Chaos II

Chaos II


A caltrop (also known as caltrap, galtrop, cheval trap, galthrap,galtrap, calthrop, jackrock or crow's foot) is an antipersonnel weapon made up of two or more sharp nails or spines arranged in such a manner that one of them always points upward from a stable base (for example, a tetrahedron). Caltrops were part of defences that served to slow the advance of horses, war elephants, and human troops.


Ian Reimaker pov:

The Toroch did not madly rush this time, they walked in an orderly fashion towards the Reinmakers army.

"Archers forward, Crossbowman and spear-man support them!,! Ballista Ready!"

I sent in the archers first, my plan was as the Toroch march they would get bombarded by the Ballista, the closer they get the archers will come into play and when they get to close the archers will retreat covered by the crossbowman and spear-men to keep them safe.

The ballista started firing , imapling dozens of Toroch infantry men and the archers when they were closed enough fired a volley after volley and did an orderly retreat.

The enemy was about to charge as they saw it as an oppurtunity.


Dozens of stones came loose and at the same time crossbowmen fired and then and retreated.

We did this dance for a couple of acres them moving forward and us making an attacking retreat.

We very organised that we were always one step ahead of them, they sometimes tried to attack us with what little cavalry they have but we sent them to their graves. I do not envy them right , they who have such a massive army were having trouble cooperating on how to attack.

"LORD IAN" a rider rode, we have found a ravine like you ask.

I have sent out riders earlier to find a more suitable battle field that would give me the advantage.

I called out messengers to deliver the message to the officers in charge of the the units to direct them to the proper direction where they should go.

"A little bit more, just a little bit more" I was sweating profusely at the the heat and the pressure that was coming onto me.

Gene Toroch pov:

"WHAT IS THAT BOY DOING!" I was starting to get aggregated by the lack of action that was happening. We were taking unnecessary losses and all this marching were starting to fatigue our soldiers.

"What is that?" it was a ravine up ahead and I realized what he was trying to do. " Everyone charge don't let him get to that ravine but as soon as I the words came out of my mouth the enemy started running towards it.

"Damn it!, It's to late." "Everyone halt!" I called a stop to the attack to see If I can plan a well planned assault.

"Mother" I looked around and saw my daughters with anger on their eyes.

"Why are we halting" My eldest daughter Festigale asked me.

all of them were burning with fury and started to voice their anger.

"This is not that man! he's an imposter!"Mesze was pointing at the boy.

"Maybe , it's his brother?" Jen was shaking her head in deep though.

"hahaha this is the man that beat both of you" my daughter Festigale teased Jen and Mezse.

Jen and Mesze stared daggers at her before....

"OW!" then they pinched her cheeks at the same time.

"Ladies lets be serious here, look they are getting into formation in that ravine, our numbers do not count here." I shook my head at the though of fighting that army head on, my belief that numbers counts is starting to slowly disappear.

"We are gonna have to fight them head on and I have bad feeling about it" I am doing what I tried to avoid and my stomach is starting to churn at the losses we might sustain.

We had made a deal with the Drakks that they would give us some provinces that we could occupy and expands I guess this is the price we have to pay.

I wonder if it's worth the loses, only the end will answer our questions I though.

"Prepare the army, we will break them in waves."

That was the best plan I could come up with, as long as the troops don't get tangle up we can probably outlast them.

"WHAT?!" I saw horsemen and people run along the enemies front carrying bangs of something and they were spreading it on the ground.


Ain reinmakers pov:

This is a perfect spot to destroy them, luckily I had some caltrops made and I used the cheat double ganger to multiply it.

"repeat my order, do not pursuit when they retreat, let them break along our lines also do not fire a volley when they are retreating, aim then shoot them".

After my orders were passed around I decided the lines for fatigue soldiers and also to see my mother and sister.

I found my sister and my mom talking " and that's what you should do." I caught the end of the conversation.

"Hello Margaret, hello mom"

"Well look who it is Mr.Commander."

My mother came to me and started pitching my cheeks and pulled me off my horse..

"OW!!! NOT IN FRO-N!" "OW!" Then my sister decided to join in the fun

"You can-t do thi-s! OW! OW!" non stop pitching occurred

When they were done I almost had tears a=in my eyes and my cheek puffy.

"I am the comman--er MOM! I started waving my hands

"Yes you are son" my mom laughed at me.

"okay I was just checking on both of you to see if how both of you were doing.

We had a little chat and they both said they were exited for a big battle, I was glad that the number difference did not discourage them and I hope the rest are as encourage as them.

"TROOO" the enemy horn blew, "Mom, sister! formation also be careful"

They both nodded their heads and ran to their proper positions.

"Here we go I though" Whoever is up there , please watch over me today.

Elise Prespi pov:

The first enemy formation enemy tried to make a formation but with all those caltrops on the ground they were having trouble finding their footing, our archers started raining volleys on them and they were falling like wheat to a scythe. The incredible number of dead were piling up before they even reached us, next the crossbowmen fired their bolts and took a number of the enemy down.

After the crossbowman, a mass charge started , as a man stepped towards me he hot a caltrop slowly dropping his guard so I threw my pila.

The pila went straight to his skull, "Not yet Elise, good throw though" my captain congratulated me.

Soon they got closed and we threw the pilas in ranks of three, "whosh!" the front ranks became instantly devastated.

"HOLD" the captain at the rear yelled before both side clashed.

The person at my back was pushing me forward and eventually everything came to settle and melee. I had enough experience to know the person in the back was guarding me so the first thing I did was stabbed at the enemies foot.

As they felt the sting they would look down and when they looked back up they were a spear headed for them, I would grabbed my spear short and stab upwards or the spear-man in my back would get them.

Many enemies fell like that, they could not push forward because of the loose ground and caltrops. We would bash then and they would fall only to be trampled by their men at the back pushing and shoving forward.

eventually they broke and ran, just to regroup on the other-side.

I surveyed the enemies numbers , but I did not feel fear but delight.

wave after wave came in and we send them back all the same, massive amounts of bodies little the field.

I would say about a third of the enemy was gone now it's only four to one and we have the advantage, then I saw the enemy make way for the axemen and celtic swordsman.

Those were very brave warriors, I had a hard time fighting them last time but this time it's different.

"COME YOU BASTARDS! I was yelling at them and I started banging my shield with my spear and before I knew it the rest of the army was following the rhythm of it.

"BANG!"BANG!"BANG!" such a sweet sound I though.