Centipede Queen, Kara

Seeing the glowing red eyes of the queen centipede and asked, Mo Xie unsummoned the statues, well, he still used roughly 20 minutes, but it's still worth it since he can just get out now if he wants to.

But just for security purposes, Mo Xie's flying a centimeter away every second. If the queen of centipedes wishes to talk, then, they can talk, but if it's like another Jinhai but this time wishes to devour him, then, it is goodbye.

Mo Xie opened his mouth slightly: "Well, I can speak a little bit of the ancient beast language."

"That's good... It..." The queen looked at Mo Xie stopping for a bit: "You don't need to slowly fly away, even if you managed to run away from me, I can easily kill the people inside that cave."

Mo Xie glared for a bit before calming himself up: "Why should I care about them? It's not like we all know of each other."