
I smiled and thanked him for giving the work for the day and went to arrange the cement bags. I wasn't a novice in this task, I did it plenty of times in my former life as a construction worker, I knew how to grab the bags in a way that not only used the least amount of effort also kept the damage to the body to the minimum.

I arranged almost a hundred cement bags on the floor in different sections before I collapsed on the ground heavy breathing. After a quick encounter with Mr, Floor I weakly stood up and went to Maurice. I never got close to him when I heard him "Go the fuck to take a shower on the back and take a new uniform! And then go to the cafeteria, eat and continue! Don't even think about coming back to me with that smell!"

Jesus that dude has some strong nose to smell me from 20 meters... Maybe he was a really good dog his past life and ranked up into a human? Haha, that would be awesome!

Anyway, I went to the back of the store and realize that there was a small room with a shower inside with a basket on the side for dirty clothes. It seems that the boss liked to keep his workers clean and not being smelly. Good for business and for check-ups. A smart gorilla!

After I laughed while I showered I put the dirty clothes in the basket and grab a set of attire from the shelf outside of the room. And came back inside to change. After that I asked an old worker named "Thomas" where was the canteen and he said:

"Oh, it seems that you are new no? And fresh showered too! It seems that Maurice's nose is as sharp as ever HAHA! Don't be upset, it happens to the best of us! Sometimes when you keep working you don't realize you smell because you get used to it. You get the hang of it after a couple of months! Oh right! The cafeteria! I was going that way, come with me!"

I smiled and thanked Thomas and continued talking while walking there. Thomas was on the first workers of the company, he was here the day it opened when it was a small store. It was 10 years ago, he was working even it snowed hard or rained a lot. He said that the day he stopped working is the day he would die. He showed a picture of a kid and told me that it was his grandchildren and that he's putting all his savings into an account that is for him the day he dies. When I asked if he sees him a lot he stopped talking and looked outside and told me "It's a great day isn't it?" so I decided to stop talking about that subject.

When we entered the cafeteria there were 4 tables full of people and a long line for waiting for food. While we were waiting two brown bears appeared behind me almost making me myself faint and said: "HEY OLD FART WHO'S THE KIDDO?"

He laughed and said "HAHAHA Stop shouting at the poor kid! Look how pale and frails he's looking! Do you want to give another ingredient to Margaret Soup? HAHA"

One of the brown bears said while looking at me from head to toe "Nah, too little meat to make it worth all the tussle!"

The other bear hit the head of his clone and said "Sorry kid for the rude manner of my brother. I apologize on his behalf. My name is Ralph and this idiot over here is Alf. Please don't mention the tv show because that make's him angry."


His brother then said "Okay okay, my bad. Can you use your inside voice now, please? You are doing all the shouting again"

Alf then said, "WHO'S SHOUTING?!"

They keep discussing over my head like I didn't exist anymore while Thomas was getting food from me and him. I didn't know what was good here and what not, so I decided to trust an expert on the cafeteria, and what better than Thomas?

He looked at me amused and told me, "Hey, tell the pair of buffoons to pick up the pace or they eating alone, that we already are at the table!"

And then proceeded to walk towards one of the tables particularly smaller but sturdier than the other tables back at the end of the cafeteria, it was oddly empty. I noticed right away the stares that the people were giving me like some sort of envy, but what was there to envy me? Living on a basement with a lower salary than a normal construction worker...

I sat beside Thomas and while we waited for the Ralph and Alf to come he told me "I saw that you noticed how the people looked at you and your confused look. I will explain quickly why and we never mention this again. I'm the oldest worker here so I have a choice of which work I can do, with better pay and less effort. I never shared that privilege with anyone else than the brothers. I don't intend to share with you for now. I picked you up because you look similar to my boy when he was innocent and not corrupted with this world. And besides you worked till you couldn't move and that's not something that people would do even if that's their first day of work. I like your determination and the fierce look on your eyes, with a goal in your mind. I hope that that will never fade away in this chaotic world. Now Laugh hard like I told a good joke.: HAHAHA!"

I was stunned but quickly adapted and made a good laugh at the same time the brothers were coming and then Ralph said "OH WHAT JOKE DID YOU TOLD THIS TIME OLD MAN? REPEAT IT FOR ME PLEASE!"

His brother smiled defeated and sat in front of us while his other brother was pestering the old man to tell him the joke. Alf looked at me and told me "You like your bed kiddo? I made it myself a couple years ago! It still strong and good no?!"

I nodded and he smiled "Ha! I knew it! You are one of the orphans that sleep here! For the record that ugly chair in your room it was made by my ugly hands of my brother! And this table is also made by me!"

Thomas was in the middle of the joke when Ralph erupted again "WHO HAS UGLY HANDS? I HAVE MANLY HANDS! LOOK AT THIS WAR SCARS!"

Alf then retorted "That was when that dog bitted you because you tried to pet a puppy years ago...stop telling that it was war scars, no one believes you!"

After that they continued arguing while eating at the same time, I was amazed at their ability of eating, shouting and not chocking at the same time. The old man kept silent while looking at the window outside and eating.

Shit, what kind of coworkers I choose?