
As Chu Tiannan stumbled and fell onto the ground, there was no longer anything blocking the 2 ladies' field of vision as they finally had a good look at the mysterious figure that was standing aloofly in front of them, as he too, inspected them back.

Liu Ningmei and Ye Mengqing who were standing beside each other had their eyes slackened as their eyes slowly grew dazed, as if their souls were sucked out of them when they saw the shadow's visage.

Ning Qingxue who was standing behind them couldn't see the figure and abruptly noticed their unresponsive selves before trying to shake them out of their stupor.

Not having any success, Qingxue stepped forward and helped Chu Tiannan who was on the ground up and took a glimpse of the silhouette in front of her. Chu Tiannan who received her kind intentions felt grateful and a burst of courage rushed forth from his inner being. He recollected himself and stood in between the demon and his junior sisters, protecting them and attempting to have a showdown to display his valiance.

Qingxue was greatly startled when she saw Han's face, the face was simply too demonic. Having the capability to cause the downfall of many ladies who had weak mental fortitude, especially lonely widows.

But the horns that were on his head were the deal breaker, shaking her out of her dazed state. Qingxue immediately became aware of the state she was in previously and cold sweat trickled down her back. It was too dangerous. If the person opposite her had any intention to kill her and her fellow sisters while they were in that vulnerable state, nobody could stop him. Not even Chu Tiannan who was panicking about on the ground earlier would be able to.

Wiiiing! Wiiing!

She suddenly noticed that the sword she was holding and swords that belonged to her fellow disciples beginning to vibrate and become agitated, trying to break free of their owner's control and rush towards the figure, as if they had finally found their true master. This anomaly greatly unsettled her.

Impossible! She was shocked, the weapons they had were merely ordinary spiritual weapons that were mass produced by the sect! It is not able to absorb and contain enough spiritual qi for it to be able to develop sentience! But what was happening in front of her proved her otherwise. The swords were struggling desperately to get to the horned man's side and prostrate to him!

With the swords struggling and making a bunch of noise, the other 2 ladies finally woke up from their dazed state. After grasping the situation that they were in, horror started to slowly settle onto their face.


Han was staring at the group of 4 in front of him, he felt stifled within due to withholding his laughter for too long, the man was too cowardly! Stumbling backwards and displaying a look of horror after looking at his face!

Despite feeling amused, he was also slightly offended.

This brother here, have you ever seen or even heard about such a handsome and perfect man in your entire life? Now there's one in front of you, yet you show such behavior, this is an insult to me!


The other 3 ladies reaction were much more acceptable though. Han nodded inwardly, it seems like even if my cultivation levels cease to improve, I can still depend on this face of mine to have a livelihood!

Thinking about such things, Han was delighted. However all of these abruptly changed. He began to feel an ever rising blood lust within him, starting to churn and rage , the target of it were the 4 people in front of him. A voice started to sound and constantly chant in his head as his eyes slowly turned cold.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Only through killing will you ever find the true meaning of your existence!

Kill all who defies!

Kill all who disobey!

Kill every single living being you see!

Ants who get trampled deserves no sympathy!

Drown yourself in the lusting for blood!


NO! Han refused to turn into a mindless killing machine and screamed from within. Furiously suppressing his primal desires. Doing so resulted in a backlash and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

His thoughts were turning haphazard and he desperately revolved the [Pangu Visualization Arts] to calm himself down, letting out a stifled snort, he spoke out.

-Leave, immediately!

The group of 4 who sensed that the horned figure's killing intent towards them was rising, felt unsettled and panicked.

-Lets leave now, hurry!

Ning Qingxue who noticed that the figure though wanted to kill them, restrained himself and told them to scram, she felt peculiar about this but did not place too much thought on it, her priority now is to get her sisters out of this cave and retreat back to safety, far away from this dangerous man.

-Fear not junior sisters, for I am here! This evil being shall be mine to slay, fret not and stay away!

Chu Tiannan bellowed out heroically.

As for Chu Tiannan, she didn't care if he lives or die. Since he is seeking death, let him do so. She could feel the aura that was surging out relentlessly from the horned man, it felt like a hammer violently slamming down onto her chest. Even if all 4 of them grouped together to fight, they still wouldn't be a match for him. She decisively brought her sisters away.

Not noticing that the 3 girls have left, Chu Tiannan continued to taunt Han, trying to provoke him into attacking.

Han who was already having difficulties to keep his sanity raged within.


He unconsciously waved his sword and sent out a [Tyrant's Qi Slash] at the idiot prancing about in front of him. His body was slowly being taken over by the primal bloodlust that was surging in him.


Chu Tiannan was send flying like a dead rag doll and slammed into the cave walls, creating a huge human figure shaped dent. Sending him into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

Han immediately vented out some of his pent up desires and managed to regain some sanity, he immediately rushed out of the cave and sped towards the most deepest part of the mountain range, where countless demonic beasts dwell and lurked in.


He let out a bestial roar and let loose, the blood lust within him was like a water trapped in a dam, after the dam broke. It rushed out madly at began to take over Han.

The roar attracted several beasts who were resting and it infuriated them, who was this creature that had such audacity to step into my territory?!

All the territory beast lords started to gather towards Han.

As Han who was not in a sane state, saw the beasts gathering towards him and pouncing at him viciously, his face let out a chilling and terrifying grin as he pulled out his sword and dived into the fray.