Samsara Shadow Statues.

Mo Xie and the Ethereal Ghost looked at each other for a while, not knowing how to continue further, Mo Xie asked: "What's your name?"

The ethereal ghost sighed: "I am Jinhai... Well, you can just call me the mighty emperor for short."

"That's longer." Mo Xie replied immediately.

The two of them went to idle chatter for a bit, Mo Xie then asked: "Your second question, what is it?"

Jinhai sighed: "You didn't even ask if my first one is finished."

"I don't need to." Mo Xie replied immediately.

Jinhai sighed: "You know, I think I'm cursed."

Mo Xie maintained an 'I don't really care' type of face.

Jinhai seeing Mo Xie's noncommittal face then continued; "After so much time being here trapped, unable to move on, the first person I encountered is a boring kid..."