A Tiger, A Leopard..

A Tiger, A Leopard..

Gene Toroch : Leader of the house of Toroch (Female)

Jen Toroch : First child (Female)

Festigale Toroch: Second child (Female)

Misze Toroch: Third child (Female)

Pro: Physically strong, more subjects that the rest, good troops.

cons: weak infrastructure , weak diplomat.

Family value base motto: Strength governs and the weak serves.

Family crest: Hippopotamus

-While hippopotamuses rest near each other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity and hippos are not territorial on land. The hippopotamus is among the most dangerous animals in the world as it is highly aggressive and unpredictable. (Found in google People also ask).

Ref: https://www.history.com/news/7-legendary-barbarian-weapons

The Battle-Axe While most tribal warriors carried spears or swords into combat, Germanic soldiers were known to wield heavy battle-axes capable of smashing through shield, armor and helmet in a single blow. The Franks, meanwhile, were partial to a lightweight axe known as a "francisca," which could be used as a hacking weapon or hurled at close range as a projectile. "The iron head of this weapon was thick and exceedingly sharp on both sides while wooden handle was very short," the historian Procopius wrote of the francisca in the sixth century A.D. "And they are accustomed always to throw these axes at one signal in the first charge and shatter the shields of the enemy and kill the men

The Long Sword : The double-edged long sword was the main weapon of the Gauls, a collection of Celtic tribal peoples that inhabited what is now France, Belgium and Western Germany. Unlike the shorter Roman "gladius," which was primarily a stabbing weapon, the iron swords employed by the Gauls were designed to hack and slash at the enemy in a downward stroke resembling an axe-blow. The swords tended to be less effective on packed battlefields where there was not as much room to maneuver, but they were particularly deadly in individual and guerilla combat

Some skirmish in the middle of two cities.

Loose! A young man commanded that brought a rain of arrows overhead ,yet they still came, next came bolts that penetrated their shields, as men fell my the dozens they still came. "ah oh ah oh ah oh" the line moved to the cadence "ah oh ah oh ah oh", "spear-man forward!" banner raised and the knot of people starter moving forward, "Halt" the enemy spear-man stopped but to their amazement weird javelins or so they though but these ones get stuck in the shield " the pilum". You hear them clutter s they couldn't remove the spears, A young man raised his spear "CHARGE!". On the other-side of the field, cavalry fought a one-sided battle with horsemen archers, a horseman falls with an arrow in his eye, another one and another one, the endless slaughter ensued and yet the enemy still fought on.

Ian pov:

We were sent by the Drakks to the neighboring city of Roguat to negotiate the release of his sons but half way there an army awaited us. It wasn't massive but these people were ferocious, they did not care about death or injury they fought with will. "TROOO" the enemy horn blew and whoever was alive retreated as they retreated another army showed up at the horizon bearing the crest of a hippo and blue and purple colors. "reform" I commanded but they did not come, a single horseman trotted forward toward us with a flag of truce. "I galloped my horse forward toward the horseman and I got there she spoke with a heavy accent " I am Misze Toroch and this was just a warning, tell the Drakks there will be no negations here and that the strong makes the law here". Such a beautiful voice but so young, she looked no more than fifteen to me , "Wait" i tried to stop her she pointed her spear at me " Those two Drakks are now our prisoners, they belong to us and she galloped off into the distance without letting me say a word.

After the battle and the camp was build we had a meeting at the command tent, What seem to be the situation captain Kal? "Young master the scouts report the way into the city and the surrounding areas towards it are blocked by the Toroch, I recommend we send words to the Drakks and the other nobles in their faction to rally with us". He pointed out that the enemy numbered twelve hundred , four times our size. I ask the other captains and they all agreed with captain Kal, "send out some riders, make sure they get there". "Ding!, First Quest: Survive Toroch Onslaugh" , "What?", I was startled by the sudden notification." Enemy attack?!" I hear a yell outside.

