
"Alliance?" Mo Xie asked, although the word itself is nice, he couldn't really tell which part of it is.

An alliance has one aim, a goal in which multiple groups of people had joined to pursue. And since it's already laid down in front of him, Mo Xie couldn't help but pry into it deeper: "What's the goal of this alliance?"

Meng Wanyu smiled, he looked at Mo Xie full of intent to kill, but for some reason, he's holding himself back. He tried to calm himself further, he breathed a sigh as he calmed himself again and spoke: "You don't have to worry about those things, we merely want you to stay put and don't get involved too much for a year or two and diligently cultivate."

Meng Wanyu then looked at the three ladies with his palm wide open before returning his gaze at Mo Xie: "Of course, for that, we already prepared three top-class cultivation partners."