Heading back

While observing the fight that was ongoing between the two beasts, a thought went through Han's head. Instead of letting them kill each other off, I might as well be the oriole that stalks behind the cicada and swoop in for the final kill, getting the most benefits out of this situation!

His intention was to let the both the panther and the wolf wear each other out enough so that they would no longer post a threat to him, before heading in to join the fray and kill them both. It was risky but it was worth a shot! Imagine the amount of experience he would earn through them. Just thinking about it made him have a tingling sensation down his spine.

The fight slowly became more intense and brutal and the alpha wolf had long before thrown Han's existence to the back of its mind, it had to focus all its energy and attention on the opponent in front of it. It could feel that this panther that was giving out a menacing aura could threaten its life.

The panther decided to end the fight quickly, it could not afford to drag this fight any longer. The wounds that were barely healed began to re-open with new wounds starting to show their marks on its body.

It let out a roar and a visible sound wave was generated, it continued to spread out to a circumference of 100m and the earth that was within the range all turned loose and sunk further into the ground, resulting the area to look like a pit had been created, stones crumbled and dissipated into dusts while grass and trees were slowly being destroyed, turning into remnants of what they were used to be.

The wolf reacted to this and hurriedly dodged, trying to get away from the corrosion effect that the sound wave produced.

It had barely managed to get out of range, but paid a price of losing one of its hind limbs, becoming a 3 legged wolf. The vitality within the wolf greatly diminished and it felt exhausted.

The Moonshadow panther who had tried to end it in a single move wasn't in a better shape then the wolf either, after overexerting itself, it began to lose control of the qi that was accumulated in its body. The qi turned chaotic and started to run amok within the panther, resulting in a backlash. The panther coughed out blood as it nearly lost balance and fall to the ground.

Han decided that it was about time to strike and started to move from his spot.

An ice cold killing aura started to gradually emit from his being as his gaze chilled, as if there were black flames burning in his eyes.

He lashed out at the wolf that was in better shape, he decided that dealing with the panther was easier compared to the wolf as the wolf's only loss in that battle was a limb. Where else the panther's fighting capability had dropped to lesser then 30% !

The wolf that was caught unaware as its attention was solely focused on the panther suddenly felt a chill running across its back, but by the time it realized the cause. Han had already punctured its jugular and gave it a cruel twist, reaping away the life of the alpha wolf.

The wolf's last sight before it lost its consciousness was a sight of terror , it was the young child which it had been pursuing, with a short curved dagger in his hands that had managed to find its way into its throat. What terrified the wolf the most was the unfeeling expression and cold gaze that was directed upon itself. It was like the death god had came to collect its soul as predetermined by the heavens.

It unwillingly fell unto the ground as all life ceased to exist within it.

'Ding, Host has managed to kill the Alpha Wolf 'Dead Harvester Wolf' , experience gained... EXP+ '

Han ignored the strings of notifications as his sight landed onto the remaining survivor, the Moonshadow panther.

The panther was too injured to move and had to stabilize its condition , all it could do during the fight between Han and the alpha wolf was to just calmly look on, as it knew that its current condition was far from a match to Han.

Han didn't wait for the panther to recover, he had no sympathy for it. If he was the one suffering from the injuries it had, he would be the one who's going to be dead in place for it. There was simply no compassion in the jungle. The strong preys on the weak.

The remaining scuffle didn't take too long. The panther was dead shortly after the wolf and Han was the overall victor.

'Ding, Host has managed to kill the 'Shadowmoon panther' , experience gained... EXP +'

'Ding. Host has managed to reach Qi Refining 6th Stage!'

'Ding. Host has managed to reach the 8th stage of Qi Refining for physical body state!'

A series of notifications sounded in his head, but Han was too tired to bother about it.

He finally felt relieved of any burdens, he felt lethargic , but at the same time he was elated and excited.

He had managed to kill both of the adversaries that he made in this forest!

He slowly walked over to the corpse of the alpha wolf and tiredly hacked at its tail. He still had the final trophy to gain before he could head back and submit the completion of his mission.

He glanced at both the corpses of the panther and wolf. He really wanted to bring both back and sell the corpses for a good amount, but the storage bag that he had on him did not contain so much space for him to do so, he could only sighed resignedly and scrap the idea.

'Reminder, host may unlock the spacial storage function of the system for the price of a 150 EXP'

Han's eyes that were downcast, lit up immediately.

Exchange! He definitely wanted these 2 corpses!

'EXP has been received, pending ..... '

'Ding, congratulations, host has yet unlocked yet another function, the spacial storage has been unlocked, all host has to do is to just store it in the system with a thought.'

Han understood, then waved his hands at the corpses.

Like performing a magic trick, both the dead bodies disappeared into thin air. The only mark that it left were the blood puddles that had formed previously.


After cleaning himself up in the river, Han changed into a new set of clothes.

It was time to leave and head back. The motive he had before coming to the forest was accomplished and there was no reason in staying here any longer.

As darkness slowly ate away the sunlight, Han started his journey back to the sect.


Name: Han

Age: 10

Level: 12

Qi Refining Stage 6 (20/2500)

Physical Body State: Qi Refining Stage 8


Steel Bone Body lvl 5 (40/1200)

Mirage Steps lv 8 (3130/7200)

Pangu Visualization Art lv 4 (20/500)

Quick Draw Blade lv 6 (50/100)

Sword mastery lv 1 (0/75)


Intelligence: 120

Wisdom: 60

Luck: ?
