Valiant Shura 2

Opening her eyes after a blinding flash of light took her vision temporarily. Eve appears in front of a big water fountain; with people seem to be either talking leisurely or eating snacks of a sort, some sit on the benches around the fountain and some just do their business then go. It is a hectic place with clean placement let the one who sees it an illusion that makes the place appear bigger than it actually is. And there is no trash or whatsoever on the ground giving an atmosphere of harmony.

The public square Eve appears at is the town square where players and NPCs alike sell their stuff, be it to other players or to the NPCs that took interest in their items. There are stands selling potions, snacks, antiques, and etc. but there is a catch. A player that may open a booth needs to have an occupation of a merchant or reach a minimum fame requirement of the town. Or the player can yell what they want to sell.

She knows that the training center is somewhere in the east-northeast direction but she wasn't exactly a person who knows directions not as bad as a directional blind type of person but, yeah. Close.

"Excuse me, sir, may I know the way to the training center, please?" Eve asked an old gentleman sitting on the bench.

The old man had dressed like a noble with his black gentleman hat and black metallic cane. He sat alone leaning on the back of the bench smiling while gazing at the sky.

"Drifter? It's my first time seeing your kind. Anyway, you can go into that road then you only need to go straight then you'll find it. The place so big that you won't miss it."

"Yes, I'm one of those called Drifters. Thank you, have a nice day sir." she walks into the direction pointed by the old gentleman.

Leaving the squares bustling with people, Eve goes straight to the Training Center to meet with the instructor there to get a Job. Eve herself didn't have any idea what job she would choose. Based on her personality alone she will always plan something ahead but this time it left her 'Plan Bank' blank.

Walking for some 30 something minutes she finally reaches the training center. The training center only had one gate and that was the reason why Eve takes such a long time to arrive there even though it wasn't that far from the town square where people haggles their stuff.

Eve stunned when she looks at the big gates with a life-like carving of a giant man standing imposingly as if guarding the gate of its enemy.

"Didn't I tell you lots to use yer will while attackin' with yer weapons? I'll beat ya all up!"

Passing the gate Eve could hear the shouting of man and woman that makes even the ground quakes. She wonders why the outside was so serene but after passing the gate it seems as if she appears in a different place altogether. The difference in the atmosphere between here and outside makes Eve tremble a little.

"Ohh! Royalties from Shura tribes. Been so long since I last see your kind little girl. What are you doing here?

While looking around the big field of cries and shouts; a giant man appears in front of Eve abruptly, jump-scared her to her buts... almost. If both her upper arm hadn't been clutch by the giant man she'll be sitting on the floor at the moment. With both of their builds, she resembles a missing child that just been found by her father, but if there is a normal human stand there, the height of those two would dwarf-ied the human.

From the information Eve got on the forum, the giant man's name is Frostborne -something titan the master instructor here on the training center.

"I'm not. Why did you think I was one of the Royals of the Shura tribes?" she looks up at the somewhat scary instructor.

"Your smell, even though it is mixed with the other race I can still distinguish it when I can feel one get close to me. And furthermore, your eyes. It is the 'Eye of Wisdom' which doesn't always appear in a few generations of royalties. Sometimes it represents your kin's prosperity for the one who had it and sometimes it represents an era of war that has begun. "

『Bloodline unlocked! Eye of Wisdom information acquired. Skills [Learn] acquired.』

[Learn -- rare • skill]

a skill that lets you get the information from any books or scrolls.

Requirement: Ocular power type

Cost: 1000 Spirit per cast.

Casting time: instant-cast

Cooldown: 10 hour

Eve realized instantly that with her bloodlines she still won't be able to actively use it in the near future. Even if she put all her free attribute points into force, she would need to put 300 force to reach 900 spirit points and from the description of the skill, it seems pretty- super useless. Why would a player waste their force if they can just read it manually anyway? Plus the eye-boggling cost to activate the skill.

Racial traits:

Shura spirit: +10 spirit per level and 3 Strength and 2 Vitality per 10 levels.


Eye of Wisdom: An ocular power of Shura descendants. There are still mysteries surrounding its power.

"With your kins specialties, you should do well in any combat profession."

"I don't think I will go that way. I don't really like fighting nor can I fight well. So I'm more into creating things or stand in the support role."

"...Follow me."

Words utter by his mouths turn into an irresistible command to those who heard it and within Eve's entire life this is the first time she can't deny an order of someone and furthermore this person is an NPC. an AI created by another AI.

Following the big guy, they stop at one of the many small statues embedded in the wall. A statue of a man holding a glaive bigger than himself.

