North bound

North bound

Ian Reinmaker pov:

Outside the city of Rougart was bustling with activity, soldiers from different armies littered the field with civilian contractors huddle up together with the supplies they were carrying.

The sound of laughter reverberated the sky as once enemies were now friends bound to each other.

"Son-in-law" Genre rushed Ian and hugged him

"Brother-in-law"the Toroch sisters did the same even giving Ian a peck on the cheeck.

They huddled together to prepare to set off.

"You have brought a mighty army and more than us this time" Gene looked at all the soldiers.

The soldiers were a sight to be looked at , fully equipped in gear and fit as you can get.

"People form all over the region are coming in massive waves because of my husbands greatness and generosity" Mesze started bragging.

"Do you see this sisters, I am about to marry such a man" Mesze proufly lifted her headu

"LUCKY!" Jen and Festigale toroch look at her with envy.

"Ian maybe you'll change youre mind about my sister, when you see this!" Jen Toroch flexed her bicept.

"Ha, that little thing! Look at this" Festigale Toroch started posing like a body builder.

"NO!, my husband only likes me" Mesze joined in.

"I feel like I am in a body building contest right now, please ladies stop" Ian was wide eye looking th the girls compete.

To make matter worse, the surrounding gorns woman saw this and started copying the Toroch trying to get Ian to notice them.

While this was going on another army showed up, it was the Isacc. they proudly marched forward carrying their banners and making camp.

"Tanir , Timothy! Welcome!,Welcome!" Ian saw a chance to get away from the Toroch women only to be brough back by the Isaccs. Wanting to meet his Lords new family Tanir and timothy were very courteus.

"No wonder Lord Ian fell in love so easily , you are all beautiful women" Tanir smiled and laughed as he said it.

"Of course we are and did Ian said we were beautiful" Gene interject.

Tanir and Gene hit it off pretty good while he converse with gene his son were left to the wolves.

"Hey pretty boy need a wife' Jen started posting again.

"Yeah need a wife" Festingale repeated her sister and started posting right beside her.

Margaret was giggling in the corner watching all of what what happening.

"Margaret , thanks for saving me...NOT!" Ian walked towards her and pinch his sister.

"Ow! MEZSE! HE"S BEING MEAN!" Margaret suddenly yelled catching everyone attention.

Ian was mercilessly attacked but the women Toroch and his sister, he had bruises from all of pinching.

That night a celebration ensued , thousands of soldiers and civilians from inside and outside the city were mingling. Many of the gordi women and men respected the strong and in their eyes the Reinmakers army was strong, as the night went on many drunk gorn stumbled all the while looking for a new husband and wife.

That night also became a holiday for the gorn and greda "The night of the carry" many of the greda were carried of by their own violation by the gorn and as the the night went on the greda started doing the same. Many people fell in love that night.

The bond of two different people got tighter that night.

"I want to be carried away too!" Mesze pouted at Ian

"..." Ian did not know how to respond to her but later that night he was defeated and was forced to carry Mesze over his shoulder.

"It feels like I am kidnapping her" Ian though

"WOOO! LOOK AT ME!" as Mesze was being carried , she yelled at the top of her lungs and many eyed the couple.

As he carried her further they ended up in a clearing and Mesze jump off and pulled Ian further into some rocky slopes and they climbing it.

When they got into the top they saw an unbelievable sight. At the top of the sloped you can see all the city and it's surrounding. The two mountains arche and dedorni and the night sky with the stars in the middle, it was like the sky has become a river of stars going towards the mountains.

"Beautiful is it not" Mesze was pointing at the sight and I was struck at the beauty of things.

Mesze suddenly grabbed my hand and pecked me on the cheek, I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and It was like looking at the scenery in front of me but much more lively. She tipped her toes and grabbed my shirt pulling me down and kissing me. The gentle texture of her tongue and lips salivated the inside of my mouth and bough shivers to my legs.

I could not stop myself and I grabbed her and pulled her up and down caressing her so ever-slowly . Salivating the moment , sitting up for a moment my hand slowly reached upwards close to her naval I grabbed her tunic and gently lifted it upwards and she mine. As our hands pulled together to the top undressing us at the same time, I pushed her under and started unbuckling her belt, as I pulled downwards she helped me with her hands and with some gentle twisting of the hips.

I press my hand forward ever so gently spreading my two fingers and I can smell her beautiful aroma, she grabbed my head and pulled me in and my body just....


The next morning after the celebration morale was up and everyone was in high spirits. We started our march north with six thousand troops and fifteen hundred civilian contractors.

"Woo hoo" Gene hollered at us as we rode.

The group caught up to me and Mesze as we rode together, I could not keep my eyes off her and she me.

" Where did you tow go last night" Margaret inquisitively asked

" We went up some slopes and saw the scenery" I answered her

"Was it beautiful?" Jen interjected

I looked at Mesze with a new fervor and remembered the night before, my heart felt like bursting info flames that very moment.

"Very beautiful, something I will always treasure" I answered Jen as I stared at Mesze beautiful eyes.