Senior brother Yang

After accepting a mission to subdue a certain amount of demonic wolves lurking in the dangerous mountain range 20km from the sect, the information of the mission was transferred into the disciple token that was given to Han.

Han decided to explore around the sect.

He purchased a common looking iron sword from the weapon pavilion with the few gold taels he was provided by old man Jian when he first joined the sect.

It was 80 cm long, just perfect for Han's tiny stature of 140cm. It was not too light or heavy, it felt perfect in Han's hands.

After getting the weapon, Han decided to visit the apothecary department, he needed to make sure he had enough healing items in his storage sack before he left.

Along the way, Han discovered that the Yin Yang Sword Sect was a very big sized sect, it was too huge, to the point that he had gotten lost in it multiple times.

Luckily, he met a fellow disciple who was kind enough to bring him along and show him the way, saving him so much time.

-Senior brother Yang, thank you so much for helping me.

Leading Han was a young male disciple, around the age of 14 to 15. He was wearing the standard Yin Yang Sword sect's robe designated for the disciples, which was full black while a symbol of Tai ji was embroidered onto his chest, he was mildly handsome, with a very gentle disposition.

-It is no trouble at all, junior brother, helping each other is a given in the sect, only through unity will we grow stronger and develop a sense of camaraderie.

He probably has good luck with chicks.

Han thought as he stared at the smiling face of Yang Chi Huan.


-Senior brother Yang, did we come to the wrong place?

Han looked towards the shabby and broken down building in front of him, wasn't the image in his mind and reality too different?

-No its not wrong, this is indeed where the Apothecary department lies.

Yang chuckled.

-It simply looks like this because everyone who manages this building simply has no time to clean up and maintain the building's appearance, thus making their department's prestige slightly lower.

They are always brewing medicine and concocting medicinal pills, compared to the other places of the sect, the people here are indeed much more hardworking and respectable.

Han nodded his head, it seems to be true, who will bother to keep up with their appearance if they're such a fanatic at what they are doing, there wasn't even enough time to complete their work.

-Lets head in.

Yang led the way and walked in.

When Han entered the apothecary hall, he was baffled. Many young and old were scurrying about, yelling and screaming their heads off. Some looked like they had not bath for a year, some were not as bad, just that they had an unkempt appearance.


Han was speechless.

-Come, lets get what you need from the counter.

Yang led Han towards the counter and said

-Give me 3 bottles of self-regeneration pills and 3 salves of golden wound oil.

The elder who had been sitting back on his recliner nodded his head, stood up and went to the back. Probably to the storage area where they kept the medicines.

He soon came back and 3 bottles of self-regeneration pills and golden wound oil were placed in front of him

-10 spirit stones.

Han fumbled about his storage sack and realized that he did not have so much on him, he scratched his head in helplessness.

-Here, 10 spirit stones.

Yang, as if he knew what was going on, paid for Han and gave him a bright smile.

-Treat it as a greeting present for our fated meeting.

Han was blinded by that smile, he felt so touched.

Such a nice person! If he was a girl, so many guys would've fallen for him!