"You know, this person was a frail kid. None of the people here recommend him to pick any of the battle profession. Yet he did. No one born to know how to fight, they learn it. But he has no talent for battle. A day of training will leave him struggling on his bed for at least three days and he will appear on the fourth day to train again. He did just that for two whole years. His determination, his unbending will, moves the heart of many. However, his frail body chains him down. Until he creates a skill he named it Blade Wheel. A skill that doesn't require high strength nor burn his already meager stamina. The skill only needs the precision of strength and force. I'll teach you this skill and if you successfully learn it in one month then I will teach you a more powerful skill compare to that Blade Wheel."

『You received the quest "Learn in a month". Quest: learn the skill Blade Wheel in a month. Reward: powerful skill. Accept Y/N?』

"I don't know. I don't have the confidence in achieving what you expect."

"You are one of the Shura tribes, why are you so unconfident of your own ability? If you don't have the ability to, then make it up with your hard work. Life is as simple as that."

『Quest accepted.』

'Huh?' a shocked expression reflected on her expression.

It is a first virtual reality game for her and this first quest of her turn out to be undeniable slash forcefully type which is pretty rare based on the talk in the forum.

'So, the quests will fail in 41 days if I don't successfully learn the skill? This will be hard.' she thought deeply.

"So, what job will you choose?"

List of available jobs and its requirements appear in front of Eve. after careful and meticulous reads of details and weighing the pros and cons of the jobs she chooses Enchanter as her first job.

Enchanter: a job that can enchant an object or a lifeform. Enhancement based on the ability of the caster. +10% force recovery. Requirement: Force 13+

"Well, the choice is yours. Here, take this. Now watch me."

Taking the wooden glaive that flown over from hundred of meters don't startle her anymore. Now, she just focusing all her attention on how the big man moves.

The master instructor, Ax Frostborne, hold the wooden glaive with both of his hand and positions the glaive horizontally with his right foot forward. Then, he swings the glaive horizontally in a steady manner of speed and strength. After a full swing of 360 degrees, he is back into his previous position without any deviation.

"Did you catch that? The trick is the pivot point which is my right foot and no deviation of the blade itself. The blade must be back to where it was released. That's why the skill name Blade Wheel because it is basically a wheel of blades. Now, the next thing you need to learn is how to release the energy force to make it more lethal and increase its range of attack."

With a nod, Eve indicates that she understands his explanation and urge him to teach her the next thing she needed to know.

"First, you need to insert your spirit energy into the shaft so it may not break in the middle of your swing. Second, put three times the total energy needed in the shaft into the sharp point of the blade, it may be hard for the first time so you can just coat the entirety of the blade. Third, swing it like I do previously. Finally, you can increase the range by controlling the energy or shorten the swing itself. Watch me."

Then, the instructor holds the wooden glaive and the blade part glows. This time he did not put up any stances and just swing the glaive half-heartedly without any preparation and then he stops before reaching a half-circle, but the glowing of energy didn't stop there and keep on circling him till it reaches the blade again.

"Actually, if you master this skill you don't need to even swing it half-circle a quarter would be enough or less. Easy right? Now you can do what you want to do, just make sure to come here in a month."

『Quest updated. Subquest open. Part 1: master the swing 0% part 2: energy control 0% part 3: perfect control 0%』

"Thank you. If I may, did you know where I can learn how to craft a potion?"

"Hmm. potioneering art, there are a few I know of. I'll get someone to take you there. Oi bones, come here. Take this lad to a place where she can learn how to craft potions. See you in month lad."

"Hello, there lady, I'm Richard. What kind of potioneering art would you want to learn of?"

"I don't know? Is there a lot of differences between potions?"

"Indeed, you can learn from Herbalist, Pharmacist, or Alchemist. An herbalist, for example, they plant the necessary ingredient themselves and concoct the potions. And pharmacist is more diverse in their arts but mostly they only create potions to heal. While alchemists, more or less changing the properties of an item, legend said ancient alchemist can even create an immortal potion. So, which one did you wanna learn from?"

"I think I'll go for alchemy."

"Ok, now follow me. By the way, you know that without the job you won't get the bonuses from it right?"

A job is leveled by using experience from the said action and each level may give users an attribute point to spend as well bonuses effect of the job itself. A blacksmith, for example, they get the experience (job experience) from creating weapons or the like and stuff they created would have an additional bonus; as a user without a related job made a dagger with a 15 base attack and the one with the job can made the same dagger with more higher damage output, 17 base attack for example.

With Brink that has no limits, there are no 'actual guidelines' and the player may do as they wish to do.

"Erm… yeah."

"Then good. But don't make that put you down. The higher your skills the more useless that bonus was. No matter what a level 5 blacksmith without Blacksmith job would be greater than a level 3 blacksmith with an actual Blacksmith job."

Then they arrive at the store name Witch Cauldron's.

And this is the start of Eve's adventures.