I was falling, and fast too.
The sensation woke me from my slumber and to my surprise, I was hundreds of feet in the air.
What the fuck? Oh yeah, a goddess kissed me and I am now falling to my death. Makes sense I suppose.
I quickly flipped so I could see the ground below, except it wasn't ground.
After almost dying from the sudden chilling feeling, and the speed of which I hit, I resurfaced above the water. I could barley breathe and my entire body ached.
In a shock I tried to calm myself down, something I seem to fail at every time.
The lake I found myself in was not the usual blue color but a slight teal which seem to course with an unknown feeling.
The tingling feeling in my toes told me I should get out as soon as possible.
I was no olympic swimmer but I came across a bed of moss and unusual plants rather quickly.
Was I truly in the land Of Amaris? One plant lifted a purple pod like limb. It spread into thousands of pedals and a little essence of light spewed out.
I was definitely not on Earth. After taking my usual black hoody and dark blue jeans off to put them to dry, I made a makeshift camp at the edge of the water. The sun basked me in its sunlight, wait.
I looked up to see a ball, just like the sun but a smaller one off to its right. Oh, so there are two suns, nice.
As I scoured the clear blue sky I noticed something odd. A pillar of smoke rising in the distance. Could it be a wild fire, inhabitants of the surrounding area, or was it something unknown. I faintly remembered her saying that this was a land of mystical beasts. I gave The grimmest smile as I decided that I needed a lead.
How does one save a world from a guy that can destroy cities like its nothing?
Where do I even start?
Wait, is this even real?
I sat on the beach, stunned as all these new questions fled into my mind. I would no longer have Pam to answer them.
I was truly alone.
I sat on the beach for hours and as the suns dived into the horizon, a huge crescent moon took its place. Two suns but only one moon, what a shame. I did not even know what I was doing. I legit was a shirtless man sitting on a beach, in boxers, in another dimension that I'm supposedly suppose to save.
I guess this ice cream man can't get a brake. I could kill for some mint chocolate right now.
My belly roared and the embarrassment set in a few seconds after. Luckily no one was around to hear it.
I searched the beach, and to no surprise, there was nothing to eat. What did I expect?
I wanted to cry, not like a wimp cry, but more like a "I'm gonna die of starvation before I even get a chance to be the hero I always dreamed of" cry.
Yeah that's right, this lowly ice cream stand owner was always interested in comic books and video games pertaining to them. I never was a fan of mmo's or mmorpg's. I just couldn't resist when a new SpiderMan came out. I was engrossed in super powered universes and always wore a cape to school. Yeah, I was that kid.
I laughed, thinking of my dad holding me up to simulate me flying. My cheeks were drowned down by flowing tears. Damn, I didn't think I would actually cry.
I pushed myself to my feet and found myself dressed in my now dry casual clothes.
You see, the one thing I was good at, was improvising. It sounded useless but in situations that would leave most speechless, I excelled at it. This was just one of those occasions.
I started my way toward the fire.
Here goes nothing.
The distance from me to the fire was way more tedious when I was barley halfway there. It did not help that I heard an ominous eerie sound from around me multiple times. I left the lagoon behind and was now surrounded by open grass hills, they looked so weird in the moonlight, scary even.
Being in the dark was a really bad idea, I was dumb enough to let myself move without thinking.
My legs became jelly and I could of sworn I was gonna have abs after this journey, if you could even call it that.
Minutes later, or hours, telling time was shit rotten in this world, I saw a few trees packed together up ahead. the knowledge drop I got from the light, I already knew that Amaris was in the medieval ages and would lack something like a watch or smartphone. Great.
This just was not shaping out to be the adventure I envisioned.
Exactly what did I envision then?
On that thought I came to the start of a densely packed forest. Shrubs and thorns perfectly placed to cut my ankles. Pants could only do so much you know.
After another time frame I could not quite pin point, I was now closer then ever.
I did not care if I accidentally said that aloud, whatever was being cooked, was unmistakably delicious. With a smell like that, it had to be. The slight pinch of cinnamon mixed in with a aroma I could not quite pin point. I just knew it was a good thing.
I did the awkward crouch thing in order to keep myself hidden, and advanced toward the clearing. I made sure my body was aligned with a bush before peeking my head over, hood on by the way.
My mouth opened wide as I scanned the scene.
Two burley men, if you could even call them that, had rippling muscles that threatened the oversized fabric they wore. They had scared and musty faces complimented by a heavy set axe on one's back and a huge sledge hammer on the other. They spoke a hail of gibberish coated with a thick accent I never heard in my life.
They had a carriage that was poorly put together and ravenous hound like creatures that calmly slept beside it.
I swallowed hard, maybe this was not a good idea.
My ears suddenly popped and I yelped in fear. Shit.
They both turned in my direction and my head dropped down just in time.
"What in the blazes was that."
Even in the fear that they might squish me like a grape, I had a slight smile from their accents. If I was not mistaken, those were British accents.
"It was probably some deer, there were thousands of 'um this morning."
The man with the ax turned in my direction,
"Nah mate, that ain't deer, that's human."
Oh no.
"Most likely the sell wettin' itself."
The ax wielding giant grunted as he turned back around toward the fire.
"The Cramier Soup is ready, I'll go get the sell"
The man trudged to the raggy carriage and ripped the door open, "Come on little missy, feeding time."
I watched closely as a figure fell onto the dirt with a loud thud.
The man gripped a protruding limb and dragged it into the flame light.
It was a girl.
Or atleast I think it was. The girl was covered in stained white cloth that was barley holding on.
But one feature that stood out was the scarlet hair that widely skated down her back and around her shoulders. I took a cautious step to the left to get a better look.
She had red eyes that glowed ominously. The girl did not say a word a she was roughly dragged across the dirt. Her face showed no emotion.
She was definitely not human.
The man tossed her next to the fire were a bowl of the steaming liquid was placed. My heart shivered at the sight if it. The girl gripped her temple as a stream of blood ran down.
Fuck, I felt that.
"Hurry up and eat."
The sledgehammer one spoke as he dug into his soup. Without a spoon.
I winced as I noticed my legs were filled with static. If they noticed me, I needed to move or that could become a problem. I started making my way a few meters away from the camp. I glanced back to make sure no one would notice me, someone did.
The girl's scarlet eyes locked with mine. Pure fear littered on her face.
The way she looked at me made my souls crumble.
Damnit, I had to do something.