Misze Toroch pov:

"My lady the army awaits your command" My trusted captain whispered into my ear. "My soldiers that man when I met him had a look of lust in his face like he wanted to devour me!, he disrespected me!, will you let him do that to your LADY!". You hear the heavy heaving , shields banging, one, two, three and so on until the whole army were doing it, "KILL!". The army charged towards the enemy camp like a predator hot on the heels of its prey.

The way that man looked at me I did not like it and it made my blood boil and as my blood boiled so did my warriors, my family was from the north where strength ruled and we were driven away ages ago and when we came down south we subjugated the surrounding area here, except for some nobles here and there refusing to bend. As I watch the battle earlier , I was happy to see to finally see some strong opponents come and test me.

I send the spear-man first followed by my axemen, Celtic swordsman and archers at the back, he did the opposite, archers first, then spear-men and covred the flanks with horseman and horse archers. As we charge I notice they were not targeting my spear-men but the axemen, They were shooting behind them?! with those small bows!

Ian pov:

As the lines outside form I looked over the horizon and there were new types of units, to my horror "Axemen! Celtic swordsmen! Lv.5 - Lv6", "Those axemen and Celtic swordsmen can break my lines". I hastily commanded to reform the formation I put the archers first , then spear-men and the flanks covered with horsemen ,horse archers and crossbowmen. "CAPTAINS! KEEP THEM IN A TIGHT FORMATION! FIGHT IN GROUPS ,DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY SPACE! ARCHERS TARGET THE AXEMEN AND SWORDSMEN! SPEAR-MEN HOLD UNTIL THEY GET CLOSE THEN THROW YOUR PILAS TO TAKE THEIR SHIELDS!, CROSSBOWMEN ATTACK THEIR LEFT FLANK AND HORSEMEN ARCHERS SUPPORT THEM!HORSEMEN BREAK THAT LET FLANK AND ATTACK THEIR LEADER!". My formation reshuffled within minutes, they may have the numbers but we have the discipline.

As they got close my archers started firing and their axemen and Celtic swordsmen started Falling one by one and their formation piece by piece until they started falling by the numbers but they still came nonetheless with a mass number of howling troops. The archers retreated behind the lines and the pilas came next and many lost their shields, then I re - directed the archers to fire at will ,they will be reserves then I gave the command to the captains and sergeants and joint my right attack on the enemies flank.

Mizse Toroch pov:

My armies swarmed them unable to break through I saw sways of men fall down under the barrage, this was a different formation from the last time. I looked at saw my left flank was in heavy assault and they broke, just like that they couldn't hold it, it only took a couple of minutes for the enemy to do it then I saw horsemen coming this way. I grinned I yelled at some of my captains and they shifted towards the incoming enemy and I saw that man. "FOLLOW ME!" I yelled at my guards and I pointed at that men and they became more ferocious realizing that was the man that disrespected me.

Ian pov:

We broke though their left flank and they tried to shuffle some units over here but it was to late then I saw her charging over here, I need to take care of her my troops will tire soon. I charged towards her I held my spear but didn't throw it, instead I grabbed my sword and threw it towards the horse. As it struck the horse she fell and as she got up I tried to stabbed in the heart but she tilted her body and the spear went through her shoulder. She fell back down, and got back up with the look of hell in her eyes. I got off my horse and I looked at her, she charged me I kept trusting my spear then going in a semi circle clockwise then counter clockwise to disrupt her rhythm and when I go t the chance I trusted my spear between her leg then let go and I attacked her with my fist before rolling out and grabbing my spear again.

As her defenses started crumbling, her people saw the difference between as and they charge this was but to only stop after they blocked me. "GET HER OUT OF HERE" one of them yelled and she ferociously fought but was dragged away from the battlefield. "TROOO" the enemy horn blew and they started retreating. I wanted to pursue them but as I looked back my people were haggard from the fight so I simply held my spear up "AIN!" "AIN!" "AIN".