged for supremacy. However, Sinbad's superior technique outclassed hers as his tongue played gleefully about inside her mouth.

Finally, the two of them stopped as Sinbad sat down in the air resting Esdeath on his lap. She repositioned herself facing Sinbad. They peered into each other's souls, in the meantime hugging each other. Sinbad finally spoke, "Esdeath please come with me." His pleading eyes made Esdeath's heartache.

"You know I can't do that..." She said reluctantly with sorrow filled eyes.

"Why?" Sinbad questioned wanting to know the reason.

"I can't betray the Empire." She said with her head lowered clenching her teeth.

"What if there's no Empire?" Sinbad said. Esdeath glared at him as if he was mad. Sinbad continued "Of course, I'm not saying completely no Empire. I'm saying if there was a new one in place for the current one. Would you come with me by then?"

She didn't know how to answer. She had known Sinbad was powerful and possibly just as powerful as her if not more. She began to contemplate in silence while Sinbad looked on in expectation. Esdeath sensed his expectant gaze and didn't want to disappoint him. But she seriously thought that if Sinbad did have the power hypothetically to rid of the current regime, then what would happen to her then? Would she fight for the new one? Or leave? Theoretically, it's still the Empire but would she still fight? Last time they met, they argued about the issues regarding the Empire but was that the person who she was right now or not? Who was her true self?

"Esdeath, you're mine, not the Empire's," Sinbad declared with an iron will. This sentence snapped Esdeath out of her reflection. A pink tinge arose from her cheeks when she heard his declaration. His declaration shook the very foundation of her loyalty to the Empire in just a few simple words.

"Esdeath, I will cherish every part of you. If, you change how you view the world." Sinbad said softly.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Do you really believe that the weak don't deserve to live?" Sinbad replied.

"Yes..." She said as her voice trailed off. Sinbad was disappointed because he was truly infatuated with this girl but her head was in the wrong place. "However," she continued "I reflected upon the words you said about everyone being under the 'same flag' and it's true. I never even spared a glance to those I considered weak people and I saw that they were the ones supporting us. The ones fighting and leading the country."

Sinbad knew she was truly speaking from the heart. It was good that on their first encounter he partially alleviated the stress placed by the Demon's Extract to allow her to think with a somewhat open mind. She added "But I will fight for this country no matter how bad it is." she looked at him with determination in her eyes.

"I guess I'm gonna have to look forward to it." he sighed before he carried on "At least I tried to convince you this time. But the next time we meet, I will bring you to my side."

"I just hope you can beat me otherwise I would question myself as to why I loved such a weakling" She smirked in provocation.

Sinbad laughed and said, "Oh, when did you become such a joker?"

"It might because of you." Esdeath chuckled and replied.

"Very well, but don't underestimate me, my Ice Queen" Sinbad said as he winked.

"I look forward to it, my High King" Esdeath said seductively tracing her finger across his chest making Sinbad want to pounce on her right then and there. Sinbad's lips leapt onto hers as they engaged into another make-out session.

After a while, the two stopped and Esdeath jumped off Sinbad's lap free falling before a danger beast swooped towards her and took her away. She blew a kiss and Sinbad was surprised by this change and smirked. He laughed and couldn't wait to beat her to submission. He teleported back to base and found that everyone was back from patrolling the capital for Danger beasts.

The group spoke about their patrols and Najenda informed Sinbad that most of the new danger beasts had been eliminated. In addition, possibly the remaining few danger beasts were taken in by the Empire of research and experimentation. Also, they were led to believe that these Danger beasts were the product of Dr Stylish's experiments having found his hidden labs that were dotted across the capital.

"That's it regarding the new danger beasts. Now, we can take requests as usual." Najenda notified them before adding "Sinbad and Chelsea, I'm having you go on a request in a few days. It's important involving a politician within the Emperor's inner circle. Okay, the meeting is adjourned, Sinbad and Chelsea, wait here."

Everyone left the conference room and Najenda handed Sinbad and Chelsea two files. She said "These files contain the mission details regarding the target. That's all, you can go now."

Chelsea left the room leaving Sinbad and Najenda. Sinbad grabbed Najenda by the waist and hoisted her onto his lap. She straddled on Sinbad's lap with her legs curled around his waist.

"I have some information to tell you," Sinbad said.

"Well, what is it?" She asked while cupping his cheek with her hand.

"I can bring Esdeath to our side," Sinbad answered smiling.

"Really? How?" Najenda questioned not holding his cheek anymore.

"Well, it goes a little like this..." Sinbad spoke about his encounter with Esdeath and how he was able to change her mindset which left Najenda in astonishment because Esdeath was as stubborn as a mule. Being able to alter how Esdeath thought, really made Najenda admire the man she loved. Sinbad further said, "But I have to beat her the next time we see each other."

"What kind of agreement is that? Couldn't you have just beaten her then and there?" Najenda was bewildered.

"I want to fight her at her best and it's not that bad. I'm 95% sure of triumphing against Esdeath. The remaining 5% being there are other variables that could alter the outcome of the battle" Sinbad said confidently.

"As long as you beat her, it's fine with me, seeing how confident you are." She sighed and said.

"Why you think I might lose?" Sinbad questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Of course not, otherwise what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't believe in my boyfriend" Najenda caressed his cheek reassuring him smiling gently.

"If you say words like that, then I truly believe I have a 100% chance," Sinbad said and laughed.

"Stop being such a tease." Najenda giggled and hit Sinbad with her mechanical arm in the chest. When her fist connected with his chest it was like punching bedrock at first but then it softened like jelly. Najenda said, "Now let's go bed, you've had a long day."

"I can't sleep if you continue to rub against my rod like that" Sinbad smirked and teased as he looked down.

"Stop it or you won't have any of this later on." She guided her hand across her hourglass figure making Sinbad gulp leaving him in a daze.

"Let's sleep then," Sinbad said carrying Najenda to her room which she laughs. They made it to her room and changed into their nightwear then got into bed and slept.