The Heaven's proud Earth Prince and the Solar Son.

Mo Xie and the rest sat inside the room given by Elder Qian, this room is actually superb as one can see almost everything, there's also a formation preventing others from being able to see those that are inside.

He nodded in approval: "This is quite comfortable." Other than a table and a couch for three people to sit on, there are also a few chairs available behind it, must be reserved for followers or servants, Xuan Yuan, and the rest sat there after being ordered by Mo Xie to do so.

As he sat in the middle, Shang Ting sat beside him, and yeah, the other side was taken by Tanya!

The atmosphere became rather awkward as he couldn't help but remain silent, meanwhile, Aiqing couldn't help but just snicker at her father's 'good luck' and sat in a corner with Vielka.

Purple Sun Monarch smiled wryly at Tanya's behavior, he couldn't help but utter: "Just like your father.."

Xuan Yuan hearing this smiled: "Oh, his father is also the shy innocent type?"