The mind , the body , the game.

I was walking down the hallway contemplating the new release or the re-release of the game after it has been banned again and thinking what is the point of banning a game when they know the public outcry they will get from it. "Hey Daniel wait up" I heard a familiar voice behind me".

"Well if it isn't Mgcruff my programming assistant" I widely smiled at him. "hey what is with that look you're giving me Daniel?" as runs and closes the gap between us. "What are you doing here?, Do you not know there is a gas leak and the CEO told everyone to leave?" I was bewildered as I was lost in my own though I failed to notice that no one was around us and I was walking in an empty hall way. I shrugged my shoulders at him "I didn't know, I was lost in though and didn't notice" Well this is gonna set us back for a couple of days for the release then. Mcgruffed looked at me with bewilderment also. "Well we should leave , if anything happens to the head programmer we would all be in trouble." I just waved my hand at him "Go ahead, I need to grab some stuff real quick in my office, I could work at home to and re program the game." I have a look of defeat in my face as I said it, the content was good but the media portrayed the game as a blood bath and soft porn that brainwashes the people mind. I though what of it, the game has been out for decades Lost Ages of ARCADIA 7 has been remolded into the most versatile game-play game of the age

"Okay just hurry up, they are closing the building down." Mcgruff said good bye to me as he walked the opposite way. I walked into my office and started packing my equipment I looked around and saw a gaming console on for one of the beta tester. I looked at the screen it was one of the debugged version on Lost Ages of ARCADIA 7 and I smiled "I have played the first to seventh as a kid to teenager to adult it was a very classic game to my heart. As i walked to turn the game off I heard a "BOOOM". The though on my mind was"HOLY" as the ground beneath me started to shuffle and crack and as I slipped I grabbed hold onto the screen infront of me. I looked at the screen "ARCADIA" and then everything went numb.

"SON! WAKE UP!" I heard a voice I was familiar with but not in real life, if was a voice of a character in the game. So did I die or what? was in my mind. So even in death I though all I could think about was the game. "PLEASE SON OPEN YOUR EYES!" I felt a tingling sensation in my eye and as I opened them I saw John Rainmaker one of the characters in my game. "What happened I though and everything went blank again".