I do(2)

The next morning she quietly buttoned up her top as she prepared to go to school, he stared at her light brown eyes that were pretty small compared to her siblings. Staring at herself in the mirror she couldn't help but feel the overwhelming emotion of inferiority and worthlessness, she bit her lip but wore her trainers before grabbing her back and heading downstairs. She walked into the empty hallway before heading towards the front door and leaving the house, as she walked out the cold wind hit her face draining the moisture from her lips. She sighed and as she walked to the gate she saw the familiar figure of the boy from the day before.

He was really handsome, gorgeous short brown hair and tanned skin, she only reached his shoulders, he was just so finely crafted that even standing in front of him made her feel inferior.

It was a bad habit, the fact that she couldn't stop comparing herself to anyone she meets in terms of beauty, wealth, and intelligence. She always believed that she would be successful in life because she was lucky and born with the brains to do so, coupled with that she normally worked hard to reach the minimum expectations or even exceed it.

Because of that she always felt that even if she wasn't as pretty as the people in her life she would be able to find a man unparalleled to any other. But even if this man was a handsome devil she had this weird feeling like he wasn't good enough for her... even though he was superior to her.

This feeling... she feared was ignorance and pride.... or intuition.

"Good morning!" She greeted cheerfully as she walked out to greet him, he was wearing a plain white button-up shirt and a pair of dark blue trousers with a dark blue blazer. His uniform was plain but he still managed to show off the fact he was a model.

"Hey, Juliet." He said with a smile seeing her in a light green skirt and a white shirt with a light green tie. "How was your night?" He asked as they began walking to the bus station, Juliet was slightly confused as to why he was taking the same bus as her, could it be he lived nearby? She had no idea.

Truthfully, he had taken a bus to pick her up and would take another bus to school after dropping her off.

If he was indeed pretending to be in love then he was really good at it, too good.

[Two can play at that game.]

"Honestly I didn't sleep very well" she replied laughing nervously, he looked at her a little worried.

"How come? Are you sick? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" he sounded legitimately worried which made her applaud for him in her heart, after all this was her first love. She even remembered the first time she saw him, she had been completely disgusted by him but then he had managed to root himself in her heart for three years...

It took another man's death to thoroughly scrub all traces of him from her heart and she wasn't willing to let all that go to waste. "No I'm fine, I just couldn't believe everything that happened, I was just a bit shocked that's all, to think you would end up liking me..." She recalled the day he had confessed to her, the weather to her was oddly beautiful.

He had asked her to meet him by the river and what he did first was to kneel, with his forehead touching the floor, his hands shaking and his voice trembling. "I'm sorry..." he said as she could feel the aura of guilt he emitted.

She had, however, not cared and instead decided to ask, "Sorry for what?"

"For everything!"

She had sneered at him then, everything? she was mocked, laughed at, and verbally abused, her mental health had taken a huge toll, she had starved herself for days and even fainted and was rushed to the hospital, she remembered all those things and had stored them in her heart.

[But all that was done by those around you, not him...]

Yes, he might not have been the one to bully her and call her fat, he didn't even openly reject her feelings, he just chose to ignore it and watch everything.

"I didn't have the courage to stand up and to date the girl I liked because of what people expected of me!"

She trembled in rage, if it was her she wouldn't be so cowardly... "Oh?" her voice had become dangerously lower as she tried to keep her burning heart at bay. "What changed?"

"I... grew up..."

However, the boy in front of her wasn't frowning, he was instead smiling at her full of happiness and satisfaction, as if they were both mutually in love, the satire, in this case, was strong.

"I'm glad I was able to tell you the truth after all this time."

I decided to ask a question that had been on my mind for a long time... "What about Katherine?"

The model, the beauty, the perfect girl, his ex.

His mood suddenly dimmed, "She.. broke up with me at the beginning of summer." there was now an awkward silence between them as they were now at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. As the bus came into view she began to ask...

"Damion..... did you by chance ask me out because she broke up with you?...."

She didn't even wait for the answer, the bus stopped in front of her and she got on, she didn't need to hear it.

"Wait! Juliet!"

She paid no heed to him, she expected this. But even so... it hurt to know you were a backup plan.