Family and Authority

Family and Authority

Derrek Reinmaker pov:

When I came to the Drakks household, I was excessively berated by Don Drakk of my nephew cowardliness, He was apparently told to move forward to the city of Rouguat but refused. What was he thinking refusing our patrons command, I will need to have a talk with him about the Reinmarks honor when I get back.

Ian Reinmakers pov:

Days flew by and the new army is taking shape, now I have about a thousand men almost enough to equal the Drakks but my uncle worried me, he is to old fashion and would probably give me a lecture or worse get in my way therefore I asked my veteran army to pledge another oath of allegiance to me in secrecy that they are only willing to follow my commands and when the time comes they would stand by me and they willingly took the oath.

"Ian what are you thinking" My sister Maria woke me up from my thoughts, she was there beside me watching the flowers. "You said you would spar with me! , I want to see this general everybody is talking about!". I laughed at her and agreed , "get into position Maria and be prepared for anything". We both got into position and I did not move, I just stood there waiting for her to become inpatient. She lunges forward with a trust but i stood my ground and as she got closer to me I swung my spear towards the flowers and towards her then unto the ground. With flowers and gravel flying towards her, it disrupted her vision and I began my merciless assault and not to long after she faltered.

She was not happy as the way she lost was not honorable in a sense she said, "The battlefield is not game" I pointed at her, things happen in the field like this more often than you can imagine, one person trying to get the best of the other. "If this was real, you would be dead and your honor gone nonetheless


A clapping sound over the distance and we turned towards the noise and it was my uncle, "he had finally returned I see and to see me first not my father". " Boy I have something to talk to you about" and waved me toward his direction, as I walked towards him had a gut feeling that this conversation was not gonna be to my liking as his eyes showed malice towards me.

As we got into the study my uncle grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me towards the wall " BOY! DID YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!, YOU DID NOT FOLLOW THE ORDERS OF OUR PATRON!" I was so angry I pushed him away will my full might and he fell backwards, "YOU BASTARD!" as he tried to get up I hit him and he fell again "remember your position uncle, you are my vassal, I am your patron". "Not yours boy but your father" as he slowly gets up, "we are an honorable people, you forget our ways". I berated him of our former status and our status now of how we used to equal the Drakks in power and how we are vassals now.I looked him in the eye and spoke with a hard cold tone of voice "If we continue this path, we will all fall" I walked out of the study towards a guard.

I called a guard and ask him to notify my family that I wish to have a meeting with everyone late in the night but exclude Derekk and Claudia, In my mind those who does not change and or have ill will towards the family does not deserve anything and as night looms I prepared a little something for my family.

First I steeled myself of what must be done and I went to get some wine to calm my mind and as night looms I went to find my uncle, I asked around and the guard directed me towards his chambers.

Derrek Reinmakers pov:

I sat was at my bed chambers when I heard a knock at my door and as I opened it Ian was standing in the doorway "What do you want boy?" I asked him and he pulled out a jar of wine "Peace offering uncle, this is one of the wine we took from the Toroch, do you want to have a taste?" I opened the door and let him in, "He pulled out to cups and poured the wine while he spoke to me 'Uncle I understand how you fell and I was wrong , it was in the heat of the moment and I hope that you do forgive me". He handed me a cup and downed his, "What do you say we drink our anger down". I was still heated but he is my nephew and it might have been in the heat of the moment that he hit me, as I drank my wine my body immediately became numb. "what the?" As I staggered back my nephew plunge a knife towards my heart. As everything went dark I was wondering how did this happen as he drunk the same wine as me.

Ian pov:

I made sure nobody saw me walked towards my uncles chamber in and out, The old fool I though. I used the cheat mold and and created Hollowed dusk and in the game it was a paralyzing agent for assassination and as I plunge that knife thru his heart he had a look of disbelief on his face that his nephew was doing this to him. As night looms there were a shriek in the house, looks like aunt Claudia found Uncle Derrek body, the agropolis and the surrounding area was immediately set on alert. The search went on for hours but to no avail of anybody finding the culprit and I found everyone in the study where I called a meeting. "Father looked at me with a down trotted face and told me that my uncle was dead". A woman looking disheval, knocked the door open "This is your fault!, the Drakk must have sent someone to teach you a lesson boy!". I grabbed her and threw her outside the study "Guards take her to her chamber and don't let her out!" The guards hastily came and took her away. "Father I think she is right, It must be the Drakks, but why would they do such a thing, I looked at him questionably". My mother and sister were there too and the look of discuss among their faces when they though it was the Drakks was perfect.

"Son they might have though we were getting too powerful and I heard you disobeyed an order from the". I pointed out the necessity of my disobedience that we were outnumbered and would have been massacred and also it was me that saved them from the Toroch so we both would have been slaughtered if we continued towards the city of Rougat. He saw the point of my argument and knew I was right. "Son" "Brother" my mother and sister spoke "what should we do?" "Yes son what can we do" my father spoke next. "There is only one thing we could do", and I explained to them in detail what we could do and my plan started to move forward and as my plan move forward so will the Reinmakers.