Trial and Error

Trial and Error: for references.

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.8)

Lv.3 Low noble

Reputation: 27 (known and respected around your province).

STR: 25 + 5

CON: 22+ 5

DEF: 20 + 20

INT: 18 + 1

CHR: 25 + 10

WIS: 15 + 1

WILL: 40 + 5

PER:25 + 2

LCK: 35 + 5

Skills: Tier 9 soldiering , tier 5 archery , tier 7 cavalry , basic diplomacy , basic management , black smith 3.

Cheat ON: Bronze Skin, Scholar, Golden tongue , Manager , The calm the focus, Double ganger, Task master.

Bronze skin : heals quickly

Scholar: Learns quickly

Golden tongue: Persuasive

Manager : Management

The Calm the focus :During battles you will be calm and focus

Double ganger: Copy the object you are holding)

Molder: Transform objects (Was mold objects)

Drill master: Subordinates bonuses and buff when Training.

Equipment: low noble Breast plate III, Low noble boots III, Low noble spear III , Low noble sword III, low Composite bow III.

Inventory: Gaming equipment and files.

Ian pov:

It has been three months since the recruit signed up, the last mocked battle was in motion. Ian was watching above the hills as the two sides crash trying to hold each others line and flanking the. The fight consisted of wooden shields, spears and arrows with wooden shafts with red and blue dyed wet cloth. He announce yesterday that this will be the last mocked battle for before their swear of allegiance to the Reinmark family and the winners will get two silver extra pieces. "they look amazing, you did well son." his mother said behind him which started him, he was to focus on the fighting. "Yes they are indeed" I nodded my head, "what brings you out here mother?". "What I can't see my sons result?, you know with these soldiers we have increased out strength eight times rivaling a mid class noble." She had a bit of worry on her face. " Your talking about the Drakks" I implied and she nodded her head, "Well they should be happy to have a strong subordinates". I turned my head back to the field "They should be....." Her mother couldn't hear the rest as he mumble it under his breath.

Dona Drakk pov:

How is this possible, the Reinmakers rebuild so fast and increasing their numbers? I looked toward my father as he read the reports to me. "You told me you have taken their spoils into account?" he turned toward my sister Aline. "Father there was no way they could have secured the spoils after the damage I saw that morning unless they hid part of it that night and hid some after the battle, but that's impossible the commander said they split the spoils together". She was tricked I though the Reinmakers pulled one over us. "I believe they thought this was gonna happen and hid the spoils during the celebration, they did say that Ian Reinmaker was nowhere to be seen until the battle at the camp ensued". My father looked at me, "you have looked into the young man?". I laughed at him "Of course he is said to be brash and he is a soldier at heart the reports does not indicate that he is cunning. I do not know how he did this , out of nowhere he has acquired about a third of our strength in just a short while, what is his secrets I wonder. "Father I have a plan I stood up", I do not like your plans Aline muttered. "Well Dona don't keep in suspense my father smiled'.

Elise Pov:

After months of practice , torture and mock battles after mock battles today is the day we finish. We flipped a coin deciding who to attack, defend and first pick of the units, We red to attack and blue are the defender at the end I was put into the attacking force. Okay the captain and sergeant looked at us, we have been practicing this new tactic master Ian taught us and today we are here to prove that we have mastered it. My heart was beating with adrenaline, I became more muscular and my proficiency with the spear became more profound. Like the young master says we were all provided with weapons and armor. The Auxiliary as he called it were categorize as spear-man , crossbowman, archer, horse archer , horse archer. We were equipped with iron mail shirts, iron helmets, iron tipped spears and a small iron sword , large shield (clipeus) and (Spatha) ,dagger(Pugio) , composite bow and crossbow but depending on your profession you chose you will get the equiptment you are issued and even the household spear-man had their equipment replace with. Cassis (helmet),Lorica Segmentata (armor), Gladius (sword), Pilum ( throwing spear),and Scutum (shield). I did not realize that the Reinmakers was so rich.

Our units consisted of spearman, crossbowman and horsemen, spear-man at the middle, crossbowman behind us and horsemen to the rear. The opposing forces compromise of spear-man , archers and horse archer and their battle line are archers to at the front then spear-men and horse archers at their flanks. "Shield wall! Wedge formation!" after months of training my body just moved on it's own and we got into formation. "Spear-men forward!, Horsemen charge! crossbowman stay behind the spear-man and support the flanks.!" he commanded one command after the other.While I ran I saw the horsemen trudge forwards receiving a hail of arrows and then they suddenly turned towards the right toward the right horse archers. The enemy left flank of the enemy flies in a semi circle shooting arrows then part of the horsemen broke off towards the rear of the enemy. Then it was our turn as we clashed with the front shield wall o the enemy, there was pushing ,shoving, cursing and laughing.

Ian Pov:

Ian looked with satisfaction as the mock battle range on and the arrangement was that what ever side has the most people left standing and least mark wins. " Son they are finishing up" My mother behind jerk me back to reality, "Come mother help me distribute the awards this time".

Maria Reinmakers Pov:

As we got closer to the mock battlefield the soldiers all suddenly stood at attention and saluted, what discipline I though then a captain walked toward us "Ready for inspection!" he suddenly yelled. I was a bit startled at the ferocity of these new soldiers, what kind o training did my son put them. "Mother follow me" Ian put his hand on my shoulder and passed me a pouch that look like it was bustling with coins "Three silvers for the merit makers and the winners two then he went toward the front of the recruits and yelled report. "Red team young master with seventy marks most merits go made to Elise Prespi" , "Blue team young master with eighty marks most merits go to Ryani Tyson". Then Ian yelled for the two merit makers to report up front and two females moved forward saluted and stood at attention. My son looked at me and pointed forward for me to give them their reward. Those two young females look full of of with a broad shoulders and muscular arms but you can tell they are both females close to becoming women and those eyes such ferocity. I handed them three silver coins and I though I slightly saw their mouth twitch and body shook after that they walked back in line and I handed the winners two silver coins each and for me these were large rewards but since we were not running out of money for some reason i did not ask any questions for I truly trust my son.

Ian Pov:

As my mother pass on the rewards I inspected the level of recruits I have trained with tirelessly Lv.5 I felt proud considering the normal soldiers Level here are two and we surpassed it within three months. The "cheat" Drill master was a dream come true cheat considering the hard fough battles the player had to figh and the loses could be sustained by easily replacing them them with mid - high tier replacements. Two women caught my eye at the beginning Elise Prespi and Ryani tyson both of them were already strong from the start lv.3 now they are almost beyond high tier recruits lv.7. Tonight I told them that we are gonna have a celebration and tomorrow we are going forward with their pledge of allegiance, they started celebrating and started at me and I just waved at them to carry on they deserve this.

Elise Pov:

The celebration did not stop until we got back to camp, it was such a memorable moment for us, such hard months we went through I though. "Elise" Ryani called the one that won with me, "you got lucky she nudge at me", "you call that luck I said that was skill?", she was laughing at me, "skill when you threw that spear and tripped over someone but luckily hitting Calun over the?". "Come on girls no fighting over me, there is enough of me for everyone".A young man with a slender body started dancing forward towards the two of them but was suddenly kicked down by the two women simultaneously. The fort was in an uproar and as gazed outside they saw people coming with table and chairs and animals ready to be butchered for the festival. "This was definitely worth it" I smiled and told myself, "father was this the same feeling you had when you signed up, full of self pride".